Saturday, August 3, 2024

Super Glue All Over


Be strong and courageous.
Do not be afraid or dismayed
before the king of Assyria
and all the horde
   that is with him,
for there are more with us
        than with him.
With him is an arm of flesh,
but with us
    is the LORD our God,
to help us
    and to fight our battles.

          2 Chronicles 32. 7-8

(It is not a matter that we struggle,
    --because we all 
            struggle with something--
         but how we respond to it.
The key part of this verse is
           but with us,
With us is the Almighty 
with Whom we can walk 
differently in what we face.
It is not a matter of
  holding on with both hands,
but letting Him hold tight to us.
In His strength and courage,
   we can see a way through.
The Hebrew word for strength
      emphasizes adhesion
--to tie fast, bind strongly,
           hold and stick fast.
Super glue can withstand
   extreme conditions
because it seeps into material
         and below the surface.
God is stronger still,
       not just a quick fix.
God does not just help us,
        but is with us.
He is our strength.)

You call us to approach our
    struggles and storms
with fresh hearts
       strengthened by You.
Help us to realize
       You are with us in this.
And You are in this.
Use this overwhelming situation
    to draw us closer to You.
Our courage and strength
       are only in You.
You have
  an unbreakable grip on us.
Help us to bind ourselves 
            to You
and face this struggle
            with You.


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