Monday, September 9, 2024

Be That Tree


But I am like
   a green olive tree
in the house of God.
I trust in
the steadfast love of God
                and ever.

              Psalm 52. 8

(The olive tree is an evergreen,
thriving in any kind of soil,
                   even sand.
Deeply rooted,
  it can withstand drought
  for lengthy periods of time.
It is known for its beauty,
   being fruitful and
   purposeful, bearing fruit,
   oil, and wood.
Trusting God looks like that,
distinctive and thriving,
  no matter the soil,
  no matter the circumstances,
taking root downward
         and bearing fruit upward.
Trusting God for His steadfast love
allows us to respond differently,
   even in rock hard conditions,
learned not in crisis,
but strengthened in daily steps
   on the most ordinary days.)

Thrive in us for Your glory
and for the good of
   all those around us.
Bear fruit through us
  tromping in the wilderness,
  wandering in the desert,
  weathering the storms,
and trusting You,
           even on this very day.
Grant to us the strength
   to trust You.
              Even in this.


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