Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The Song That Will Never End


And the joy of Jerusalem
was heard far away.

            Nehemiah 12. 43

(Worshiping God
does not just change us,
but infiltrates the culture
      all around us,
not just audibly
but visibly in what we do,
how we respond,
what we say,
what we hum,
and even how we look.
The time we spend
  with the Almighty
is reflected in our countenance
   and resounds in
   the patterns and practices 
                          of our lives.
And that kind of joy
  is not just about our attitude,
  but realizing His abiding.
It is the song that never ends.)

Please fill us with the joy
  of worshiping You.
Let that joy overflow
into all that we do.
And may we come back
       for free refills.
May the sound of worship
  be heard far away
  and never end.

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