Friday, September 6, 2024

Keep Calm and Carry On


If the anger of the ruler
  rises against you,
do not leave your place,
for calmness
will lay great offenses
              to rest.

            Ecclesiastes 10.4

(The outcome of a matter
is always determined
    by our response to it.
Instead of confrontation,
     a conversation.
Instead of ammunition,
Instead of returning
         anger with anger,
  to bear a tranquil composure.
In Hebrew, this verse reads:
"gentleness hinders
        great offenses."
As much as it is in our power,
   let gentleness
   turn the tide.)

Please help us approach
this difficulty,
this troubled situation,
these IMPOSSIBLE people,
because we know
            and love You.
Fill us with Your grace,
   give us Your peace
to transform this struggle
       into something good.
Enlarge our vocabulary
     and our hearts
that we may respond
  with gentleness and grace.

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