Wednesday, March 31, 2021


Blessed be the LORD.
the God of Israel,
who alone
does wondrous things.

            Psalm 72. 18

(We are surrounded
by the wondrous work
       of the LORD,
even in what
we do not understand
    or can grasp,
even in the hard stuff.
We know
but a glimpse of His work,
and pretty much don't get
  what God is up to.
It is one thing to
claim this verse
    when His blessing
    is tangible.
But we can hold onto
this promise and hope
   when His blessing
is not yet visible
     --even in this.
God always works
   in a bizillion ways
    and multiple outcomes,
many of which
have nothing to do
             with us.
But we can trust Him
  in what we can see
  and what we cannot yet.
Because God is
  not just always working
          for our good,
but God is.)

We come before You
in this day just opening up,
not yet unfolded,
but we know that
You are good
and You are among us,
even when we don't
      quite understand.
Even the darkness
  is not dark to You,
even the unknown
  is already known.
Help us to be aware
of the wondrous things
     all around us.
Open our eyes and
           our hearts
that we would
  know You more
and walk with You
    into this day.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021


And there came a man
 named Jairus, who was
ruler of the synagogue.
And falling at Jesus' feet,
he implored Him
to come to his house,
for he had an
          only daughter,
about 12 years of age,
and she was dying.

             Luke 8. 41-42

(Jesus meets each of us
in our point of need.
Even those most unlikely
    are searching for Him.
Everyone at some point
realizes their need for God.
Never underestimate
  the spiritual desire
of those to whom
God is sending you
     or using you
or next to you.
Others are constantly
watching us to see
not that we are perfect,
but if God is real.)

You have surrounded us
by those who need You
   just as we need You.
Help us not just
claim who You are,
but proclaim You
   right where we are,
among those
we would never suspect
are searching for you,
among the rebellious,
even among those
  who appear to have
        everything together.
We all need You.
Strengthen us
    not just in the crisis,
but be known, O LORD,
   even in our everydays.
Help us to love others
right into Your arms.

Monday, March 29, 2021

Be careful to obey
all these words
that I command you,
that it may
      go well with you
and with your children
      after you forever,
you do what is good
   and right in the sight of
the LORD your God.

        Deuteronomy 12.28

(What we do,
how we love God,
how we respond to Him
   --or don't respond--
radically impacts our lives
and those who come after us.
There are
     no small obediences,
no insignificant everydays,
no choices that
        do not matter.
Responding to God
    changes far more
    than we can imagine.)

As we enter this new week,
please lay before us
Your plans and designs,
Your daily appointments,
Your glory to be revealed.
Help us to write Your name
   at the top of this week,
   at the top of this day,
   at the top of this task,
that You may bring
        Your glory to it
and fulfill Your purposes
that are far more
   than we can see from here.
Help us to be faithful
                to You.
Help us to be aware
of the opportunities
         all around us
to bring Your name here.


Sunday, March 28, 2021


And now, Israel,
what does the LORD
your God require of you,
but to fear
   the LORD your God,
to walk in all His ways,
to love Him,
to serve the LORD your God
with all your heart
and with all your soul,
and to keep the
commandments and statutes
            of the LORD,
which I am commanding you
         for your good?

  Deuteronomy 10. 12-13

(It is not just what I am doing,
but what it is doing to me.
When we choose
        to walk with God,
to align our hearts with His,
to love Him and serve Him,
  life will look very different
            for our good.
Don't miss out.
Life with God
         and without Him
is never ever the same.
It cannot remain so,
not in the now
            on the journey,
nor in what is to come
     for all eternity.)

May we seek Your Word,
plant it deep in our hearts,
nurture Your ways,
hold fast to You,
walk with You,
abide in You,
and love You
with all our hearts
in whatever we do,
wherever you take us today.
May we stand before You
not just to minister to You
         and bless You,
but to love You fully
and love others
       right into Your kingdom.
Our love for You
       cannot be contained.
It spills over
   into the lives of those
   all around us.

Saturday, March 27, 2021


You shall not be
  in dread of them,
for the LORD your God
is in your midst,
a great
     and awesome God.
The LORD your God
will clear away
these nations before you
       little by little.
You may not make
an end of them at once,
lest the wild beasts
grow too numerous for you.

      Deuteronomy 7. 21-22

(We are all faced
at one time or another
with the overwhelming.
But God specializes
in impossible situations.
What is in our power
is to be faithful to Him
       in every step
      God shows us.
He is already at work,
I cannot do everything,
but I can do something,
and that is to
   faithfully follow Him.)

Help us to know that
fear, dread and despair,
always result
       in a dead end.
But You, O LORD,
provide a different way,
not just to bring us
through the difficult,
  and overwhelming,
but bring us to You.
"We don't know
        what to do,
but our eyes
        are on You."
   (2 Chronicles 20.12)

Friday, March 26, 2021

Blessed be the LORD,
who daily bears us up;
God is our salvation.

           Psalm 68. 19

(God sustains us
more than we can know.
Do we just seek His blessing,
    or seek to bless Him?
God strengthens
            and supports us
physically, emotionally,
relationally, spiritually.
He bears the weight
of our struggles
when we come to Him.
He surrounds us
              with His love.
What does bearing me up
look like today?
How do I see His hand
         even in this?
Not just in the rearview mirror,
      but in the now.)

You bear us up,
You hold us up,
You hold us together,
no matter the circumstances.
Use our struggles
to bring us into
a closer intimacy with You.
Help us to lean on
     Your strength
     and Your way in this,
            not our own.
May Your love
encompass every detail,
every action,
every breath,
and be evident
      in how we live
      and how we love.


Thursday, March 25, 2021


Everyone who comes to Me
and hears My words
        and does them,
I will show you
     what he is like;
he is like a man
building a house,
who dug deep and laid
the foundation on the rock.
And when a flood arose,
the stream broke against
the house and could not
shake it, because it
     had been well-built.

           Luke 6. 47-48

(As they say in the South,
"Lord willing
and the creek don't rise."
But it does.
Because when, not if,
that cute little creek rises
and the floods overwhelm,
on Whom or what we have
staked our lives
         will be revealed.
"Hears My words
       and does them"
is not just a set of beliefs,
but a life-giving

May we not just
      read Your Word
but build our lives
  on Your truth and grace
  and love.
Reveal to us today
not just what to do,
but how to follow You
faithfully on the
         ordinary days,
that we would know
how to trust You
      in the storms
      and struggles
      and floods.
Help us to
bring the name of Jesus
with us into this day,
not just for our strength,
but that others may come
to know You are God.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021


Judge not,
and you will not
         be judged.
Condemn not,
and you will not
       be condemned.
and you will be forgiven.
and it will be given to you.
Good measure,
pressed down,
shaken together,
running over,
will be put into your lap.
For what measure
             you use,
it will be measured
     back to you.

           Luke 6. 38

(That is how to
   handle this struggle,
not with teaspoons
   but with big shovels
                of grace.
Those who judge
always think that
they are being judged.
Those who condemn
always think that
they are being condemned.
Those who won't forgive
always think that
they are not forgiven.
We are all in need
   of mercy and forgiveness.
When we respond
with forgiveness
       and givenness,
God always redeems.
forgiving without
   keeping account,
blessing a second mile,
giving what we can,
praying for others
  and not just ourselves,
is not just our defense,
but our response.)

Be merciful to us.
And help us to be
   enormously merciful
   to those around us.
Please help us to not
be distracted by the
infraction or struggle,
but know that
our relationship
  and someone's soul
is what really is at stake.
May we be known
             as Yours.
May we be known
by Your selflessness, love
        and grace.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021


I have set the land
          before you.
Go in and
   take possession...

   Deuteronomy 1. 8

(What has God set
before me to do today?
With what has He
   entrusted in my care?
Even in the familiar,
faithfully deepening
        the work there.
Not just what to do,
or what more to do,
 but how to approach it.
Possessing is not
always about enlarging,
or the next new door,
but faithful in the now.
Do I view this work
      just as a task
    or as worship?)

You have prepared our way
to this land,
to this work,
to these people around us.
Help us to be the faithful ones
that You have
strategically positioned
         for Your glory in this
and to point others to You.
Remind us daily
that it is not all about us,
but You are using us
in incredible dimensions
to prepare Your way
     in the hearts of others.
Help us to go forth
and trust You
even when we can't
see the outcome.

Monday, March 22, 2021

You shall not defile
the land in which you live,
in the midst
    of which I dwell,
for I the LORD
dwell in the midst
         of Israel.

         Numbers 35. 34

(Awareness of
       His Presence
manifests itself in
  different daily choices
by which we are
distinguished as His people.
He dwells in our midst.
And that should look
      very different
in what we do and say,
pursue and pray,
love others,
and bring grace to it.
What makes us
"It is not I who live
but Christ who lives in me."
We are not just
           nice people,
but His people.)

May we be not seen,
           but You.
Help us to be so loving
and merciful
and gracious
that it draws others
       right to You.
Even in the ordinary
and in the most volatile
that You would be seen.
May we be aware
that what distinguishes us
                  as Yours
is our loving response
to the actions of others.


Sunday, March 21, 2021

And when He had
     finished speaking,
He said to Simon,
"Put out into the deep
and let down your nets
      for a catch."
And Simon answered,
we toiled all night
   and took nothing!
But at Your word,
I will let down the nets."
And when
     they had done this,
they enclosed
a large number of fish,
and their nets were

            Luke 5. 4-6

(The key words in this
passage are:
        "And when..."
And when
   we seek God,
   we listen to God,
   and we respond,
there is no end
     to what God will do.
Even in one step
   of obedience to Him,
God never works
   in singular outcomes.
His miracles are never
              for show,
but always for deeper
    relationship with Him.
The victory here was not
the visible haul of fish,
but Simon's responding
        to Jesus.
Do we acknowledge
what He is saying to us,
but also acknowledge Him
   in the outcome?
Or do we miss out
because we make excuses
and try to
     explain Him away?)

Help us to follow You
in the very details.
Not just to hear Your voice
but to respond,
ready to serve and to love,
   shoes already tied on.
Help us to trust You
when the nets are empty.
Help us to acknowledge You
             even then,
and always when
You bring about
    Your visible wonders.
Not just that we would know,
but that others may come
            to know You.


Saturday, March 20, 2021

...I remember You
         upon my bed,
and meditate on You
  in the watches of the night,
for You have been my help
and in the shadow
        of Your wings,
I will sing for joy.
My soul clings to You;
Your right hand
           upholds me.

           Psalm 63. 6-8

(What am I dwelling on?
The Almighty
or shifting circumstances?
What wakes me
in the middle of the night?
The magnitude of God
       or my despair?
God will not just
   bring me through this,
but He will bring
    His glory to this.
And in the midst of chaos,
I realize it is His power,
          not mine.
He brings about
  His purposes even in
  what looks only
  like chaos.
It is not for me
      to control,
but to faithfully
    follow God
    right in its midst.
Even in this,
it is not I who live
    but Christ who lives
                in me.
I cannot control
       the circumstances,
but instead use
  what I do have
  and my energies
 in how I respond to Him.)

We cling to you,
and then realize that
You have a strong hold
              on us,
no matter what.
Even in this.
May all we are in You
radiate in what we do,
and say,
how we respond,
our attitudes,
how we love,
      what we love,
and how we pray.
May circumstances
only be a backdrop
      for Your glory.
May Your fingerprints
  be evident to all.


Friday, March 19, 2021

...but one who
sows righteousness
gets a sure reward.

      Proverbs 11. 18

(What am I sowing
in this situation
    or this relationship?
Even in the hard
       painful places
and among
   impossible people,
what seeds am I
what fruit am I
what will come up
   out of this
   barren ground?
    doesn't just happen,
nor its fruit,
but from an intentional
  heart and living
  faithfully before You.
Righteousness is
what is good and right,
things done justly
    and faithfully,
as in what pleases God,
kind and grace-filled,
and seeking the welfare
of others,
even those
            yet unborn.)

We do not know,
we cannot know,
the fruit that You bear
through our lives,
the planting of seeds
   in the lives of others,
in innumerable lives
  of people that
  we will never even know.
May we be faithful to You
in whatever You place
on the paths
            before us,
wherever and
             among whomever.
Righteousness is
  never done in isolation.
We don't need to grasp
the enormity of
      what You are doing.
We just need to be
          faithful to You.
Let our lives, O LORD,
be a testimony of
   Your love and grace.



Thursday, March 18, 2021


...a pleasing aroma
       to the LORD.

       Numbers 28. 8

(It is not our sacrifice
nor what is
    in our sacrifice,
how big or small,
that brings the
      lingering fragrance,
but our change of heart.
The act of sacrifice
is not what God needs,
    but what we need
as a tangible sign
of our repentance
and love for Him.
God Almighty
   is not a god
who must be appeased,
but He is God,
who always
and continually forgives
and extends grace.)

We come before You
with hearts
willing to lay down
our transgressions
       before You
and take up
Your grace
to extend to those
all around us.
It is not what we
   drag to the altar,
but what we leave there,
and how we live
because of Your grace.
What can we do
that is pleasing to You
"Be Mine,"
        You remind us.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021


With God

we shall do valiantly;

it is He

who will tread down

         our foes.


          Psalm 60. 12


(Not "You've got this!"

      But God does.

Not "Believe in yourself!"

      But in God.

The key here

as in all of life

    no matter the struggle,

    big or small,

         is with God.

A radically different journey,

outcomes that cannot

           remain the same,

fruit unlike any other,

and without fear,

      no matter what,

no matter among whom.

What distinguishes us

  in these volatile situations

and impossible relationships

if we choose to walk with Him?

By our love for God

which translates

        into love for others.

With God --

never the same as without Him.)



When we walk with You,

You tread down our fears,

both real and imagined.

With You,

   nothing but nothing,

   can remain the same.

Please make us

       aware of You today.

When we see You differently,

we view our circumstances

      with new eyes.

And we view our relationships

      with a new heart.

It is no longer our fear

    that defines our acts,

but our love for You

and willingness to

   follow You into whatever

because You go before us.

Show us, O LORD,

how that looks different


Tuesday, March 16, 2021

But Mary treasured up
  all these things,
pondering them
        in her heart.

         Luke 2. 19

(There will always be
a lot of profound stuff
we don't understand.
But that doesn't mean
that there is not
   God's extreme purpose
   woven seamlessly in it,
beyond not just
       our understanding,
but far beyond our lifetimes
      or our place in it.
Nothing but nothing
            is random.
There is without fail
    purpose and meaning,
compounded, multiplied
      and running over,
but even more so,
   God's glory in this.
May we treasure
           what we see,
ponder the magnitude
    of God's Presence,
be faithful in
        what we do know,
and trust Him
         for the rest.)

There is so much
beyond our comprehension,
because we view life
       in present tense
and not in
  Your vision
-- past, present and
We do not just
       wait for You,
but watch for You,
and know that
even in the
    confusing parts,
You are redeeming.
Someday it will
     make sense to us,
because it
   already makes sense
   in Your economy.
Help us to not just
    accept the chaos
    and confusion,
but to wonder,
and respond
to what is around us.
Help us to not just
         think about it,
but seek You in it.
Even in this.


Monday, March 15, 2021


"Stand here with
your burnt offering,
while I meet
the LORD over there."
And the LORD
         met Balaam
and put a word
         in his mouth.

  Numbers 23. 15-16

(Have I talked to
            the LORD
      about this?
Have I brought this
    before Him?
It is not a matter
    of God speaking,
but am I listening
      and responding
      to His voice?
That should distinguish
how we respond,
how we act and react,
what we say,
how we pray,
and enlarge how
    we see others
    and love them.
Are others aware
   that we seek Him
and His ways?)

You guide us,
You provide for us,
You place Your thoughts
and grace and love
      in our hearts and minds.
Align our hearts with Yours,
              Almighty One,
transform our affections.
Help us to not be paralyzed
into inaction,
but energized by seeking You
and responding to You.
Help us to be
      incredibly aware
that You are with us.
May Your Presence
guide us on paths
    that bring You glory
and draw others to You.
Help us to
prepare Your way
     in the lives of others
and know that grace
   will get us there.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

So Moses prayed
     for the people.

    Numbers 21. 7

(How do we approach
and navigate
     this hard situation
and these
      difficult relationships?
Pray not just for
          our way in this,
but pray for the people,
even those we have
           a hard time liking.
Maybe especially for them.
Because God brings
  His grace to it.
Forgiving and praying for
are deep channels,
not of answers
           but of love
   and healing wounds.
God covers and saturates
with His steadfast love
      and His faithfulness
in the most unlikely places.
And sometimes,
He uses us to carry it there.)

Please align our hearts
          with Yours
that we would bring
    Your name to this.
May Your grace cover
  what was meant to harm.
May Your steadfast love
  change our hearts
  and whatever we face.
Help us to see others
because we know You.



Saturday, March 13, 2021


Now there was no water
for the congregation.
And they assembled themselves
against Moses
      and against Aaron.
And the people quarreled
      with Moses....

             Numbers 20. 2-3

(What is our first response
in time of unexpected need
or interruption of
               our plans?
Whining, quarreling,
rebelling, questioning,
casting blame
           on someone else,
    or anyone else,
            including God?
Or is praying about it
     our first response,
     not our last resort?
Turning instead to Him
     instead of away,
calling, listening,
             and responding?
Did it even occur to me
to bring my need
   and ask God about it?
Moses and Aaron
           fell on their faces.
And the glory of the LORD
           appeared to them.
God guides.
God provides.
God brings His glory
      into the unlikely.)

Help our needs
and even our fears
to draw us closer to You.
Help us not to despair
  but to trust You more.
  Even more.
Help us to realize
that when we come
             before You
      by praying,
life itself cannot help
     but be changed.
You, O LORD, may or may not
    change circumstances,
but when we come to You,
You align our hearts
                  with Yours.
And that is always
  a radically different road,
with water or without.
Help us to be
           thirsty for You.

Friday, March 12, 2021


...and behold,
the staff of Aaron
for the house of Levi
had sprouted
and put forth buds
and produced blossoms,
and it bore ripe almonds.

            Numbers 17. 8

(We are quick to pray.
But are we as quick
to recognize
      the hand of God
in the answer,
even in what
   we never expected?
God specializes
in what we see as
God's glory is revealed
         all around us
         on a daily basis.
Do we recognize,
and acknowledge Him?
God listens,
and He always responds.
Sometimes in ways
far deeper than
    the need on the surface.
Most often in ways
   beyond our comprehension,
beyond what we can see.
God's response
always encompasses
   far more than my own
    feeble request.)

Forgive us
for trying to put
limits on what You can do.
Forgive us for
   missing out on Your wonders
by explaining away
      what You have done,
how You have provided,
how You sustain us,
and Your almighty hand.
How we acknowledge You
reveals how we see You,
                 O God.
Help us to trust You,
cast our burdens before You,
and see Your glory.
Your wonders are ripe
    and all around us.
In Your scope,
there is no dividing line
between the ordinary
       and the extraordinary.

Thursday, March 11, 2021


God is my helper;
the LORD is
the upholder
         of my life.

       Psalm 54.4

(On God,
I can stake my life.
God will not just
    help me through this.
God will hold me together
and bring His glory,
and Presence,
and deepest purposes
               to it.
In trusting the LORD
and turning to Him,
He changes my heart,
my vision,
my affections,
and increases
        my strength.
Anxiety is just trying
   to do it on my own,
that which God
         never intended.
I am not alone in this.
God creates
       something new.
And that would mean
         my heart.
How I see God
changes how I see
and circumstances.
And how I respond.)

Thank You that
        You are here,
that we can turn to You,
that we can walk
                  with You,
and abide in You.
Help us to realize
that worry is just
realizing that
     we are not in control.
Trusting You
brings Your strength to it.
Trusting You
turns us from seeing
           only ourselves,
and looking to You.
Write Your name on this,
        Almighty One.
You always
bring a new journey,
a refreshed spirit,
and a different outcome.
We are fully Yours.
Help us to recite,
and engrave
   these words of Yours
into our very being.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021


Only do not rebel
    against the LORD.
And do not fear
  the people of the land,
for they are
       bread for us.
Their protection has been
removed from them,
and the LORD
           is with us;
do not fear them.

      Numbers 14.8

(Rebellion and grumbling
against the LORD
always results in
      missing out,
the enormity of
    we are not aware.
Trusting in God,
abiding in His Presence,
may not change
     the circumstances,
but changes our hearts
  right in their midst.
And that
makes the significant
difference in our hearts
the journey,
and direction of our lives.
A willing and
responsive heart
always looks different
in our daily choices.)

Help us to realize
that our fear and
and sluggish hearts
lock the door
against Your goodness,
not just to us
but to all those
        on our paths.
Help us to be
   sensitive to You,
stay at our posts,
be faithful
     in every task,
and aware of others
who are watching to see,
if they are loved
and that You,
       Almighty One,
     are real.
Fear blocks out
all available light.
Worry just
leads us into potholes.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021


But Caleb quieted
the people before Moses
and said,
"Let us go up at once
   and occupy it,
for we are well able
to overcome it."

         Numbers 13. 30

(Do we view our fears
and circumstances
as a reason
     not to trust God?
The key is not
"we are not able,"
            but God....
How radically different
the story of their journey
      and the outcomes,
if they had trusted the LORD
              in this.
How radically different
     our lives,
     if we trusted God.
Not barrelling headlong,
   but walking with Him.
How do we approach
this differently
         as believers?)

O God,
You go before us.
You walk beside us.
Our courage does not
come from within us,
           but from You.
Sometimes that means go.
Mostly that means
        stay at our posts.
But always trusting You.
Produce, O LORD,
in us a vision
of Your glory here
   in tangible ways
for the well-being
of many.
Let the giants
and fears of our past
          be put to rest.

Monday, March 8, 2021


And the people

        Numbers 11. 1

(Is that our
      first response?
Has that become
the pattern of our
  thoughts and words?
Complaining digs
   deep potholes
and depletes us
of the energy we need
   to get up the hill.
Grumbling verbalizes
a distrust of God,
the words of
His love and goodness.
A pattern of complaint
   blocks our view,
increases our load,
and saps us of
        His strength
when we could be
walking with Him.)

We confess that we have
taken up patterns of
thoughts and words
that draw us away from You
        and trip us up.
Change our triggers,
               Almighty One,
that instead of griping
we may speak
  of Your lovingkindness
and find Your goodness in
    unexpected places.
Our hope is not dependent on
   hard or favorable,
but on You,
    Master of the Universe
    and lover of our souls.
We have seen too much
   to question You in this.

Sunday, March 7, 2021


At the command of the LORD
the people of Israel
                 set out,
and at the command
of the LORD,
          they camped.

        Numbers 9. 18

(Abiding there
          in the meantime,
staking their tents,
exploring the wilderness,
not just filling
   but fulfilling the time,
faithful in the staying,
but ready to move
only at God's command.
We are strategically
      moved and placed
not just for His purposes
but for His glory,
our well-being, our growth,
loving others
         into the Kingdom,
and bringing
      His Name there.
It is not just about us.
It never is.)

Help us to be watchful,
not just for time to go,
but in the time to stay.
Reveal the
extraordinary wonder
     of Your Presence
even on what looks like
   only an ordinary day.
Please empower us
to be faithful to You
right where we are
and even where
    You are taking us
on the journey
          of our lives.
There is always
    more to explore,
always more
       of Your revealing.

Saturday, March 6, 2021


The LORD bless you.
The LORD make
   His face
   to shine upon you
and be gracious to you.
The LORD lift up
   His countenance
                 upon you
and give you peace.

     Numbers 6. 24-26

(These words make saying,
"Bye. See you later,"
       seem rather lame.
These words proclaim
    the name of the LORD
upon those that God
has entrusted in our care,
by seeking their well-being,
His Presence, His grace
 and His peace over them.
What a radical difference
that would make in
          our relationships,
if we verbalized
 these words over others
--those we love,
those we struggle to like,
even those who are
          set against us.
The benediction goes
               both ways.
God transforms hearts
and puts His blessing
               among us.)

May we write Your name
  at the top of our day.
May we write Your name
  over our relationships.
May we bear witness
   to Your holy name
by what we say and do
and pray and hold sacred.
May we seek Your blessing
     upon others
and not just for ourselves.
You have given us
  Your words of blessing
to speak over those
   all around us.
Help us not to just
    recite these words,
but to love others
          through them.