Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Swapping Out Our Triggers


Monday, October 14, 2024

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back


Sunday, October 13, 2024

Every Moment Holy


Saturday, October 12, 2024

Even In Drought


Blessed is the man
who trusts in the LORD,
whose trust is the LORD.
He is like a tree
         planted by water
that sends out its roots
         by the stream,
and does not fear
   when heat comes,
for its leaves remain green,
and is not anxious
    in the year of drought,
for it does not cease
              to bear fruit.

         Jeremiah 17. 7-8

(No reason to fear,
no abyss of anxiety,
because we
       don't have to carry that.
God is sustaining us.
Trust Me in this.
He is the one
         who bears us up
and brings about the fruit
that endures
   long after our lifetimes.)

Help us to trust You
  even in drought.
Even in whatever
     we are going through.
Bring Your fruit through it
and Your glory all over it.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Can't Get Enough


Thursday, October 10, 2024

Definition of Anxiety


Wednesday, October 9, 2024

God Does Not Hand Out Road Maps


Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Navigational Tools


...so walk in a manner
     worthy of the Lord,
fully pleasing to Him,
bearing fruit
     in every good work,
and increasing
     in the knowledge of God.

          Colossians 1. 10

(To set this passage
before us at the dawning
   of a new day,
radically changes the course,
not just of these hours,
but the very trajectory
        of our lives.
Not just grasping a wavering attitude,
     but ingraining a mindset.
To walk, to please, to bear, to know,
   all seamlessly interconnected,
   all life-changing.)

May we catch a glimpse
of what walking with You
      looks like.
Synchronize our thoughts
         with Yours.
Help us to navigate
           a different path
to bring You glory.


Monday, October 7, 2024



Sunday, October 6, 2024

Fill in the Blank


But the LORD said to me,
"Do not say,
  'I am only a youth,'
For to all to whom I send you,
        you shall go,
and whatever I command you
        you shall speak.
Do not be afraid of them,
for I am with you
        to deliver you."

        Jeremiah 1. 7

(Do not say,
     "I am only a (fill in the blank.)"
No matter how skilled or unskilled,
no matter a small task or important,
no matter our job, position or title,
no matter a casual kind word
         or a corporate presentation,
first place, last, or lost in the middle,
we are being used powerfully
                by the Almighty
                for His glory
  in far more ways
  than we can even imagine.
We are seen, heard and sent.)

Please help us to be faithful
wherever we are,
in whatever we are doing,
to go into a scary place,
    or to stay in the familiar,
to follow You right into it.
It is not in us,
           but Christ.
And that makes
   all the difference.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Capturing Our Attention


But this is the one
   to whom I will look:
he who is humble
and contrite in spirit
and trembles at My Word.

         Isaiah 66. 2

(When we seek, listen,
   and respond to Him,
are sensitive to His leading
  and trusting Him in it,
revere and stand in awe
          of His Word,
God changes us
through those daily pursuits
  and intentional choices.
We are not capturing His attention,
    but He is capturing ours.
And nothing remains the same.)

In whatever we face today,
please align our hearts
              with Yours.
Capture our attention.
Help us to respond
because we choose
   to walk with You.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Let Me Carry That For You


But when I thought
how to understand this,
it seemed to me
     a wearisome task,
until I went
into the sanctuary of God...

           Psalm 73. 16-17

(We are not going to
       understand all things,
because we are not God,
but we can trust Him in it.
Wearisome in the Hebrew means
    what is heavy and laborious,
that which is too much
   for us to handle on our own.
God invites us
    to come before Him,
even to drag those mysteries
    and boulders
    up to the altar,
to seek Him
and not just a reason.
Let Me carry that for you.)

It is in the heavy
  unexplainable stuff
that we come to realize
that You are God
    and we are not.
Help us to leave
  our weariness with You
and know You more.
And to trust You
in what You are forming in us
for Your goodness and glory.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

And Others With Us Along The Way


...Who led them
   through the depths.

          Isaiah 63. 13

(No matter the wilderness,
or desert,
or the miry bog of the soul,
God does not leave us there.
   He leads us through.
In going through the hard stuff,
   we learn to trust Him more.
It is not just making it to the outcome
   or even getting to the other side,
but how God sustains us
every step of the journey
  and what we see along the way.
He does not intend
   for us to dwell there or on it.
He takes us to a
  deeper place in Him
and brings others with us.)

Lead us through the depths
and make us aware
of Your wonders
      all around us.
Help us to trust You
 and see Your goodness
in unexpected places.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

What If I Didn't Complain About This


Do all things
without grumbling or questioning,
that you may be blameless
   and innocent children of God
without blemish in the midst
of a crooked and
         twisted generation,
among whom you shine
as lights in the world,
holding fast to
    the word of life....

        Philippians 2. 14-16

(Things are so dark and broken
  in this world
that even not complaining
     is a strong witness.
Others are watching us,
not to see if our lives are perfect,
but how we respond
         when it isn't.
The word all
    means exactly that.
Not that we are impervious
     to the hard stuff,
but we walk differently in it.
Grumbling never makes it better,
but does not trust
        in the goodness of God,
even in what we don't understand.)

Help us to realize that
   what we dwell on
is manifest in how we speak
       and how we respond.
Make us a clear witness
   to point others
           to Your light.
May we respond differently
because we are not carrying
  boulders of grumbling
  and complaining.
Shine through us, we pray.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

What Looks Different