The LORD spoke to Moses
in the wilderness of Sinai....
Numbers 1.1
(The most unusual places,
unexpected circumstances,
barren landscapes,
the deserted bus stations of life,
a crowded waiting room,
or painfully rutted gravel roads,
are never random at all,
nor a wrong turn.
But perhaps,
where we listen
without the usual distractions
or frantic pace.
We are more aware
that God is here with us.
It is not that we give Him
permission to speak,
but He gives us the margin
to take notice of Him
and pay attention.
What am I supposed
to be doing here?
Be with Me.)
Help us
to be still and know
that You are God.
Help us to realize
that we cannot do
this day without You.
Guide our eyes and hearts
to take notice
of what You are doing.
And grant us the strength
and courage
to respond
with energy, grace and love.
May we be not just
aware of You,
but sensitive to those
You have divinely placed
right before us.
Capture our attention
and help us
to keep our eyes on You.
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