Monday, September 2, 2024

Who is in Control Here?


For the love of Christ
     controls us...

    2 Corinthians 5. 14

(What can be new here?
Who do we allow
           to be in control?
Jesus' love holds us fast,
keeps us completely,
compels us to see all things
    with a new heart,
urges us
   not just to do something
   different in this situation,
but to be someone different,
       a force of love
       and newness.
How do we respond
   to these circumstances,
   to this dilemma,
   to these impossible people?
His grace has been
        poured over us.
We cannot help
  but to be different,
an instrument of His love
          and healing.)

We seek that You
   would control our hearts
that we would be
            of Your grace
in a foreign place
   or the utterly familiar.
Hold us tight.
Direct our thoughts.
Guide our steps.
Confirm Your grace in us.
May Your love order
         our responses today.

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