...He said to Simon,
"Put out into the deep
and let down your nets
for a catch."
And Simon answered,
we toiled all night
and took nothing!
But at Your word,
I will let down the nets."
And when they had done this,
they enclosed
a large number of fish,
and their nets were breaking.
Luke 5. 4-6
(Do we respond to God's leading,
or argue with Him?
What huge blessings,
joy and strength
have we missed
because we haven't trusted Him?
God is just waiting
to astonish us with the unexpected,
even in impossible, bleak situations.
Because God never works
in singular dimensions,
our faithfulness to Him
always directly impacts others,
even in ways we may never see.
Following God rarely takes
the most likely path--
that we would know
that it is His hand,
not ours.
That we would not just know
it is Him,
but that we would know Him.
He is God.
Even now.
Even in this.)
Why are we always amazed
at what You can do?
You are the Almighty.
Help us to walk with You
through these troubled times.
Point our hearts to You
that we would point others
to You,
that they would see
Your steadfast love
and Your hope,
that on which
we stake our lives.
We will not just
get through this.
But let Your glory
get all over everything.
Let what is
beyond our understanding
and beyond our control
reach beyond survival
to bring revival
of our hearts toward You.
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