Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Changing the Landscape


In days to come
Jacob shall take root,
Israel shall blossom
   and put forth shoots
and fill the whole world
          with fruit.

          Isaiah 27. 6

(What to do today?
Fill every square inch,
every corner, every crevice,
   every narrow squeak,
every patch of ground
         with fruit.
What can we bring
             to the table?
Whole baskets of blessings
       in unexpected places.
And sometimes unpacking
   something new
               in the familiar.)

We are not just here
            for a reason.
You have strategically
    placed us in this situation
    for Your glory,
cultivating, nourishing,
   pulling weeds, sowing seeds,
and planting orchards
        of fruit trees
which transform the landscape
  far beyond our lifetimes.
We may not be able
to alter circumstances,
but we can be faithful
  and let God
  bear the fruit in it.

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