Wednesday, October 2, 2024

What If I Didn't Complain About This


Do all things
without grumbling or questioning,
that you may be blameless
   and innocent children of God
without blemish in the midst
of a crooked and
         twisted generation,
among whom you shine
as lights in the world,
holding fast to
    the word of life....

        Philippians 2. 14-16

(Things are so dark and broken
  in this world
that even not complaining
     is a strong witness.
Others are watching us,
not to see if our lives are perfect,
but how we respond
         when it isn't.
The word all
    means exactly that.
Not that we are impervious
     to the hard stuff,
but we walk differently in it.
Grumbling never makes it better,
but does not trust
        in the goodness of God,
even in what we don't understand.)

Help us to realize that
   what we dwell on
is manifest in how we speak
       and how we respond.
Make us a clear witness
   to point others
           to Your light.
May we respond differently
because we are not carrying
  boulders of grumbling
  and complaining.
Shine through us, we pray.

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