Thursday, September 12, 2024

First Responders


....should not a people
    inquire of their God?

          Isaiah 8. 19

(We seek after a lot of things,
but have I asked God
                about this?
Am I putting my own plans,
and agendas and ideas
                 before Him
instead of listening
                 and responding
  as He lays His day
           before me?
When we pray,
when we read Scripture,
God does not just guide us.
He helps us to realize
        He is with us
   right here and right now.)

May we come to You
    in the early morning light
and pray, converse
         and walk with You
    through the day.
Help us to inquire of You.
First response,
         not last resort.
Please lay Your day
        before us.
Grant to us the wisdom
   and awareness
   to respond to You,
listening not for Your voice,
          but to Your voice.

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