Thursday, March 13, 2025

Very Large Stones, Not A Problem

And looking up
they saw that the stone
    had been rolled back
---it was very large.

             Mark 16. 4

(Jesus did not need the stone
to be rolled back
               to get out.
The stone needed to be moved,
so that we would know
   that He was no longer there.
He is who He said He is.
What is the big rock
     impending our view?
The verse says,
           look up.
Define the problem.
Respond with the gospel.
God opens a pathway
    and open doors
in unexpected places
        and impossible ways.
Very large stones,
             not a problem.)

Thank You that the tomb was empty.
Thank You for what that cost You.
Thank You that nothing but nothing
       can keep us from You.
Help us to see every part of life
    through the lens of the gospel,
not that every part fits,
but every part was designed that way.
May we trust You
  even when rocks block our way.


Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Never Unnoticed


Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Short Term Memory Loss


Would it not be better
for us to go back
          to Egypt?

        Numbers 14. 3

(Beware of 
    short term memory loss
and ignoring our own personal
  chronicle of God's faithfulness.
Lack of trusting God
  distorts what we remember,
what we are experiencing,
and how we face
            what is ahead.
God empowers us to see
    with a fresh heart,
to go forth into the day
  and even into the fray.
Not with an attitude of
  "doesn't make a difference"
but with a mindset of
         with a difference.
And that would be
   from God Himself.)

We all struggle with something.
We all face difficulties.
Please help us to be mindful
   of what you are forming
   in us on this hard road
and what You are
      making possible.
May we place before us
     Your unforgettable Presence.

Monday, March 10, 2025

No Tree Can Grow There


But I am like
    a green olive tree
in the house of God.
I trust in the steadfast love
                 of God
forever and ever.
          Psalm 52. 8

(No matter the barren landscape,
the ongoing drought,
the dismal forecast,
the rocky soil,
we always walk differently
  when we trust God in this.
Taking root downward
    and bearing fruit upward,
still standing tall,
even as
    the most unlikely tree.
God sings His steadfast love
          and goodness over us,
even in what
     we don't understand,
not just surviving
   but thriving
with His strength, hope,
and a witness to others.)

It is not in us,
           but You.
Please grant us
            the courage
not just to act differently,
but respond to You
  in impossible situations.
May Your abiding in us
   be evident,
and beautiful as a shade tree
  in a barren place.
Help us to
     trust You so much,
it shows like that.

Sunday, March 9, 2025

The Power of the Seen And Overheard


But be on your guard.
For they will deliver you   
    over to councils,
and you will be
   beaten in synagogues,
and you will stand
before governors and kings
         for My sake,
to bear witness before them.
           Mark 13. 9

(Jesus spoke these words
   not to make us afraid,
but to make us aware,
to pay attention
      to every opportunity
      to bear witness.
Witness comes in
    unlikely packages,
  casual conversations,
and unexpected moments.
We may not realize
  that others are watching,
   listening, or overhearing,
whether we react or respond,
how we treat difficult people
    or unfavorable outcomes,
    even displayed in our attitudes.
Our testimony is not
     a scripted answer,
but tangible evidence
      of a changed heart.)

Help us to be bold
       with the gospel
in our ordinary places
       and scary spaces,
among the familiar and strange,
even with those
     who stand against us.
May others who watch us
  see not just a difference in us,
        but that You are real.
Create in them
   a homesickness for You.

Saturday, March 8, 2025

More Than "Have A Nice Day"


The LORD bless you  
    and keep you,
the LORD make His face     
    to shine upon you
  and be gracious to you,
the LORD lift up 
   His countenance upon you
and give you peace.

           Numbers 6. 24-26

(Not just a casual greeting
    "Have a nice day,"
but a lot deeper blessing
           than that.
It is writing the LORD's name
over circumstances,
yet unforeseen moments,
His Presence over the delights
   and even the hard stuff.
Unlike a generic smiley face,
this blessing acknowledges
     His Presence with us,
and expresses to others,
you are loved,
you are seen,
   and God is very real.)

Enlarge our vocabulary
    and our hearts
to cover others
   with blessings.
May we not just fill 
    the space with words,
but fulfill this holy moment
      with blessing,
  no matter the situation,
among those we know
and those we don't know yet,
   to see the best in
and desire God's best for.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Aware of What God Makes Possible

And you shall love
   the Lord your God
with all your heart,
and with all your soul,
and with all your mind,
and with all your strength.
The second is this:
You shall love your neighbor
              as yourself.
There is no other commandment
      greater than these.

               Mark 12. 30-31

(What is our overriding agenda
         for this very day?
Of all the significant things
     we urgently need to do,
that which is needful
                   and profound
   is to love God and others
           with a whole heart.
It covers everything.
And answers not just what,
but how, why, where and when.
Our circumstances
    are neither an interruption,
    nor a pothole,
              nor deadend,
but a divine appointment
     on holy ground.
How differently would we go forth
     if we equipped ourselves
              into this day
     with those commandments?)

We love You.
Please help us to be faithful
    in expressing our love
by loving those around us,
those we know,
those we have not even met,
divine windows,
sacred encounters,
and holy moments in disguise.
Grant us the courage
       and strength
to make Your love known.
Nudge us, if necessary,
   to be aware of what
       You make possible.



Thursday, March 6, 2025

Even What We Pray For


Wednesday, March 5, 2025

We Are All Storytellers


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Attention Deficit


The LORD spoke to Moses
in the wilderness of Sinai....

           Numbers 1.1

(The most unusual places,
unexpected circumstances,
barren landscapes,
the deserted bus stations of life,
a crowded waiting room,
 or painfully rutted gravel roads,
     are never random at all,
               nor a wrong turn.
But perhaps,
where we listen
without the usual distractions
     or frantic pace.
We are more aware
  that God is here with us.
It is not that we give Him
   permission to speak,
but He gives us the margin
     to take notice of Him
     and pay attention.
What am I supposed
           to be doing here?
Be with Me.)

Help us
to be still and know
    that You are God.
Help us to realize
that we cannot do
       this day without You.
Guide our eyes and hearts
  to take notice
 of what You are doing.
And grant us the strength
    and courage
        to respond
with energy, grace and love.
May we be not just
           aware of You,
but sensitive to those
  You have divinely placed 
         right before us.
Capture our attention
  and help us
to keep our eyes on You.

Monday, March 3, 2025

In Our Comings And Goings


Sunday, March 2, 2025

Never Comes In Individual Servings


Redeem us
for the sake of
Your steadfast love.

            Psalm 44. 26

(Why do we always think
the hardship or the favor
     is just about us?
God is spreading
  His grace in unexpected places
  and in unlikely people.
It is not just what God
   is forming in us
   through this difficulty
           or benevolence,
but what is He forming
   in those around us,
drawing not just us
    but others to Him.
Redeeming never comes
  in individual servings.
What if this situation
  or our own struggle
  is about them?
God is already redeeming
          our suffering,
covered even now
by His name, steadfast love,
   and His indelible grace,
marks that
      cannot be removed.)

Thank You
that whatever we encounter,
or endure,
or experience,
is covered by Your steadfast love.
And for the sake
       of Your holy name.
You redeem even what
  we cannot comprehend.
Please make us aware
and responsive
   to those around us
to bring Your grace to them.
Even in this,
You are powerfully working,
restoring, and multiplying.
Not just for us.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Antidote To Fear


Do not fear,
       only believe.

       Mark 5. 36

(The world has hijacked
     this phrase.
Jesus does not intend
for us to believe in ourselves,
or favorable outcomes,
or particular answers,
          but in Him.
Trusting in Him
    is the antidote to fear.
His Presence with us
   is not dependent on
   how much we believe,
like racking up enough likes
  or wishing hard enough,
      but that we believe in Him.
God knows what He is doing,
even in what is so far 
   beyond our comprehension.
Believing and trusting God
   does not change circumstances,
but alters how we approach
            and navigate this place.
  God's power and Presence
help us see His trail through it.)

Help us to leave our fear behind
and trust You in this situation.
You are here with us,
       not dependent on
    if we believe hard enough.
We hold tight to You,
and then realize
  You have a tighter hold on us.
We need not fear,
   not even just believe
       that You are God,
but know You are.

Friday, February 28, 2025

Enlarging Our Vocabulary


...may those who love Your salvation
say continually,
        "Great is the LORD!"

          Psalm 40. 16

(God does not just change our hearts.
    He enlarges our vocabulary.
Does anyone see
        any difference in us
in how we speak,
how we respond,
      even what we talk about?
What if we said
    --in so many words--
       "Great is the LORD?"
We rarely acknowledge Him
      even among church people.
What if we make others aware
   to what God is doing,
engraving His Presence
   into our conversations,
allowing God to transform
  the trajectory of our chats?
We talk freely about a lot of things.
But do we mention Him?)

May our conversations,
our vocabulary,
our words
   bring glory to You.
Nudge us in situations
   to speak of You.
We cannot know
  how You will use
      even an informal chat
      to draw someone to You.
Enlarge our vocabulary
and our willingness
   to know You
   and make You known.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

How We Say Yes


And He answered them,
     "You give them
       something to eat...
How many loaves
    do you have?
             Go and see."
And when they found out,
they said, "Five and two fish."

             Mark 6. 37-38

(We pray for God
        to guide and provide.
And in turn,
God reveals that
He has already
      supplied the answer
   for us to unpack.
When we respond and go forth,
we realize God does not just
                 cover a need,
  but multiplies,
    exceeding beyond what we can imagine,
      way more than enough,
        sometimes even with dessert.
Praying enlarges what we see,
   but also what we can do.
When we cry out,
       "Oh, God, do something!"
He replies,
    "That is why I put you there."
What resources
         has He put in our hands?
     Do we even know?)

We see the gaps and needs
    and broken places.
You see the opportunities
  for us to be
          Your hands and feet.
When we pray,
please make us aware of
    how we are saying yes to You.
Grant to us big hearts
    to set many more places
                       at the table.
In Your eyes,
    there is always room for more.
You do not just make it work
    with rolls and two fish,
    but cast Your glory over it.
Help us to not just do
         with what we have,
but create a feast
   in impossible situations.
May our love and grace
be a strong witness
   to everyone around us.
Surprise even us!


Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Who Exactly Is Waiting?


But for You, O LORD,
       do I wait.
It is You, O LORD my God,
      who will answer.

             Psalm 38. 15

(Do we wait on the LORD
    or barge right through?
Do we even give God
   the space to squeeze in,
   enter and move?
Answering is not
   the only action verb here.
But listening, waiting,
     watching and responding.
Waiting is not at all about
     God's ability to act.
His answers don't fit
  on the short dotted line we allot,
but a shelf of 800-page volumes
     would not be enough.
It is, perhaps, on us
       that He waits
to get a word in edgewise.)

Please grant us 
not just the strength
      to wait,
but how to wait.
You never meant
   for waiting to be
   a passive verb,
but a passage through.
Waiting is being aware
     of Your Presence
          and dwelling in it
in unexpected places,
when we would rather be
       somewhere else.
Please help us
   to trust You
in Your divine appointments,
Your precise timing, and
Your strategic positioning,
         for Your glory.
You have shown us 
that waiting is not about
         what is next
but what is eternal.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Even When We Don't Know How


Monday, February 24, 2025

Something Always Happens


Sunday, February 23, 2025

How To Handle This Day


Saturday, February 22, 2025

Not Just A Bow On Top a gift to the LORD.

            Leviticus 7. 14

(This awkward, difficult situation
   looks nothing like a gift.
It is not just doing what
the LORD has placed before us,
but going above the needful
and turning it into a present,
             given willingly.
A gift is not that I have to do this,
       but I really want to.
Because any gift always has love attached
   and price tags removed.
How can we transform
     what we are doing today
--fixing the toilet,
   discovering a cure,
   accommodating interruptions,
   starting a difficult chore--
        into a gift to the LORD?
Intentional effort,
a willing heart,
and seeing it differently.
Not a task or obligation,
    but opportunity,
to love Him more.)

You offer to us
the wonders of this new day,
even its difficulties,
     storms and potholes.
Grant to us the strength
and creativity to turn it
   into blessing You.
Not just putting a bow on top,
but allowing ourselves
           to be led into it
with hearts that see
      something new and different,
even in the same ol' details.
Renew our energies
  not just to do,
  but to be Yours in this.
We offer to You our time,
our endeavors, our hearts,
   as a gift to You,
and watch how You
 multiply it amazingly
in the lives of others.


Friday, February 21, 2025

What We Can't Afford


Thursday, February 20, 2025

When We Don't Know


And immediately
they left their nets
and followed Him.

          Mark 1. 18

(Jesus did not give them
a full itinerary.
They had no idea
    what following Him meant.
Nor do we.
Are we willing to leave behind
        and follow Jesus?
Are we willing to stay
    right where we are
    and be faithful?
We may not realize what
         God is up to
or to what or where
    He is leading us,
but we can trust Him.
"God gives us the desire
to follow Him
into specific callings,
and the faith to pursue them
without knowing
      all the particulars."
  --Why Everything That Matters,
     Matters So Much)

We thank You that
we don't have to know everything
     to lead a faithful life,
just to trust You in it,
even in the stuff
       we don't understand.
Help us to lift our eyes to You,
and to allow ourselves
         to be led
into Your wonders
     and beyond ourselves.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

This Belongs To __________


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

If I Knew You Were Here


Then Jesus said to them,
"Do not be afraid...."

         Matthew 28. 10

(Jesus didn't promise
that there would be nothing
    to be afraid of,
but do not bring fear with you.
   Just walk with Me through it.
Because then,
    we go forth differently.
Fear double-locks the doors,
  ties our shoelaces together,
and makes us look only
           for an exit.
One of our little girls once said,
"I would not be afraid
    if I knew you were here."
And Jesus tells us, He is.
How different the journey,
how amazing the view,
how multiplied the outcomes,
      if we walk with Him.)

Help us grasp the reality
that You overcome
    what overwhelms us.
May we walk differently
   into this day
because You are with us.
Open our hearts and eyes
    to Your Presence
even in the dark.
We do not know what to do,
    but our eyes are on You.
         (2 Chronicles 20.12)

Monday, February 17, 2025

One Size Covers All


Our soul waits for the LORD.
He is our help
        and our shield.

           Psalm 33. 20

(In thirteen words,
our is repeated three times,
because the promises here
    are not just single-size for me.
Waiting and seeking the LORD
    is never a worldly wish,
or a tenuous hope,
but a thunderous gathering
   expecting the Almighty.
Not waiting for God to show up,
  but knowing He dwells
              --present tense--
     already in our midst.
Waiting on the LORD
      does not make us tougher,
but nurtures our souls
       and softens our hearts
    to recognize His response.
In the second part of this passage,
the Hebrew words translate,
our help and our shield He is,
   not just present tense,
          but action verbs.
His help is not just what we need,
  but empowers us to aid others.
His shield does not hide us,
  but covers us as we go forth.
Not me and mine,
       but ours and His.
Our waiting on the LORD
   is a strong witness
that we don't go alone
         into this day,
but double-knot our shoes,
    and run with Him.
God unfolds a different way
  through our impossibles.)

Calm our hearts
and strengthen us to listen
    to Your way in this.
Help us to know that
   Your help comes
      in Costco-size bundles
    to serve a multitude
 and leave a hillside of leftovers.
Your shield comes in
  larger than we can carry
             on our own.
And You are
    even more than that.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Minding Our Own Business


When it was evening,
there came a rich man      
from Arimathea named Joseph,
who also was a
       disciple of Jesus.

             Matthew 27. 57

(Along Joseph came,
     minding his own business,
   or mindful of His?
God uses the most unlikely people
       --even us--
strategically placed,
   divinely anointed and appointed.
In unexpected times and locations,
 God works out His eternal purposes,
       weaves in the gospel,
        and covers it with His grace.
In this case, Joseph's selfless act 
   of compassion and generosity,
   perfectly timed,
completed an 800 year old prophecy.
Did Joseph even realize
that he was fulfilling
            what God had designed?
Do we?)

Help us in our every day
     comings and goings,
the big tasks
          and the ordinary,
to see that Your vision
   is so much bigger
than we will ever realize.
Empower us to be faithful,
not just mindful of You,
   but bearing the mind of Christ
in whatever we do today
and wherever we are.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

No Small Parts


Friday, February 14, 2025

More Than Skin Deep


Thursday, February 13, 2025

If We Only Knew What You Are Doing


And all the people
among whom you are
shall see
the work of the LORD
for it is an awesome thing
that I will do with you.

            Exodus 34. 10

(Wherever we are,
among whom we are,
even those most unlikely
  people, situations,
             and places,
God is working His wonders.
Not just through what we do,
   but what He does with us.
And not just what we produce
    with a "for the LORD"
              sticker on it.
Because God always goes
way beyond the boundaries
     of our imagined achievements.
A simple faithful act,
that we think no one cares or sees,
  most often
  points others to His glory.
When we are faithful to God
in whatever He appoints
               us to do,
God weaves His workmanship
   through us
   and completes His purposes.
It is not in us, but God.
He uses us for His name's sake
      and deepest grandeur.
It is not about success or failure,
          but growing in Him.)

If we only knew what You are doing
    with our lives,
we would be shocked
  by the significance of
  our every small endeavor.
Strengthen us
and give us the courage
  to be faithful to You
--to be anointed and appointed--
in whatever You place
              before us today.
It is an awesome thing
      that You do,
even if we are unaware
of the uncountable outcomes.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Not Just A Meet-And-Greet


Tuesday, February 11, 2025

What Happens In The Waiting Room


Be strong,
and let your heart
          take courage,
all you who
  wait for the LORD!

          Psalm 31. 24

(It doesn't require strength
   and courage
   to wait on the LORD.
But it takes
         waiting on the LORD
to grow His strength
    and courage in us.
And that is when
      we are able to
           walk differently.
Not just stronger,
            but not alone.)

Help us to seek You
in our time of need,
not try to drum up
    a feeble confidence
    of our own making.
Enlarge our hearts
  so that we can
  absorb Your strength.
Help us to wait,
   not for a situation to change,
    but to wait on You.
Help us to realize
that courage doesn't mean
    there is nothing to fear.
But knowing that we can go forth
into the fray
         or an ordinary day,
   because You are with us.
Even in this.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Stay By Me


....for if you serve their gods,
it will surely be
      a snare to you.

              Exodus 23. 33

(Gonna trip you up,
   not just a maybe.
A snare is not what 
    we just happen to fall into,
but a trap designed to capture,
    ambush or entangle in a web.
The adversary's fundamental
     law of derailing us
         is "It doesn't matter."
But it always does.
Everyone worships something.
And worship cannot help 
         but change our appetites
and alter the trajectory
               of our lives.)

Please help us to keep our eyes
           on You.
It is Your face and Your grace
     that we seek.
Help us to not just follow You
         but listen as You tell us
            "Stay by Me."
Empower us to
     bind ourselves to You
and not be distracted
by what tries to
        pull us away from You.
May our worship be sincere
and our service mindful
    of our love for You.
And know that
   it all profoundly matters.


Sunday, February 9, 2025

Not Even "I've Got This"


Saturday, February 8, 2025

You Betcha


...because they tested the LORD
by saying,
    "Is the LORD among us
     or not?"

            Exodus 17. 7

(Our mindset or heart posture
radically change
how we see God,
how we approach
   and navigate circumstances,
if we trust God,
or if we sap our strength,
   step in the minefields,
   or take a wrong turn
             by grumbling.
Questioning if God is with us
alters our journey,
how we endure,
what shoes we wear,
what we carry with us,
and how we respond
    to God and others.
Trusting Him does too
   in a very different way
---abiding, walking, loving us
       in the now and next.
God is right here with us,
   past, present, future tense.
 That is reality. We are not alone.
Is the LORD among us?
As they say in Minnesota,
        you betcha.)

Please help us to realize 
that the real question is
     not are You among us,
but You asking us,
          Are you with Me?"
 Trusting You
leads us on a different journey.
Make our paths straight
              to You.
We may not understand
   our hard circumstances,
   odd happenings,
or where You are leading us,
   but You are here with us.
On that,
    we can stake our lives.
You are not about
    to abandon us now.

Friday, February 7, 2025

The Strange, Awkward and Weird


...they said to one another,
       "What is it?"
For they did not know
             what it was.
And Moses said to them,
"It is the bread
that the LORD has
      given you to eat."

            Exodus 16. 15

(We are confronted by
    the unusual, unexpected,
          strange and unwanted.
What in the world is this
   inconvenient, uncomfortable,
 weird package on our doorstep,
   jammed in our schedule,
   growing in our yard,
  or already sitting in our living room?
Sometimes we have no idea
what God has placed 
    in our hands and lives
to nourish and sustain us
and bring about flourishing.
We often don't recognize what
may actually be a visible object
of God's mercy, faithfulness 
         and steadfast love.
We think we know what we want.
God knows what we need.)

Help us to not question
          Your provision,
but to follow You into it.
Soften our hearts
  that we may seek You in it
and know there is not
    just a reason,
but eternal purposes in it,
that we may know You more
      and make You known.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Rest for the Weary


Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Point of No Return


Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Asking Why


Monday, February 3, 2025

Staying on the Trail


Sunday, February 2, 2025

And Carries Us Through


But for this purpose
I have raised you up,
to show you My power,
so that
My name may be proclaimed
      in all the earth.

             Exodus 9. 16

(We are all strategically placed,
intentionally positioned
    in time and place,
divinely appointed
     for sacred encounters,
    holy connections,
       and even awkward moments,
     both small and great.
Critically significant actions
   sometimes look 
either insignificant
           or overwhelming.
But this is not a mistake or accident,
    nor a random assignment,
but a profound opportunity
  for His Kingdom, glory
             and unexpected grace.
Faithfulness to God gets us there.
     And carries us through.)

Help us to follow You
   into Your purposes,
both visible and invisible.
Guide us in ways
   that Your name
   may be glorified,
in familiar errands,
    ordinary tasks,
or even outrageous details.
Your purposes
     are never singular,
never forgotten,
     always eternal,
far more than we can know.
Even in this,
   help us to be faithful to You.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Whatever Is Before Us


Friday, January 31, 2025

Nobody Can Count That High


Then Peter came up
   and said to Him,
"Lord, how often will
my brother sin against me,
     and I forgive him?
  As many as seven times?"
Jesus said to him,
"I do not say to you
       seven times,
but seventy times seven."

              Matthew 18. 21-22

(In Judaic tradition,
   three times was sufficient
   to reveal a forgiving spirit.
Jesus says, "Stop counting."
If we forgave so much
    that we lost count,
we would be
   far different people.
We cannot help
      but be changed radically
   by forgiving.
And realizing His mercy is more.
What is so hard about forgiving
  is realizing our own need for it.
We are not perfect either.)

Love you out there.
Praying for you
        the courage to forgive.

We ask for You
   to change our triggers,
soften our hearts,
and alter our responses.
May Your mercy
    cover both our wounds
    and our brokenness.
Help us to be not just
      quick with forgiveness
   but deep with it.
Turn our hearts
       right side up.
Fill our pockets with
      forgiveness and sincerity.
Because that is how
     we love one another.
Because that is how
         You love us.
One forgiveness comes
   layered on another.
Help us to realize
 forgiveness is
         never insignificant,
only profoundly life changing.
And nobody can
          count that high.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Something We Would Not Have Chosen


Why did You
    ever send me?

         Exodus 5. 22

(Just because the task is hard
     and seems impossible to do
does not mean it is not
in the very center of God's will.
His purposes span
             across eternity.
We just cannot see them yet.
God does not empower us
to necessarily see ourselves
    --or these circumstances--
with new eyes and hearts,
but to realize even more
         who He is.
Why did He ever send us here?
       To be faithful.)

You know the difficulty
           that we are facing,
something that we
  would never have chosen
  or attempted,
           if not for You.
We pray that You will use us
   for spreading Your glory
   all over this adversity
and that You are redeeming it
for the good of many people.
Grant us the courage we need.
And help us
    to walk with You through it.