Thursday, September 5, 2024

Because We Can Walk Differently


That your trust
    may be in the LORD...

       Proverbs 22. 19

(It is not questioning
     why these things are happening,
but in the midst
of our struggles
         or victories,
we may
    trust not circumstances,
    what has been
             or what is now,
    nor what is to come,
but trust in God.
Because when we trust God,
    we walk differently.
He does not just have our back,
  but secures our steps,
in the familiar
  and in the darkness.
   has a strong hold on us.
He holds us tight.)

Thank You
  that we can trust You
  in all things
and through all things.
Secure not just our ways
   but our hearts.
May we know that
we don't walk alone.
We never have to.
You are with us.
And on that,
    we can depend.
Even in this.
May it not be just
      evident to us,
but point others to You.

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