Sunday, February 28, 2021


And when you reap
the harvest of your land,
you shall not
    reap your field
right up to the edge,
nor shall you gather
the gleanings
         of your harvest.
You shall leave them
for the poor
and for the sojourner.
I am the LORD your God.

           Leviticus 23. 22

(God provides for the poor,
the needy and sojourner
     of every type of need.
And He uses us
   in those endeavors
to fill in the gaps.
May we live with margins
in time, treasure
   and relationship.
Love transcends
Kindness, generosity
and grace are not limited
   to the material.
But sometimes those
provide the open door
to something deeper.)

Open our eyes
         and hearts
to the gaping needs
   all around us,
not segmented by
 what is earned
or deserved
but by our love for You
and manifested in
     our love for others.
Grace and kindness
always bear fruit,
emerging even out of
 the most barren ground.
Help us to realize
our responsibility to care
for those You have
entrusted to us,
the sojourner on our paths,
the neighbor,
or family members
strategically placed
            in our lives.

Saturday, February 27, 2021


...for I am the LORD
who sanctifies them.

      Leviticus 22. 16

(Sanctification means
to be set apart from all else
to be used by God
     for His purposes.
This is the calling
     in present tense
of all believers to realize
God's grace sets us apart.
The mark of His grace
looks different, sounds
acts, and pours over all things
because we have been
released from
   the dominion of sin.
We are identified as His.
"It is not I who live,
but Christ who lives in me."
           Galatians 2. 20)

Help us to remember
in all things today
that we are Yours.
Help us to write Your name
    at the top of our paper.
Let Your grace
pour over all of life
that we would realize
  Your holiness
   encompasses all
things for Your glory.
Nothing is too small,
no one is insignificant,
all is sacred in Your sight.
You redeem and restore
what we only see
        as impossible.
Help us to seek
  Your way through this
and watch our lives
(and those of others)
  change before our eyes.

Friday, February 26, 2021


I am the LORD
   your God.

      Leviticus 19

(This phase,
this reason,
this overlying purpose,
appears 16 times
in this chapter alone.
Why should we
    do this
    or not do that?
This is why:
Because God is God.
The LORD is
        our God.
And that makes
our daily choices,
our actions
        and responses,
the course of our lives
       radically different
because we love Him.)

You are our God.
And we are Your people.
Help us not just
         to act that way,
but to love others
  as we have been
  loved by You.
May Your Spirit
and our love for You
flow through us
like a mighty river
to all those on our paths,
our families, neighbors,
and even those who
   don't like us very much.
Help us to love them back.
Even now.
Even in this.

Thursday, February 25, 2021


You shall not walk
   in their statutes.
You shall
follow My rules and
    keep My statutes
and walk in them.
I am the LORD your God.
...if a person does them,
he shall live by them.
I am the LORD.

     Leviticus 18. 3-5

(Following God and
walking with Him
is going to be and look
       very different.
Oh, what we miss
  by not choosing His way
  and walking with Him.
God changes our journey
and the course
           of our lives.
There is another way
through the chaos
   and difficulties
   and hard stuff.
One step with Him,
and God opens up
    the next step before us.
We need not walk alone.)

We choose to walk
       with You today
on the highlands
    or in the miry bog.
Help us to see
    Your way differently
with willing hearts
and eyes wide open
to the needs all around.
Transform what we see
   as irritations
   and interruptions,
into ministry to others
and opportunities
to love and honor You.
Kindness and compassion
    always bear fruit,
    baskets left over,
       more than enough.
When we walk with You,
You always make
   the journey incredible.
There are no ordinary days
and nothing insignificant.
All for Your glory.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021


But may all
   who seek You
and be glad in You;
may those
who love Your salvation
say continually,
"Great is the LORD!"

           Psalm 40. 16

be glad,
say continually
"Great is the LORD!".
How different
would we live,
if we said out loud
and responded,
      like that?
And meant it.
Those words,
that kind of heart,
would totally change
  our perspective of
  whatever we face,
pointing ourselves
    and others to Him.
Do others see our
    and underlying joy?
Do we acknowledge
the LORD even in this?)

Help us to not just
seek and see You
     and Your hand,
but to acknowledge You
before others,
in our perspectives,
in how we approach
         the hard stuff,
even in our attitudes,
which tell a lot about us.
Write Your name
      at the top of this day.
It is Yours.
We are Yours.
Help our joy in You
 show in how we live
and how we love.
We are forever
          in Your care.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021


But immediately
He spoke to them
and said, "Take care;
     It is I.
Do not be afraid!"

         Mark 6. 50

(Recognize that Jesus
    walks with us,
right through this mess,
this rocky trail,
this miry bog,
these shadowlands.
No reason to be afraid.
Do not let fear distract
  but let Jesus lead
  through it.
With Jesus,
we see it differently.)

Help us to see You
and walk with You
into situations
we could never have
done without You.
Oh, the wonders
we would have missed
       along the way.
Help us to trust You
even when we don't
or can't yet see what
  is around the bend.
You are leading us
into Your story
to bring others to You.

Monday, February 22, 2021


And He could do
no mighty work there,
except that He laid
His hands on a
few sick people
     and healed them.
And He marveled
because of
      their unbelief.

           Mark 6. 5-6

(What we miss
because we
do not seek Him,
nor believe
  God is God.
Our hearts are
   not open to what is
   before our very eyes.
How many miracles
   do we just explain away?
Or we don't even bother
   to pray about?
Are we missing
    the very hand of God?
In seeking God,
we see even more
     all around us.
It is not a matter of
thinking God can
   do something about this.
But believing in Him
  despite circumstances
and not just for an answer.
God is working
     and always works
in a bizillion different outcomes.
Am I seeking His glory
           even in this day?)

O what we miss
because we are
   not looking
or seeking You.
Soften our hearts
 to Your mighty work
 in our lives
and in the lives of those
all around us.
May we acknowledge You
  in all we do and say
  and pray.
And point others to You.
You are in this.
And we weren't looking.

Sunday, February 21, 2021


But for You,
    O LORD,
do I wait;
it is You, O LORD,
            my God.
who will answer.

            Psalm 38. 15

(God's timing
    is always perfect.
He is never late.
Don't get ahead of God.
"The only thing harder
than waiting on God
is not waiting on Him."
      (Crawford Loritts)
Some things have not
     yet ripened.
Some things may not
     be ready,
and that might be
              my heart.
When we seek the LORD
   and not just an answer,
we don't miss out
        on what He provides
        and how He provides..
Watch out for Him
especially in unlikely times
and unexpected places.)

We walk with You,
we abide in You,
we wait for You,
never a random moment,
never a missed
Sometimes, O LORD,
we need surprises to
show us what else
     might be possible
and to reveal how little
    we know and trust You.

Saturday, February 20, 2021


The memory of the righteous
        is a blessing...

            Proverbs 10. 7

(Because they take
        refuge in Him.
The LORD is
        their strength.
And so,
wherever they are,
whomever God
     places on their path
are blessed by them.
They bring with them,
   and leave behind
kindness, love, grace
   and faithfulness.
Do we realize the
lingering impact
      of our lives?
Even in this.)

Help us to know
that nothing we do,
say, sow, or plant
   is insignificant.
There is nothing
that You cannot redeem
and grow
and bring blessing.
Anoint this day
        for Your glory.
Bring the lasting aroma
    of Your grace to it.

Friday, February 19, 2021


And other seeds
fell into good soil
and produced grain,
growing up
and increasing
and yielding
and sixtyfold
and a hundredfold.

           Mark 4. 8

(The seed is God's Word.
Read the Word,
hear the Word,
write it in our hearts
  and in our actions,
embrace it,
cultivate it,
and God will bear fruit
in our lives and
  everyone around us,
even in barren
overlooked places
   and unlikely people
for His Kingdom.
Years ago, I started a
neighborhood Bible study.
A woman that I thought
would be least interested
    was the most faithful
    in coming.
She was hungry for Him.
Never underestimate
the power of God's Word.
He changes us
           through it.)

Soften our hearts
         to Your Word,
in Your Word,
through Your Word.
And to realize that
the fruit You bear
is not limited
        in any way
to our lifetimes.
Help us to prepare
the soil in others' hearts
   by loving them
   right to You.
We pray for
  Your Word to
  change the landscape.
Help us to plant,
cultivate and realize
ripening is often

Thursday, February 18, 2021 a gift
      to the LORD.

      Leviticus 7. 14

(A true gift is one
that comes from
           the heart.
Am I saying to God,
"Just tell me what
            You want,
tell me what to do"?
Or thinking about
what would be pleasing
    to Him?
Listening ears,
attentive eyes,
a willing heart,
and shoes tied on
  ready to serve,
practicing grace
   in unexpected places,
looking for ways to
     love others well,
asking forgiveness
  and lavishing it
  generously on others.
A gift to the LORD
is not checking off
   a list of "have to's,"
but seeking out
   the "get to's.")

May we seek this day
gifts for You,
offerings to You,
that would please You
  in whatever we do,
gifts without ribbons
and bows
but just because
      we love You.
May we seek this day
not Your blessings
but how we can
          bless You.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021


...and the priest
shall make atonement
            for him
for the mistake that
he made unintentionally,
and he shall be

          Leviticus 5. 18

(We are imperfect.
We sin.
God knows that.
We cannot save ourselves.
God knows that too.
That is why He gave us
the book of Leviticus.
It is not all about sin.
It is all about
   God's provision
and our need for Him.
God invented forgiveness
   that we may know Him.
Sin always
      costs something,
that which is done
            or left undone,
intentional or
            a mistake.
And His grace
is given to us
at the cost of Jesus
  to cover it all.)

We are reminded this day
of our need for You.
Thank you for Your grace
and forgiveness
and redeeming it all.
It is not our sin
   that defines us
but Your forgiveness
  that makes
  all things new.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021


Then he shall kill the bull
before the LORD,
and Aaron's sons
             the priests
shall bring the blood
and throw the blood
against the
       sides of the altar
that is at the entrance
of the tent of meeting.

           Leviticus 1. 5

(Not the most pleasant
passage in His Word,
but essential.
Sacrifice is horribly messy,
because sin
   is even more nasty.
The book of Leviticus
is not just about sin,
but God's revealing
the way to make life
           right again
in relationship with Him.
Leviticus shows
    our need for a Savior.
It is a book of hope,
forgiveness, atonement,
grace and provision
for us to repent
and for Him to redeem.
"If we confess our sins,
He is faithful and just
to forgive us our sins,
and to cleanse us
from all unrighteousness."
           1 John 1.9)

We are unworthy
         of Your grace.
We have messed up.
We are headed
in the wrong direction.
We come to You with
the hardest words:
       "I was wrong."
Thank You for
      Your forgiveness
      already here.
Break the chains,
         O LORD,
   that enslave us.
May we not just
   accept Your grace,
but respond to it
  by loving You back.

Monday, February 15, 2021


...and wrote on it
     an inscription,
like the engraving
     of a signet,
"Holy to the LORD."

        Exodus 39. 30

(Not just what we do,
but how we do it,
and whose name
   we write on it.
How differently
would we approach
our work,
our responsibilities,
our appointments
  even unexpected,
if it had His name
   written on it?
May we do all things
with excellence
as unto the LORD,
nothing too small
   that He cannot
   bring His glory
              to it.
Even in what we
only consider
   an interruption,
God works through us
in how we respond
in word, deed
        and attitude.)

We do not come to You
with our agenda
         this morning,
not laying our plans
  before You,
but come to You
that You would
lay before us
    Your day for us.
Your day
has no interruptions,
nothing You
        cannot redeem
in a million different
May we be aware
of Your hand upon us.
May we be sensitive
to others watching us
who desperately seek
if You make a difference
    in our lives,
not in performance
           but in grace.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

So the people were
restrained from bringing,
for the material they had
was sufficient to
do all the work,
          and more.

          Exodus 36. 6-7

(Generosity is not
a way of giving,
       but of living.
We miss out
if we think it is
all about stuff--
 a matter of
 how much stuff
 we have or don't have
 or what we do with it--
but our heart condition.
How we love,
what we love,
Whom we love.
It is the quality
   of being kind,
even in unexpected
Those with
           generous hearts
see need
on so many levels
and respond in
          some way--
to be kind and loving,
to just walk alongside,
and even to take notice.
And to know that
we can't do everything,
but we can do something.
No kindness is insignificant
    in God's kingdom.)

We alone can't solve
the world's problems,
nor fill the gaping holes
           all around us,
but we can
bring Your name into it
and respond with love
to those on our path.
We are not in control
of others
but we can love them.
Help us to know how
    to help in a way
    that does not hurt.
Soften our hearts
to Your work
and to love those
whom You
have placed on our paths
and on our hearts.
Generosity moves
not out of obligation,
but out of love
for You and others.
Generosity may
or may not change
        the circumstances,
but through it,
You always change
             our hearts.
Let Your love show
    through us today.


Friday, February 12, 2021


And he said,
"If now I have found
favor in Your sight,
            O LORD,
please let the LORD
go in the midst of us..."

           Exodus 34. 9

(The LORD's Presence
makes the significant
difference in
   whatever we face.
"Trust Me in this."
Inviting the LORD
     into our situation
completely changes
our journey,
our vision,
our hearts,
and a million different
  outcomes emerging
  in unexpected places.
God is already redeeming
every instance,
every detail,
even what we see
   as a pothole
   or dead end
   or a barren landscape.
We have just
         to be faithful,
         trust Him,
and welcome Him
   in the midst of us.)

We stand in awe of You
as You encompass us,
invade our hearts,
infiltrate our circumstances
with Your holy Name,
Your redeeming purposes,
    and for Your glory.
We don't know what to do,
  but our eyes are on You.
And You have
    Your eye on us.
There is a life-giving way
through these brambles,
on this unmarked trail,
even this steep uphill,
and You lead us through.
Help us, O LORD,
to walk with You.
You are our help
            and shield,
and we are not alone.
You go in our midst.

Thursday, February 11, 2021


Is it not in
Your going with us,
so that we are distinct,
I and Your people,
from every other people
on the face of the earth?

            Exodus 33. 16

(Not how perfect we are
  nor deserving favor,
not our own greatness
  but His grace,
not our own
or favorable circumstances,
but our relationship
        with the LORD.
What is evident
          in our lives?
His Presence in us
      and through us,
His transformation
  in our hearts
that distinguishes us,
how we respond
            and not react
to circumstances
       all around us,
how we reflect His love,
  grace and strength
which is far beyond
   anything we can do.
What does that look
   like today
   in my life
in the choices we make?)

Fill us with Your grace,
deepen Your intimacy
        within us,
that we would seek You
in whatever we face
and realize
You are with us.
And that should look
    radically different
    in what others see,
in our own hearts,
and in what we pursue.
Help us to listen
   attentively to You.
Distinguish us today
  by Your Presence.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021


I will instruct you
and teach you
in the way
   you should go;
I will counsel you
with My eye
         upon you.

        Psalm 32. 9

(God teaches,
instructs and counsels.
Are we seeking Him
    or just a solution?
Not "give me
         the answer,"
but here
       is my heart.
It is not that we are
waiting on God's response,
but He may be waiting
              for ours.)

Whether in the brambles
or wilderness
or what seems like
a thousand intersections
          all at once,
You are here.
Guide us, O LORD.
We don't know
       what to do,
but our eyes
       are on You.
(2 Chronicles 20. 12)
Make Your way
surround us with
   Your wisdom.
Help us to walk with You
   on this journey.
In Your name.
For Your glory.
   Even in this.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021


...before the LORD,
where I will
          meet with you,
to speak to you there.

           Exodus 29. 42

(The most important
appointment of the day
is coming daily
       before the LORD
to pray,
to meditate in His Word,
to listen and respond,
to know Him more.
It is not a matter
         of information,
     but transformation.
Not of instruction
     but connection.
Not of obligation,
     but love.
What we need to learn
from what is before us,
what we need to know
   before the day begins
   beyond a shadow
             of a doubt,
is that God dwells with us.
God is leading us
  in the big stuff
  and in the ordinary days
--because it is all big stuff.
And that God is God,
      and we are not.)

Please align our hearts
         with Yours
that we would not
   miss out on Your
Presence in this
place and time
and Your purposes.
Help us to seek You,
to follow and respond,
to be ready and prepared,
even when we don't
           know why,
because that is what
   faithfulness does.
You hear our voices
when we cry to You
            for help.
And we find
   You are already here.
May praying to You
  be our first response
and not our last resort.

Monday, February 8, 2021


You shall make
a plate of pure gold
and engrave on it,
like the engraving
           of a signet,
"Holy to the LORD."

       Exodus 28. 36

(In whatever I do today,
even the day itself,
engrave on it
       in word and deed
       attitude and time,
"This is the LORD's."
And recognize
    His holiness
even in the unexpected.
A signet was a seal
used as a signature
to authenticate
a document.
Or in this case,
how we approach
our work,
our responsibilities,
our struggles,
this hard place
           on the road,
even the joys.
Engrave His name on it.
In God's sight,
there are
  no ordinary days,
  He cannot redeem,
and nothing without
   His signet on it.)

We come before You
at the beginning
of this day and week.
Lay out before us,
             Almighty One,
Your way,
Your plans and purposes,
Your beauty and glory.
Help us to realize
    that all this,
even the parts
    unknown to us,
are in Your hand.
Help us to listen to You
     and respond.
Help us as we engrave
   Your name,
even over this.
How differently can we
approach this situation
because we know You?

Sunday, February 7, 2021


There shall be two tenons
in each frame,
for fitting together.

          Exodus 27. 17

(There will always be
things and events
and people and stuff
and experiences
that we do not understand
    why they are there.
But the jutting-out pieces
that look useless
and out of place
may be the significant
    points of connection
        for fitting together.
We have only     
        to be faithful
and trust God
for His sovereignty
in our relationship
   with Him and others.
Some things
we were not meant
to fully comprehend.
Just to trust Him
           in them.)

When we come upon
the hard and difficult
and odd-shaped
help us to trust You more.
Nothing is out of place,
but just beyond
         our understanding.
Help us to stand at our post
and be faithful
     in carefully following You.
We may not know
          what to do,
but we can trust You.
We don't need to
             know why,
just that You already do.
Use this jutting-out tenon,
  to bring us closer to You.


Saturday, February 6, 2021


I send an angel
          before you
to guard you
   on the way
and to bring you
to the place that I
  have prepared.

         Exodus 23. 20

(God does not just
walk with us
into the known
      and the unknown.
God goes before us
to prepare our way
and ready our place.
God's provision,
His leading
    and Presence
    surround us.
He strategically
       places us
even on the journey,
even in these
         every days
in which there is
life-altering significance
of which we are unaware.
Every day counts,
every step meaningful,
every divine appointment
draws us into a closer walk
               with Him.)

We don't know what
              to do,
but our eyes are on You.
Help us to trust You
              even more,
knowing You go with us
and go before us.
You know of what we
      don't have any clue.
Your steadfast love
surrounds us,
even in what we
          don't understand.
You are in this place
      so intricately,
and we don't even
             know it.

Friday, February 5, 2021


...make restitution
from the best
in his own field
and in his own vineyard.

            Exodus 22. 5

(Whatever it takes
to make it right again.
It was not a common
      cultural expectation
      or response,
but indeed countercultural,
found only in the Hebrew scriptures,
a mandate for how to live
     in this broken world.
The Hebrew word
for restitution is shalom:
to make peace,
to be at peace,
to live in peace
          and completion,
to make it whole and good,
to restore,
to make amends,
to make it right again.)

Show us Your way
through the tempest,
whether our doing
   or another's transgression.
It does not matter
   who is at fault,
but help us to make it right,
not just to fill in the gaps,
but make our
   relationships right again.
Bring Your grace to this
    troubling situation.
Forgiveness does not say
a transgression does not
matter or graded on a curve
-- no matter what it is.
But forgiveness says
    I love you anyway,
the deepest kind of love,
the way of restoration
for both sides
          of the equation.

Thursday, February 4, 2021


Moses spoke,
and God answered him
          in thunder.

          Exodus 19. 19

(God always answers,
sometimes in the
   most unexpected ways,
sometimes go,
sometimes wait and watch,
sometimes stay faithfully
           at our post.
Just because we cannot
  see immediate results
  that we have prescribed
doesn't mean God is
        not working,
but doing something
   deeper and wider
than we can understand.
God's timetable
     and divine appointments
     are always perfect.
     Ours are not.
Are we listening
Are we watching
Are we willing to
   receive His answer
       and respond?
Do we even ask?)

Help us to not lay out
our day for You
to squeeze You
   somehow into it.
But please lay out
   Your day for us,
every appointment
every encounter,
every good work
  You have designed.
Help us to not just
watch out for You.
You are already with us,
walking right here
               with us.
We ask,
You answer,
and it is up to us
           to respond.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021


And He said to him,
"You shall love the
Lord your God
with all your heart
and with all your soul
and with all your mind.
This is the great
and first commandment.
And the second is
like it:
You shall love
your neighbor
          as yourself."

   Matthew 22. 37-38

(This repetition of
Deuteronomy 6. 5
was so important
that faithful Jews
repeated it
      twice a day.
Love God
and seek the
welfare of others.
What does that
look like tangibly
in my life today?
Love is not
something we do,
but who we are.
God changes us
     through it.)

You have placed us
strategically in time
and place
and amidst others
     on our path.
Help us to be faithful
to You in loving them.
Create in us a pattern,
a practice, a pursuit
to serve and love You
and those around us.
Even the difficult ones
of which we are,
and You still loved us
       to You.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021


...but the people of Israel
walked on dry ground
in the midst of the sea.

        Exodus 15. 19

(Wherever we are,
whatever unexpected
or even scary on our radar,
no matter
   the circumstances,
we can walk differently
because we
         walk with Him.
Overwhelming is just
recognition  of
our dependence on Him.
We do not acknowledge
His Presence,
 grasp fully
what He is doing,
nor what He is
    already redeeming.
How do we approach
this situation
because we are
walking with Him?
Different journey and
outcomes that cannot
remain the same.)

Help us to trust You
for dry ground
in the midst of
   this Red Sea.
Reveal to us
not just Your way,
   but Yourself,
that we would,
through this experience,
know that You are
          the LORD.
It is not of what I fear,
but in Whom I trust
that makes
     all the difference.

Monday, February 1, 2021


But God led the people
around by the way
of the wilderness
toward the Red Sea.

         Exodus 13. 18

(What was God
There are a lot easier
and quicker routes
that were evident.
But the unexpected ways
and unlikely places
     reveal God's hand.
It is not just about
            our story,
   but His glory.
God goes before us and
leads us along the way,
    not just scurrying
              through it.
God does not say His way
will be the quickest or
easiest in this broken world,
but God promises,
"Fear not.  I am with You."
We need to know
the reality of His Presence
beyond a shadow
              of a doubt.
And the only way
to get there is to
   "Trust Me in this.")

We all face
   wilderness places
and the Red Sea
       before us.
Help us to not even think
  we can do this alone.
You provide
the dry ground through
    this situation,
that we would
acknowledge Your hand
and bear witness
        to Your faithfulness
   with dry feet
   in impossible places.
Even in this.
May we bear and wear
       shoes full of sand,
and hearts aware of
Your Presence,
Your provision and strength
that are not our own.