Friday, September 20, 2024

Sometimes Even Bushwhacking


And your ears shall hear
   a word behind you, saying,
"This is the way,
           walk in it,"
when you turn to the right
or when you turn to the left.

                Isaiah 30.21

(God directs us.
God guides and provides.
But are we listening?
Are we aware of
     His way in this?
Listening for His voice,
listening to His voice,
and responding
             to His nudges
when it doesn't seem to matter
  that we may be prepared,
sensitive, awake, quick to trust,
               when it really does.
Have I even considered
  laying this situation before Him?
Have I even considered
  His way in this?
Not always the obvious path,
sometimes even bushwhacking,
but God directs our steps
   when we follow Him.)

Help us to not just hear Your voice,
but listen, trust
         and respond.
Guide us into our day.
Guide us in Your way.
Direct our steps
     even in the unexpected
and what we can't understand.
Keep us from being distracted
  from where You are taking us
  and on this path today.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Dwell Instead On This


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Changing the Landscape


In days to come
Jacob shall take root,
Israel shall blossom
   and put forth shoots
and fill the whole world
          with fruit.

          Isaiah 27. 6

(What to do today?
Fill every square inch,
every corner, every crevice,
   every narrow squeak,
every patch of ground
         with fruit.
What can we bring
             to the table?
Whole baskets of blessings
       in unexpected places.
And sometimes unpacking
   something new
               in the familiar.)

We are not just here
            for a reason.
You have strategically
    placed us in this situation
    for Your glory,
cultivating, nourishing,
   pulling weeds, sowing seeds,
and planting orchards
        of fruit trees
which transform the landscape
  far beyond our lifetimes.
We may not be able
to alter circumstances,
but we can be faithful
  and let God
  bear the fruit in it.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

We Cannot Help But Be Changed


Monday, September 16, 2024

A New Way to Handle This


...a blessing
   in the midst of the earth.

           Isaiah 19. 24

(Right here, right now,
in the most unlikely situations
   and unexpected moments,
wherever, whenever,
          among whomever,
God has placed each of us
      here strategically
to do something different
   and to be a blessing.
This is how to approach
   these circumstances.
This is how to navigate
   this troubled path.
Bring the light of Jesus here.
We either see the trouble
    or the opportunity.)

Use us by Your great power
   to be a blessing to others
in awkward, uncomfortable,
   and strange places
          and relationships.
Transform this moment
into one that reverberates
with Your surprising wonders.
And in the process,
  may we bless You.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

God Written All Over It


Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Middle of the Story


Friday, September 13, 2024

The Fine Art of Upbuilding


Thursday, September 12, 2024

First Responders


....should not a people
    inquire of their God?

          Isaiah 8. 19

(We seek after a lot of things,
but have I asked God
                about this?
Am I putting my own plans,
and agendas and ideas
                 before Him
instead of listening
                 and responding
  as He lays His day
           before me?
When we pray,
when we read Scripture,
God does not just guide us.
He helps us to realize
        He is with us
   right here and right now.)

May we come to You
    in the early morning light
and pray, converse
         and walk with You
    through the day.
Help us to inquire of You.
First response,
         not last resort.
Please lay Your day
        before us.
Grant to us the wisdom
   and awareness
   to respond to You,
listening not for Your voice,
          but to Your voice.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Carrying Us Through


God is my helper.
The Lord is the upholder
       of my life.

            Psalm 54. 4

(Repeat this outloud
    ten times a day,
until this truth
    is engraved in our hearts.
God will not just
       get us through this.
God is helping us.
God has a strong hold.
             He upholds.
These are words of love
  and personal relationship,
about One who cares deeply
  and carries us through,
not a cute wishful saying,
  but a promise to be grasped.
In Hebrew, upholder translates:
   the sustainer of my soul,
 Who comes alongside
      to lean upon.)

Whatever our task,
whatever lies before us,
we are not alone in this.
You are with us,
    helping us.
One of Your names is
the Lord who is right here.
Carry us through.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Our Work Matters. It Matters A Lot.


Do you see a person
   skillful in his work?
He will stand before kings.
He will not stand
         before obscure men.

            Proverbs 22. 29

(Our work matters,
    whatever it is,
matters enough to do our best
in whatever God
       puts in our hands,
       lays before us,
    or calls us to do.
When we are faithful to Him,
God does not just
            make room for it.
It brings Him glory.
In our work,
     we stand before Him.
In Hebrew, the word avodah
   means both
        work and worship.
Being the best
     is a selfish competition.
Doing our best
      serves the Almighty.
And draws us to Him.)

Help us this day
to see our work differently.
May we honor You
  in whatever we do,
  whatever You place before us,
not as a drudgery or task,
but an opportunity
    to bring You glory
in a job well-done.
Guide us, Almighty One,
  differently into this day.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Be That Tree


But I am like
   a green olive tree
in the house of God.
I trust in
the steadfast love of God
                and ever.

              Psalm 52. 8

(The olive tree is an evergreen,
thriving in any kind of soil,
                   even sand.
Deeply rooted,
  it can withstand drought
  for lengthy periods of time.
It is known for its beauty,
   being fruitful and
   purposeful, bearing fruit,
   oil, and wood.
Trusting God looks like that,
distinctive and thriving,
  no matter the soil,
  no matter the circumstances,
taking root downward
         and bearing fruit upward.
Trusting God for His steadfast love
allows us to respond differently,
   even in rock hard conditions,
learned not in crisis,
but strengthened in daily steps
   on the most ordinary days.)

Thrive in us for Your glory
and for the good of
   all those around us.
Bear fruit through us
  tromping in the wilderness,
  wandering in the desert,
  weathering the storms,
and trusting You,
           even on this very day.
Grant to us the strength
   to trust You.
              Even in this.


Sunday, September 8, 2024

Now What Can I Do With This


Saturday, September 7, 2024

To Do List


Friday, September 6, 2024

Keep Calm and Carry On


If the anger of the ruler
  rises against you,
do not leave your place,
for calmness
will lay great offenses
              to rest.

            Ecclesiastes 10.4

(The outcome of a matter
is always determined
    by our response to it.
Instead of confrontation,
     a conversation.
Instead of ammunition,
Instead of returning
         anger with anger,
  to bear a tranquil composure.
In Hebrew, this verse reads:
"gentleness hinders
        great offenses."
As much as it is in our power,
   let gentleness
   turn the tide.)

Please help us approach
this difficulty,
this troubled situation,
these IMPOSSIBLE people,
because we know
            and love You.
Fill us with Your grace,
   give us Your peace
to transform this struggle
       into something good.
Enlarge our vocabulary
     and our hearts
that we may respond
  with gentleness and grace.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Because We Can Walk Differently


That your trust
    may be in the LORD...

       Proverbs 22. 19

(It is not questioning
     why these things are happening,
but in the midst
of our struggles
         or victories,
we may
    trust not circumstances,
    what has been
             or what is now,
    nor what is to come,
but trust in God.
Because when we trust God,
    we walk differently.
He does not just have our back,
  but secures our steps,
in the familiar
  and in the darkness.
   has a strong hold on us.
He holds us tight.)

Thank You
  that we can trust You
  in all things
and through all things.
Secure not just our ways
   but our hearts.
May we know that
we don't walk alone.
We never have to.
You are with us.
And on that,
    we can depend.
Even in this.
May it not be just
      evident to us,
but point others to You.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

It's Off to Work We Go


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

But We Can Do Something


Monday, September 2, 2024

Who is in Control Here?


For the love of Christ
     controls us...

    2 Corinthians 5. 14

(What can be new here?
Who do we allow
           to be in control?
Jesus' love holds us fast,
keeps us completely,
compels us to see all things
    with a new heart,
urges us
   not just to do something
   different in this situation,
but to be someone different,
       a force of love
       and newness.
How do we respond
   to these circumstances,
   to this dilemma,
   to these impossible people?
His grace has been
        poured over us.
We cannot help
  but to be different,
an instrument of His love
          and healing.)

We seek that You
   would control our hearts
that we would be
            of Your grace
in a foreign place
   or the utterly familiar.
Hold us tight.
Direct our thoughts.
Guide our steps.
Confirm Your grace in us.
May Your love order
         our responses today.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

This Impossible Thing


So do not lose heart.
Though our outer self
  is wasting away,
our inner self is being renewed
            day by day.
For this light
       momentary affliction
is preparing for us
an eternal weight of glory
   beyond all comparison,
as we look not to the things
       that are seen
but to the things
       that are unseen.

          2 Corinthians 4. 16-18

(No affliction at the time
 seems light and momentary.
But what defeats us
   are not the circumstances,
         but losing heart.
This impossible thing,
this hard situation,
this rocky path,
nor this heavy weight
  are not random at all,
but matter for all eternity,
    serving and training us
to be strengthened,
          and used by God
       in incredible ways.
It is just part of
    His training plan
as He builds His strength in us.
He is already redeeming.
He is multiplying
    with really big numbers,
far beyond what is seen
   or known in present tense.
So do not lose heart.)

Use our struggles
   to make us stronger in You.
Train us in ways
  that we may follow You
  into Your purposes.
Please help us
not to be defeated, distracted,
    or discouraged,
but to run with You
         right through it
and strengthen others
   along the way.