Monday, August 19, 2024

Believe in yourself doesn't cut it

Say to my soul,
"I am your salvation."

         Psalm 35. 3

(On whom or what
         do we rely?
   "Believe in yourself"
   doesn't cut it
   and never will.
It is not that we need
   to remind God,
but repeatedly remind ourselves
      of who God is.
And it is not us.
Salvation in this verse
encompasses the full depth
     of relationship with God.
He is with us, yes indeed,
  but He also helps,
changes out our hearts,
delivers us from our fears,
seeks our well-being and
  well-doing, even in
  the hardest situations,
and brings His victory
   in a thousand different
His glory is
  so much bigger
than what we see
             as winning.)

You do far beyond
  what we can ask,
  or think, or imagine,
and indeed,
  far beyond what we
  could ever do.
May Your salvation
  cover this situation
and shine within us
that we would know
  You are God.
You are our help.
You are our strength.
You carry us through
   every moment.


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