Monday, August 5, 2024

Even in the Scary Stuff


Though an army
  encamp against me,
my heart shall not fear;
though war arise
                against me,
yet I will be confident.

          Psalm 27. 3

even in these hard
   and scary situations,
   we are not alone.
We can trust Him
in the midst of the volatile
            and overwhelming,
      even in this.
God is not just with us
      in the blue skies,
but all the way through
  the storms and struggles.
Trusting God is layered
     in the everydays,
in our patterns,
in our first responses,
equipped, trained
   and practiced
when it does not seem to matter.
So that we know Him,
        and know to trust Him,
when it is a split-second
   matter of life and death.
Trust Me in this.
             Even in this.) 

Please walk us through
   these hard places
with Your strength.
Surround us
   in the overwhelming
that we would bring You glory
  in impossible circumstances.
You have strategically
       positioned us
  for Your purposes.
Help us to see this situation
         with Your heart,
to grasp Your vision
and to be Your hands and feet.
Cast out our fear
  and fill us with trust
that we would walk differently
      with You in this.

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