Sunday, October 6, 2024

Fill in the Blank


But the LORD said to me,
"Do not say,
  'I am only a youth,'
For to all to whom I send you,
        you shall go,
and whatever I command you
        you shall speak.
Do not be afraid of them,
for I am with you
        to deliver you."

        Jeremiah 1. 7

(Do not say,
     "I am only a (fill in the blank.)"
No matter how skilled or unskilled,
no matter a small task or important,
no matter our job, position or title,
no matter a casual kind word
         or a corporate presentation,
first place, last, or lost in the middle,
we are being used powerfully
                by the Almighty
                for His glory
  in far more ways
  than we can even imagine.
We are seen, heard and sent.)

Please help us to be faithful
wherever we are,
in whatever we are doing,
to go into a scary place,
    or to stay in the familiar,
to follow You right into it.
It is not in us,
           but Christ.
And that makes
   all the difference.

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