Sunday, August 18, 2024

By Any and Every Means

 The LORD redeems

 the life of His servants....

               Psalm 34. 22


(Yes, what we do

         matters to God.

He does not just notice,

    but God redeems.

In unexpected ways,

  He reveals the full value

  of every faithful endeavor.

By any and every means,

God releases, sets free,

  and fulfills His purposes

  for His saints,

far beyond our lifetimes.

There are no ordinary tasks,

    just extraordinary ones.

And God uses them all.

Does what we do matter?

    Absolutely for all eternity.

We would be amazed to see

   what God does with it.

God redeems.)



Help us to serve You

  in whatever we do today.

Empower us to know

that You don't just redeem

   our every action,

but You are constantly

    redeeming our lives.

Past tense, present tense,

       and eternally.

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