Friday, January 31, 2025

Nobody Can Count That High


Then Peter came up
   and said to Him,
"Lord, how often will
my brother sin against me,
     and I forgive him?
  As many as seven times?"
Jesus said to him,
"I do not say to you
       seven times,
but seventy times seven."

              Matthew 18. 21-22

(In Judaic tradition,
   three times was sufficient
   to reveal a forgiving spirit.
Jesus says, "Stop counting."
If we forgave so much
    that we lost count,
we would be
   far different people.
We cannot help
      but be changed radically
   by forgiving.
And realizing His mercy is more.
What is so hard about forgiving
  is realizing our own need for it.
We are not perfect either.)

Love you out there.
Praying for you
        the courage to forgive.

We ask for You
   to change our triggers,
soften our hearts,
and alter our responses.
May Your mercy
    cover both our wounds
    and our brokenness.
Help us to be not just
      quick with forgiveness
   but deep with it.
Turn our hearts
       right side up.
Fill our pockets with
      forgiveness and sincerity.
Because that is how
     we love one another.
Because that is how
         You love us.
One forgiveness comes
   layered on another.
Help us to realize
 forgiveness is
         never insignificant,
only profoundly life changing.
And nobody can
          count that high.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Something We Would Not Have Chosen


Why did You
    ever send me?

         Exodus 5. 22

(Just because the task is hard
     and seems impossible to do
does not mean it is not
in the very center of God's will.
His purposes span
             across eternity.
We just cannot see them yet.
God does not empower us
to necessarily see ourselves
    --or these circumstances--
with new eyes and hearts,
but to realize even more
         who He is.
Why did He ever send us here?
       To be faithful.)

You know the difficulty
           that we are facing,
something that we
  would never have chosen
  or attempted,
           if not for You.
We pray that You will use us
   for spreading Your glory
   all over this adversity
and that You are redeeming it
for the good of many people.
Grant us the courage we need.
And help us
    to walk with You through it.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Who Moved?


Be not far from me,
for trouble is near,
and there is none to help.

          Psalm 22.11

(Who moved?
       God hasn't.
God is faithfully with us.
How we seek God,
trust Him, walk with Him,
and spend time with Him
   in the everydays
increases our strength
in the extraordinary
            and overwhelming,
   when it comes about.
"If we do not do the running
steadily in the little ways,
we shall do nothing
                  in the crisis."
--Oswald Chambers
   My Utmost for His Highest)

We cry for You to be near.
Please help us.
It is in these times of hardship
   and troubles,
that we realize
      how much we need You.
Help us to run with You
   in the familiar and unfamiliar.
Engrave the reality of Your Presence
        on our hearts.
You are right here to help us,
         not far at all.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

And Carry A Big Net


Monday, January 27, 2025

The Extraordinary Dirt Under Our Feet


Take the sandals
        off your feet,
for the place on which
     you are standing
is holy ground.

             Exodus 3. 5

(Wherever we are today,
wherever God leads,
we are divinely appointed,
strategically placed,
sacredly called,
            even here,
   to be faithful to God.
Even in this situation,
    God abides with us,
no matter the wilderness
        or our kitchen.
How differently would we see
   this place
   or even ourselves,
if we remembered
the sacredness of this moment
     or square foot of holy ground.
Even right here in the ordinary
     or way-out-there extraordinary,
   He is with us.
God is doing a mighty work
of which we are 
            mostly unaware.)

Help us to honor You
wherever You place us today.
Help us to pay attention
to where we are standing
  and the sacredness of
  this time and place
  and divine encounters.
Nothing is random in it at all.
Even the wilderness
   is full of wonders
           bursting forth.
Grant us the eyes to see,
ears to listen,
   and the heart to respond.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

But Jesus Only


Saturday, January 25, 2025

Oh, So That's Why!


Friday, January 24, 2025

Impossible and Improbable


But Jesus said,
"They need not go away;
you give them
     something to eat."
They said to Him,
"We have only
five loaves here and two fish."
And He said,
"Bring them to Me."

           Matthew 14. 16-17

(God's fundamental law
       of multiplication
hinges on His words
  "Bring them here to Me."
What impossible situation, 
inadequacy, or sack lunch are we
   willing to bring before God?
We see the lack.
    "This is all we have,
          and it is not much."
But God brings about a feast
         with leftovers.
God does not
           make it enough.
    He makes it more.
The backstory here reveals
            a faithful mom,
  making lunch for her little boy.
There are no insignificant acts
       of faithfulness,
even when we are unaware
   of how powerfully God is
         using us for His glory
    on the most ordinary days.
God multiplies our efforts
      in a million different ways,
                even today.
And we are so very unaware.)

We come before You
with the impossible
          and improbable,
and all we have to offer
   are some biscuit crumbs
          and fish jerky.
Help us to trust You
      in this dilemma,
   and follow You into it.
Make us aware of
    the needs around us,
Your Presence with us,
and with what You want us
        to enter in.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Hold Tight to Me


...but the LORD
        was my support.
He brought me
   into a broad place...

          Psalm 18. 18-19

(We may be facing a thicket,
a miry bog, an impenetrable forest,
a massive unruly crowd,
but when we follow God,
when we trust Him in this place,
   God does not just bring us through.
God reveals Himself.
He gives us not just a foothold
   in impossible places
   or even the familiar,
but He shows us His path
           and holds our hands.
The Hebrew word for support
means support of every kind,
            all joined together.
The way we follow Him
       --on Whom we lean--
    in our everydays
determines how we approach
and navigate the crises,
         when they come.
Hold tight to Me.)

As we come before You,
please show us
not just Your way in this day,
    but reveal Yourself to us.
Please help us to pray,
     listen and respond
in ways that do not just lead us
    but point others to You.
Grant to us the courage
    to stick to Your path
and awareness of Your Presence
       to enjoy the view.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

What in the World Is God Doing


For God has made me fruitful
in the land of my affliction.

             Genesis 41 52

(Even in hardship,
    God redeems.
Even when we don't understand,
   God carries it to completion.
God is bringing about
   His greater good,
far beyond our comprehension,
far beyond our lives.
What in the world is God doing?
God is redeeming,
     not just the situation,
     but us.
God works in unexpected ways,
  even in what we do not see
Joseph had no idea
   what God was up to,
but he trusted Him
  through a whole slew of deep pits,
       injustices, false accusations,
       and jail time.
But in each hard experience,
    God equipped him
 for the now and the not yet,
       strength upon strength.
Just as God does in us.)

We stand in a land of affliction,
      or state of confusion,
or really hard circumstances,
but we can walk with You
   securely through them,
Help us to trust You in this.
Empower us
    to be a witness to others
that You are God.
Bring Your goodness and glory
         even to this.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Just the Middle of the Story


Monday, January 20, 2025

No Returns or Exchanges


Sunday, January 19, 2025

What God Does With a Fish Sandwich


And God said to him,
"I am God Almighty.
Be fruitful and multiply.

         Genesis 35. 11

(God says the same to us.
Make the most
    of this day
that He has given us.
There is nothing ordinary in it.
Everything matters,
  even the smallest kindness,
even in what we do,
           and how we do it.
Avodah in the Hebrew language
   is the same word simultaneously
   for work, worship, and service.
God applies His multiplying effect
            to every small endeavor.
God takes a small fish sandwich
            and feeds 5000.
We can never know
   what the Almighty
              is doing through us.)

We pray that with Your power
  You would be fruitful
   and multiply through us today.
in unexpected, ordinary
       and in extraordinary ways.
Help us to follow You into it.
Multiply, we pray, our faithfulness
     into Your fruitfulness.
And use us for Your glory.
Be magnified, Almighty One.

Friday, January 17, 2025

The Deeps Break Open


When the LORD restores...

        Psalm 14. 7

(Hope is knowing
what we are going through
is not the end of the story.
We are only in the
  middle of a chapter and
     middle of His redeeming.
Redeeming is woven
          all the way through
   with strong thread
   and imperceptible stitches.
God's restoring
  does not just provide
depreciated replacement value.
Because God multiplies
  in ways we can never imagine
for our hearts
and for the souls around us.
The deeps break open
         --Proverbs 3. 20)  

May we be faithful to You
even through the chaos,
     fallow fields,
      and rocky roads.
You are working deeply,
   and You are redeeming
far beyond our understanding
    or what we can see.
Reveal to us
   not just what to do
but that we would
   be evidence of Your work,
Your hand,
and Your witness and redeeming
  in this situation.
Above all,
to be faithful to You today.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Stay By Me


Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Trusting God Goes Both Ways


...and Jesus said to them,
"Do you believe that
I am able to do this?"
They said to Him,
          "Yes, Lord."
Then He touched their eyes,
saying, "According to your faith,
    be it done to you."
And their eyes were opened.

          Matthew 9. 28-30

(God is able to heal,
but not always the way
    that we specify,
not always what we expect,
         nor just physically.
His healing miracles
  were never limited
to physical healing,
  but always bore
even more significantly,
     an eternal spiritual element.
Trusting God goes both ways.
Do we believe He is able
        to do this,
or even more with this?
Faith lets God be God in this.
God always comes through,
but not always
     through the front door.
We can trust Him
  and not just for an answer,
but in a far greater redeeming
    than we can know.)

Grow in us a faith
to trust You
        both ways.
We know that You are able
    to do, answer, and redeem,
  far deeper than we ask.
Help us to realize that You
       stretch Your redeeming
  over more than
           a singular outcome.
Open our eyes
   that we may not
          just see Your hand,
but trust You even more.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

God Knows What He is Doing. Imagine That.


Monday, January 13, 2025

What Only God Can Pull Off


And he said, "O LORD,
God of my master Abraham,
please grant me success today
and show steadfast love
to my master Abraham.

            Genesis 24. 12

(Acknowledging that
it is God who causes to happen
to us what we seek,
not a particular answer
   of our own choosing
                or timing,
    but His way,
    His completion,
  and His glory in this.
His surprising ways reveal
not just His hand,
     but His Presence.
In Hebrew, it literally means
to make beams and joists
    to meet one another.
It is God who has done this,
not that things come together,
          or work out,
    but are designed that way
    to make Himself known.
Our experiences don't just happen
                     or come about.
What is at stake?
What do we make known?
       His glory or ours?)

Your steadfast love guides us
   through the miry bogs,
   tangles of impossibilities,
   and the great unknown,
not toward an outcome,
     but closer to You.
We ask that You would bless
        our efforts
        and our faithfulness
and amaze us
    not by "what happens"
but how You redeem
           all things.
Liberate us from our
       narrow pursuits.
Invite us into Your purposes.
Astonish us.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Direct it to Me


Saturday, January 11, 2025

What We See and What We Don't


Friday, January 10, 2025

Never A Passive Ask


and it will be given to you.
and you will find.
and it will be opened to you.

           Matthew 7. 7

("Did it even occur to you
      to ask Me?"
God always responds
  when we ask and pursue
  His will and His way
in whatever is before us.
Prayer is not telling God what to do,
nor wishful thinking,
nor dumping a list
           of our wants
    before the Almighty,
nor a passive ask.
God does not just provide
    a set of instructions,
but He reveals Himself,
sometimes in unexpected ways,
sometimes one step first
     and then another,
sometimes to wait
  and stay faithfully doing
  right where we are.
We may not be yet ready
   for the trail ahead.
Prayer is an active pursuit,
seeking God about this situation,
  so that we can hit the road,
  shoes tied on,
     ready to run with Him.)

May we come before You
   with our concerns,
   and our messes,
   and what we don't even know
         to ask.
Guide us in Your will in this.
Help us to not just ask,
    but listen and respond.
Grant to us fresh hearts
  in hard situations
that we might not just
   see things differently,
   or do something different,
but realize Your way
   opens up new paths
          for Your glory,
even in difficulties,
even in the familiar,
even on ordinary days
   which are never so ordinary.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Prayer Doesn't Change Things


He lifted up his eyes
          and looked,
and behold......

         Genesis 18. 2

(Praying to God
empowers us to look up
   beyond our circumstances
as we seek Him.
Praying is knowing that
there is something more,
    and that is God.
Praying is a way of speaking,
listening and responding,
laying out before God
   our concerns and joys.
God reveals Himself,
sometimes in unexpected
     and unlikely ways.
"Where did that come from?"
"I never thought of that before."
Through prayer,
God enlarges our vision,
        softens our hearts,
   and strengthens our hands
to see, approach
       and navigate differently
  whatever is before us.
Prayer doesn't change God.
Prayer doesn't change things.
Prayer changes us.)

We can pray to You.
That is marvelous and amazing.
We can come before You,
       O Almighty One,
sit with You,
walk with You,
cry out or rejoice,
pour out our hearts,
   because You listen.
We traverse the known
     and unknown
with a fresh heart
    and a deeper vision
because we have
   spent time with You.
We look up to You
      and behold.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Switch On The Porchlight


Tuesday, January 7, 2025

But First, To Build


Monday, January 6, 2025

Bad News? Maybe Not.


Sunday, January 5, 2025

No Matter What Ark We Are In


Saturday, January 4, 2025

Courage In Strange Places


Friday, January 3, 2025

Magnify, Amplify, Multiply


Be fruitful and multiply....

        Genesis 1. 28

(God provides each of us
a new way to approach
and navigate this new year.
He changes our hearts
    and our vision
in these appointed moments
   to not just see difficulties
   but to see Him differently.
Our path may not change,
    but we do.
We are strengthened
  by walking with Him in it.
Do we see the hard stuff
      as difficulty
or as opportunity
   to do something more?
Enlarge, expand, increase,
and amplify His goodness
    on this patch of ground
and in this moment in time.)

As we venture into new horizons
    or walk faithfully in the familiar,
we ask for strong legs, 
willing hands,
   and a new heart in this.
Grant to us Your wisdom
   and strength.
Nudge us to see this hard situation
   and impossible relationships,
not as they appear on the surface,
but as an opportunity
    to be faithful to You.
Be magnified through us.
Bring Your fruitfulness and glory
   to all we undertake today.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Just Watch This


Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Already Being Redeemed


And He who was
    seated on the throne said,
   I am making all things new..."

            Revelation 21. 5

(In this new year,
we are not walking
           into the unknown,
but that which is
   already being redeemed,
our past, present and future,
        covered by His endless glorias.
The fullness of time
  is not just coming
  in some far-off future,
but woven in this very moment,
   profound in all eternity,
to the furthest generation.)
Happy New Year!

May we in this newest of years
     abide in You
and open ourselves
to seeing You in new places,
unexpected circumstances,
and among the unlikely.
Wherever You lead,
may we know fully
   that You are with us
and find us faithful.
You do not just bring us through,
    but draw us right to You.