Sunday, September 29, 2024

You're Gonna Need A Bigger Tent


Enlarge the place
   of your tent,
and let the curtains
   of your habitations
   be stretched out.
Do not hold back,
lengthen your cords and
strengthen your stakes.
For you will spread abroad
    to the right
    and to the left,
and your offspring
      will possess the nations
and will people
            the desolate cities.

                Isaiah 54. 23

(Now is not the time
to huddle up
       and kick back.
God did not strategically
place us here for a holiday,
   but for holiness
Enlarge the place
        of the ministry
        God has given.
Think about it differently.
With both new doors
   and in familiar spaces,
may we bring the gospel,
even in what we never
considered ministry before.)

Help us to see and grasp
  that all of life is ministry,
every effort, every word,
every action and attitude,
        even the potholes.
Please multiply
  our faithfulness to You
  in a million unexpected ways,
far beyond our abilities,
far beyond our lifetimes.

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