Thursday, April 30, 2020

"What do you say about yourself?"
[John] said,
"I am the voice of one
         crying in the wilderness,
'Make straight
         the way of the Lord.'"

                   John 1. 22-23

(What in the world
           am I doing here?
Did I take a wrong turn?
It may appear a bleak landscape,
     a wild unknown stretch,
but God has strategically placed
      each one of us
      to bring the name of Jesus there.
How do we see ourselves?
Preparing the way of the Lord
in the lives of those
           all around us.
How is that played out today:
         every divine encounter,
     every intentional action,
    every odd circumstance,
         every appointment,
                  sacred in His sight?)

You guide us in places
          unknown and uncertain,
  but also the very familiar,
that we would bring
             Your name there.
Help us to know
   that others are always watching
   and listening
     even when we don't notice,
to see if You are really real.
Help us to prepare Your way
and prepare the soil
that others would come
               to know You.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

...but the tent of the righteous
          will flourish.

             Proverbs 14. 11

("How is it that these things
    are not crippling you?"
Do others see anything
    different in us?
Knowing that the LORD is God
         changes everything.
We are not dependent
      on favorable circumstances,
or impervious to the hard stuff,
           but responsive
to whatever,
among whomever
              God places us.
Not our strength,
             but His.
And that should look
      very different
in how we look,
how we act,
how we love others.)

Please help us
to keep our eyes on You
to pivot on a dime,
or stay put
      even in drought,
to worship You
  in whatever we do.
and how we respond
  to what is swirling around.
We have been changed
            by You.
Please clothe us
   with Your power,
recognize You
          are with us,
know Your Word,
point others to You,
and bring You glory
   even in the unexpected.
We are Yours.
We are loved by You.
We are not alone.
You are God Almighty.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

...and he was looking
    for the Kingdom of God.

              Luke 23. 51

(Even overflowing in those people
         all around us,
we would least suspect,
under invisible layers
  and impregnable shields,
    crying out for God.
People are always
not to see
      if we are perfect,
but desperately to see
    if God is real
and they are loved.)

Grant us Your vision,
give us Your heart
to see
and respond
to those around us.
May Your love
be translated through us
      in palpable ways,
even through what
   we may not be aware.
This day,
may whatever we do,
    bring You glory
and love others to You.

Monday, April 27, 2020

And the LORD said to Gideon,
"With the 300 men
              who lapped,
   I will save you."

              Judges 7. 7

(Throughout the Bible,
God uses
       the most unlikely
in the most
   impossible situations
that His hand is evident,
that we would recognize Him,
that we would know Him more.
The Bible is not full of
     and extraordinary heroes,
but flooded with stories
       of transformation.
No one is ordinary
              in God's sight,
no one that He cannot use.)

You go before us.
It does not matter
    that the odds are against us,
because You
      always work against the odds.
And Your purposes
             always prevail,
even when we don't understand,
maybe particularly
            when we don't understand
            and are scared to death,
that we would know
Strengthen, O LORD,
       our hearts into this day,
for Your Glory,
     in whatever we face today.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

And Gideon said to Him,
"Please, Lord,
how can I save Israel?
Behold, my clan is
    the weakest in Manasseh,
and I am the least
    in my father's house."
And the LORD said to him,
   "But I will be with you."

               Judges 6. 15-16

(God chooses the
          most unlikely,
because they know
beyond a shadow of doubt
that it is the LORD's strength
      and not their own.   
"But I will be with you."
Not just a perk of obedience,
but His Presence
      changes everything,
the odds,
the outcome,
    and even our hearts.)

You are God.
You are sovereign.
You are our Creator.
You see us.
Please help us
          to see You,
          to seek You,
   to know You more,
              even in this.
Grant us Your courage
that always comes
     when we obey.
Courage does not mean
   an absence of fear,
but realizing
           Your Presence.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Does not the LORD
    go out before you?

            Judges 4. 14

(How do I navigate this
how does my attitude
how do I see this
      from another angle,
how can I
      find a new path
      through a familiar thicket,
because I know
      God goes out before me?
Seek first the LORD,
    not the answer,
    not the outcome,
    not success,
               but God Himself.
God redeems,
God provides,
God is in this.
He has prepared our way.
He walks with us.)

You go before.
You have our backs.
You walk with us
   through the impossible
   and even what only appears
              as ordinary.
Your Presence makes
         everything different.
Align our hearts to Yours
that we would not just
          see Your hand,
but know You even more
  because we followed You
  not into the unknown
                or mystery,
      but into Your glory.

Friday, April 24, 2020

It is good to give thanks
   to the LORD,
to sing praises
   to Your name,
           O Most High;
to declare Your steadfast love
       in the morning,
and Your faithfulness
                 by night.

             Psalm 92. 1-2

(Recognizing who God is
and being grateful to God
      are bookends of our day.
Gratefulness to God knows
    there is a lot more to the story.
And if we did that,
   first response and last,
how radically different
  we would see God,
  see others,
  see ourselves,
  the course of our day,
and the trajectory of our lives.
When God lays His day
                   before us,
there are no interruptions,
no accidents,
no delays,
     just divine appointments.)

We may be surprised
      but You never are.
We are not just thankful,
  but grateful to You.
Recalibrate our hearts
   that we would see need
   as an opportunity to serve,
   to love You and others
          and bring You glory
   in the most unlikely places.
May we start the day
                     with You,
and rejoice in the evening,
     still in Your Presence.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

And he will show you
a large upper room furnished;
prepare it there.

               Luke 22. 12

(I always think about
the householder
who responded to God,
not knowing
what he was preparing for
                    or why.
How differently would I view
this work before me
   if I knew Jesus was coming?
No task is mundane
        in light of His glory.
Not a have to,
       but a get to.
The difference is love.)

Establish this day
    the work of our hands,
knowing there is
         nothing insignificant
   in Your eyes,
only faithfulness to You.
Go with us
as we enter Your workshop,
   the sanctuary of this day.
Help us to bind ourselves
        to You in love
in whatever we do
     for Your purposes,
     for Your glory.
The work of Your hands
extends far beyond our lifetimes.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

This will be your opportunity
        to bear witness.

                 Luke 21. 13

(What is this impossible,
       hard situation?
This is why.
For His glory.
People are always watching,
not to see if we are perfect,
not to see if we have all the answers,
but desperately to know
           if God is real.)

Help us to see every situation,
every hardship,
even every grace and gift,
as an opportunity
      to point others to You,
   by how we respond.
People don't want
   a theologically correct answer.
They want to know
             if they are loved by us
    and by You.
May we bring glory to You today
    wherever we are,
even when we are unaware.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Let us now build an altar,
not for burnt offering,
not for sacrifice,
         but to be a witness...

                Joshua 22. 26-27

(To build an altar
is not to gain God's attention,
        but ours,
to recognize that
            the LORD is God,
    and we are not.
Everything we do
           is a witness to God
           and to others.
A witness holds forth
        personal knowledge
        about the way things are,
the evidence of His Presence
     always around us.)

Even in what we are not aware,
      we are a witness to You.
Do others see anything different
   in us because
           we love You?
May we live out Your grace today,
bear fruit in every good work,
and walk in the light of Your face.
We come to lay our lives
            on the altar,
   and realize You already did
     --You are already there.
You love us that much.
And that changes everything.
Be glorified through us today.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Only be very careful
to observe the commandment
and the law that Moses
the servant of the LORD
         commanded you:
to love the LORD your God,
and to walk
         in all His ways
and to keep His commandments,
and to cling to Him
and to serve Him
    with all your heart
    and with all your soul.

                   Joshua 22. 5

(Only be very careful,
these things will radically alter
    the condition of my heart,
    the rationale of my choices,
    the evidence of my actions,
    the very trajectory of my life.
To love, walk, keep, cling, serve
   reflect a deep abiding love,
   not an impersonal adherence
                   to a religion,
but the intimacy
          of a personal relationship).

Help us to be very careful
          in following You.
Help us to be very aware
          of Your Presence
   with us and all around us.
May our love for You
    be reflected in all we do,
    and choose,
    and how we live out this day,
even in the unexpected
      and the hard stuff.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Hope deferred
   makes the heart sick,
but a desire fulfilled
   is a tree of life.

            Proverbs 13. 12

(How long, O LORD,
    will this last?
When will this affliction
           be over?
Hope in the LORD
   hangs on even in despair,
not wishful thinking
     "We'll get through this!",
but a deep organic strength
   energized and growing
              in the darkness.
And on the other side of this,
faithfulness to God,
      even through the storm,
bears fruit
   far beyond our lives.)

You see beyond this.
You carry us
       in the midst
    of what we cannot understand.
Your strength comes
         not just at the end
  but on the journey through.
Our hope does not hang
      on the "what if"
      of a specified outcome,
but staking our lives
      on the "what is"
      of Who You are.
And You, O LORD,
    bear and ripen
    Your life-giving fruit,
some of which
        we may never see.)

Saturday, April 18, 2020

...for though it is a forest,
you shall clear it
and possess it
to its farthest borders.

             Joshua 17. 18

(Even in what appears
     an impossible situation,
     an overwhelming task,
God uses faithfulness
   to alter the landscape,
            tree by tree.
God can bear fruit anywhere.
We have only to be faithful.
There are no small details,
only opportunities to serve
and bear fruit in every good work.)

You have placed us strategically
in impossible situations
and even in the ordinary,
to serve You
and to bear fruit
in the unexpected
      and often the unseen.
Use us for Your Kingdom today.
Keep our eyes open
and our hearts aware
   of those divinely appointed
   on our paths today
and know how to respond
          to deeper needs.

Friday, April 17, 2020

...for the sake
of the Kingdom of God...

            Luke 18. 29

(That is reason enough
to follow Him
    and His way into this.
Because that's why:
        "for the sake of
                 My kingdom."
What does that look like
        for me today?)

Help us to live
          in such a way
that You are not just seen,
but You are glorified.
May Your Kingdom reign,
be seen,
be evident,
draw others to You,
       even in these troubled times.
May we love You
             in tangible ways
   that point others to You.
Bear Your fruit, O LORD,
       in every good work,
even in ways
              we may never see,
even in what
      we may not understand.
Why am I in this particular place
           or impossible situation?
Strategically placed
      for the sake of Your Kingdom,
even in this.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

...because he
      wholly followed the LORD,
      the God of Israel.

             Joshua 14. 14

(Following is
not just an intention,
nor a casual consideration,
but an action
       and a direction,
not just to come after,
but to go after
            and pursue Him.
When we seek God,
not just marching orders,
God enlarges our vision
         and our hearts,
rarely to see
        the outcome of this,
but He makes
       His footsteps a way.)

Help us to trust You
   when we don't know what to do.
Help us to follow You fully
   even when we think we know.
Walk with us, O LORD,
dwell in us.
Help us to not always
         be thinking about next,
but how to follow You
             into the now,
into this day spread before us.
Help us to respond
   with grace and wisdom
that points others to You
and leaves on the threshold
     the lingering
     irresistible aroma of Christ.
For Your Glory.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Blessed are those
whose strength is in You,
in whose heart
are the highways to Zion...
They go
      from strength to strength...

             Psalm 84. 5, 7

(A not-so-new definition
     of strength training.
The way through the impossible
is not on our strength,
but deeper,
ever deeper in His,
step by step,
day by day,
layer by layer,
   ever stronger in Him.
How do we survive,
   how do we thrive
despite rapidly shifting
     dire circumstances?
By learning to trust God
      and His strength,
responsive to circumstances,
   not uprooted by them.
"I am with you.")

We are surrounded by
craziness on so many levels,
realizing things are
     not out of control,
     not in our control,
                       but in Yours.
Help us to trust You.
Despair and fear
        just trip us up.
And worry just
         blocks out the light.
Help us to watch for You.
When we walk with You,
   You grant us
  a different vision
        and deeper strength
that comes only from You.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

...but did not ask
counsel from the LORD.

           Joshua 9. 14

(Did I even consider
asking the LORD
           about this?
Nothing too small,
    nothing insignificant.
It matters.
It matters a lot.
It is not that God's counsel
        keeps me from
        making mistakes,
or keep it from not ending well,
not that the destination
               will be different,
    but the journey with Him
    even carries profound designs.
It is not just what I am doing,
   but what is it doing to me.
Following God,
walking with Him through it,
     changes me profoundly.
Sometimes it is not
      about outcomes at all.)

What is Your way in this?
Help us not just to
      seek a path,
      or a clear answer,
      or even a favorable outcome,
but to seek You
   even right where we are today.
Lead us
  into Your profound purposes,
         the unexpected,
         the unlikely,
         the extraordinary,
even in what only appears
      as ordinary and familiar.
May we seek
and know
and realize
that You are the Most High
          over all the earth,
and You love us
          more than we know.

Monday, April 13, 2020

...all the foundations
        of the earth
        are shaken.

              Psalm 82. 5

(Everything ordinary
and familiar
and expected
    has radically changed
    in the blink of an eye.
Crisis is only realizing
  we are not in control
                       after all.
Wishful thinking
       and cheery boasts,
"We will get through this!"
            changes nothing.
But if God is our hope
  --He on Whom we can
    stake our lives --
we can know God redeems,
and makes all things new.
How do we respond
  and navigate change
because we know and love
     a Sovereign God?
God never promised
         life would be easy
     in this broken world,
but says over and over again,
   "Do not despair.
    Do not fear.
          I am with you.")

You are our foundation
on Whom we hope,
on Whom we stake our lives,
our Rock
          and our Redeemer.
We need You.
Please reveal to us
   how to navigate
            this hard stuff
in ways that
   bring glory to You
and bring Your name.
Show us
     how to respond
with love and grace
and point others to You.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Jesus said to her,
"I am the resurrection
                and the life.
Whoever believes in Me,
though he die,
            yet shall he live.

                 John 11. 25

(Because He lives,
our lives are
           changed forever,
not just in the life to come,
       but right now.)

He is risen.
He is risen indeed.

You burst forth from the tomb
to show us
that You are victorious over death,
that You give us life,
that You love us so much,
    to bring us
    into relationship with You.
Help us
   to practice resurrection
until we know it by heart.


Saturday, April 11, 2020

But He was wounded
    for our transgressions;
He was crushed
    for our iniquities;
upon Him
   was the chastisement
   that brought us peace,
and with His stripes
              we are healed.
All we like sheep
   have gone astray;
we have turned
        -- every one --
   to his own way;
and the LORD has laid
    on Him
the iniquity of us all.

             Isaiah 53. 5-6

(Written 740 years
         before Christ.
this prophecy
points to our need
            for a Savior
and to the literal fulfillment
through the suffering
and death of Jesus.
But while the cross
is central to our faith,
God did not leave Jesus
This is not
    the end of the story,
but the fulfillment of it.
"He Himself bore our sins
in His body on the tree,
that we might die to sin
and live to righteousness.
By His wounds
     you have been healed."
               1 Peter 2. 24)

You came
   that we might know You,
that we may live
           with You forever.

Friday, April 10, 2020

And those who passed by
                 derided Him,
wagging their heads
               and saying,
"You who would destroy
         the temple
and rebuild it in three days,
                  save yourself!
If You are the Son of God,
     come down from the cross."
So also the chief priests
with the scribes and elders,
mocked Him, saying,
"He saved others;
He cannot save Himself.
He is the King of Israel;
let Him come down now
               from the cross,
and we will believe in Him.

              Matthew 27. 39-42

(But if Jesus came down
         from the cross,
He would not be Savior.
This is not
         the end of the story,
but the reason why
                Jesus came.
He loves us
  enough to die for us,
not because we are so good,
   but to take our sin upon Himself,
to bring us into relationship
                      with God.
The word "excruciating"
comes from the Latin for
                "to crucify."
It means unbearably painful
            or extreme agony,
originating from
                 the crucifixion.
Without Good Friday,
     there is no Easter.)

Thank You that we can know You.
Thank You
   that our salvation is not based
           on what we have done,
but what You have done.
Be glorified this day
   as we humbly remember
        Your love for us.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Anxiety in a man's heart
     weighs him down,
but a good word
     makes him glad.

            Proverbs 12. 25

(Anxiety pours over
     like a tsunami wave,
particularly in these
           uncertain times,
facing a menacing horde
   that we cannot see
   nor know the end of.
But the unease can also
 stir up a desire
      to do something about it.
There are a lot of things
            we cannot control,
but some things we can.
I can't do everything about it,
         but I can do something.
A good word,
a kind reaching out to someone,
   may help lift their burden
   in astonishing ways.
But what we do for others
   also does something to us.
A good friend who was struggling
was advised that when
    she saw that
   deep dark wave approaching,
to immediately reach out
          and do something,
not for "me-time"
           or benefiting herself,
       but for somebody else.
That good word
      someone desperately needs
may be not just from ourselves,
         but for ourselves too.
God changes the situation,
         word by word,
         kindness upon kindness,
    brings the light of Jesus there,
          and changes us through it.)

Help us to be mindful of others,
the struggles,
the burdens of anxiety
          and very real.
Show us how to minister
     in tangible ways
that are not just meaningful
and outrageously timely,
     but fruitful for Your glory.
Help us to respond
            to Your nudges
and be faithful
      right where we are today.


Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Stay dressed for action
and keep your lamps

          Luke 12. 35

(God has placed us
for His profound purposes.
It is not that opportunity
      to be faithful
will come with a notice
and invitation
and package on the front step,
but we are surrounded
   by His purposes.
Not coming before God
     with our agenda,
even giving it to Him,
but God
   laying His day before us,
all His purposes,
all His possibilities,
         for His glory.
Even in this.
We have only to
keep our eyes on Him,
keep our shoes tied,
and be faithful in all things.)

We don't know what to do,
but our eyes are on You.
Guide us into
         Your eternal purposes
this day,
even in what seems impossible,
not very evident,
or even what just appears
     as an ordinary day.
There are no insignificant days
        in Your eyes.
Help us to be faithful to You
in all things today,
       both great and small.


Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Be strong
      and courageous.
Do not fear
   or be in dread of them,
for it is the LORD your God
  who goes with you.
He will not leave you
        or forsake you.

        Deuteronomy 31. 6

(No exclusions.
Anxiety is
   leaving God
   out of the equation.
Fear only blocks out the light,
worry distracts from
    the way to navigate this,
and courage is being scared
   but knowing not just
       God is in this,
     but God is with us.
Courage is not
      the absence of fear,
but knowing God's Presence
            with us.
Crisis is realizing
      we are not in control.
Courage is knowing
               God still is.)

Thank You for being
            with us,
for Your hand on us
   to fulfill Your purposes
   in these strange times.
Please help us
   to be distinguished
          as Your people
   by our response
       to circumstances,
knowing Your power
and remembering
the chronicle of Your faithfulness
through our lives,
knowing that what we even realize
          is only a glimpse
     of what You have done.
We are surrounded by bad news.
Help us to respond
           with Your good news,
because that is what
    the Gospel is all about.

Monday, April 6, 2020

For this commandment
that I command you today
is not too hard for you,
neither is it far off.
It is not in heaven
that you should say,
"Who will ascend to heaven
for us and bring it to us,
that we may hear it
                 and do it?"
Neither is it beyond the sea,
that you should say,
"Who will go over the sea
for us and bring it to us,
that we may hear it
                and do it?"
But the Word
            is very near to you.
It is in your mouth
              and in your heart,
so that you can do it.

      Deuteronomy 30. 11-14

(God is,
    and He has spoken.
God is not hidden
  that we cannot find Him,
or made it so complicated
    we cannot grasp,
or made it impossible
       to know who He is.
But in His love and grace,
God sent His Son to earth
to die for us
that we can know Him
as He loves us, each one.)

Thank You for Your love.
Thank You that we can
           know You,
and that You broke down
   the separating walls
because You love us
                  that much.
May we live so radically
             in that grace
that Your love
      transforms our hearts
and radically changes
   the course of our lives.
We can know You.
Our hope is in You.
On Your love and Word,
    we can stake our lives.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

And all these blessings
shall come upon you
    and overtake you,
if you obey
   the voice of
   the LORD your God.
        Deuteronomy 28. 2

(Overtake literally means
to pursue and catch up
while traveling
       in the same direction,
to impact in a sudden
     or unexpected way.
Not that things will be easy,
    or easy at all,
but blessed
even in the really hard stuff,
no matter where,
or what,
or how,
not different circumstances
or another path,
but His Presence right now,
seeking Him and His strength,
and walking with Him.)

Please help us
to not be overwhelmed
     by despair
     and difficult circumstances,
but instead,
     overtaken by Your blessing,
even in unexpected ways
     and the most unlikely places.
Every day
  is a story of Your faithfulness.
May we be aware
               of Your blessing
   and responsive
             to Your Presence,
to not just
      travel in the same direction,
but walk with You.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

And the LORD
has declared today
that you are a people
for His treasured possession
...and that you shall be
a people holy
      to the LORD your God...

       Deuteronomy 26. 18-19

(It has been revealed
  in real time
  these past few weeks
that the Church
  is not confined by walls,
nor defined by
       a weekly meeting,
but overflows into the world
   by a people
   anointed and appointed
who know God.
That personal intimate
   relationship with Him
transforms our hearts
and radically alters
   everything about us:
how we see circumstances,
how we respond,
what we do,
how we love others.
As His people,
God changes
the very course of our lives
and directly impacts
    everyone around us.)

We come before you
in this broken and fallen world,
surrounded by desperation,
clinging to You.
We seek You.
Please transform our hearts
that we would not just
behave like Your people,
but that we would
           be Your people.
Even as this virus infects,
we pray that even more
   Your Holy Spirit
   would infiltrate, invade,
   and infuse our hearts
          for Your glory.
May we be a people
   who seek You,
be known by You,
be known as Yours.
Even now.
Even in this.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Whoever works his land
will have plenty of bread,
but he who follows
   worthless pursuits
             lacks sense.

               Proverbs 12. 11

("All we have to decide
is what to do with the time
that is given us."
      in Fellowship of the Ring.
We have the blessing
              of unexpected time
    in these unusual times,
even as we shelter in place.
What are we going to do
             with this day?
Are we willing to follow God
             in it?
Not finding something
          to fill up these hours,
but letting God
fulfill and redeem each minute.
God provides through
   the hands and work
   of His anointed people,
strategically placed
    with divine appointments
to bless Him
and seek the welfare of others.
There is nothing too small,
       nothing insignificant,
done in the name of the LORD.)

It is not that we lay this day
          before You,
the things on our list,
the things "we will do for You."
But we come to before You,
            O Almighty God,
and You place Your day
        before us
and bid us to
     follow You into
     those divine appointments,
which may seem inconsequential
       but always profoundly eternal.
May the underlying patterns
           of Your sacred order
     unfold before us
and provide a way into our day.
Help us to be faithful to You
   in whatever You place before us.
Bring Your fruitfulness to it.
How can we minister to others
    and bless Your holy name today
for Your glory,
          even in this?

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

As they were going
       along the road...

            Luke 9. 57

(Jesus doesn't just
   meet us
   in our comings and goings.
He walks with us
              through them.
Am I walking with Him,
listening for His voice,
watching for His hand,
knowing His Presence,
          even in this?)

We walk with You
in the newness of this day,
so out of the ordinary,
new patterns,
new paths,
new purposes
            for Your glory.
Help us to stay tuned
      to Your voice,
Your direction,
Your being
       right where we are,
       right on this road,
no matter what,
no matter where.
We are not alone in this.
      You are with us,
Your glory unfolding in
    the most unexpected times
    and the most unlikely places.