Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Our Work Matters. It Matters A Lot.


Do you see a person
   skillful in his work?
He will stand before kings.
He will not stand
         before obscure men.

            Proverbs 22. 29

(Our work matters,
    whatever it is,
matters enough to do our best
in whatever God
       puts in our hands,
       lays before us,
    or calls us to do.
When we are faithful to Him,
God does not just
            make room for it.
It brings Him glory.
In our work,
     we stand before Him.
In Hebrew, the word avodah
   means both
        work and worship.
Being the best
     is a selfish competition.
Doing our best
      serves the Almighty.
And draws us to Him.)

Help us this day
to see our work differently.
May we honor You
  in whatever we do,
  whatever You place before us,
not as a drudgery or task,
but an opportunity
    to bring You glory
in a job well-done.
Guide us, Almighty One,
  differently into this day.

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