Monday, September 16, 2024

A New Way to Handle This


...a blessing
   in the midst of the earth.

           Isaiah 19. 24

(Right here, right now,
in the most unlikely situations
   and unexpected moments,
wherever, whenever,
          among whomever,
God has placed each of us
      here strategically
to do something different
   and to be a blessing.
This is how to approach
   these circumstances.
This is how to navigate
   this troubled path.
Bring the light of Jesus here.
We either see the trouble
    or the opportunity.)

Use us by Your great power
   to be a blessing to others
in awkward, uncomfortable,
   and strange places
          and relationships.
Transform this moment
into one that reverberates
with Your surprising wonders.
And in the process,
  may we bless You.

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