Friday, March 7, 2025

Aware of What God Makes Possible

And you shall love
   the Lord your God
with all your heart,
and with all your soul,
and with all your mind,
and with all your strength.
The second is this:
You shall love your neighbor
              as yourself.
There is no other commandment
      greater than these.

               Mark 12. 30-31

(What is our overriding agenda
         for this very day?
Of all the significant things
     we urgently need to do,
that which is needful
                   and profound
   is to love God and others
           with a whole heart.
It covers everything.
And answers not just what,
but how, why, where and when.
Our circumstances
    are neither an interruption,
    nor a pothole,
              nor deadend,
but a divine appointment
     on holy ground.
How differently would we go forth
     if we equipped ourselves
              into this day
     with those commandments?)

We love You.
Please help us to be faithful
    in expressing our love
by loving those around us,
those we know,
those we have not even met,
divine windows,
sacred encounters,
and holy moments in disguise.
Grant us the courage
       and strength
to make Your love known.
Nudge us, if necessary,
   to be aware of what
       You make possible.



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