Saturday, August 31, 2024

Seeing in the Dark


Friday, August 30, 2024

More and More and More


Thursday, August 29, 2024

We Don't Have to Prove Anything


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Me Do It


But that was to make us
rely not on ourselves
            but God,
who raises the dead.

        2 Corinthians 1. 9

(Sometimes it takes
what is overwhelming for us
to more accurately see
   not who we are,
   but who God is.
But self-reliance
    is the original sin.
"I don't need anybody else,
 I don't need God.
     I can be my own god."
As every two-year-old demands,
        "Me do it."
We can always do something,
but when we rely
      only on ourselves,
the route and journey
          are always different
and impacts radically
    what could have been.
God whispers,
     Trust Me in this.
     Follow Me over here.
Not a matter of our skill
        but of whom we trust,
realizing He is God,
    and we don't have to be.)

Show us how to rely on You,
entering this day and dilemma,
approaching and navigating it
            a new way,
because after all is said and done,
       we need You.

Monday, August 26, 2024

It May Not be Labeled As Such


Sunday, August 25, 2024

Clear Evidence


Saturday, August 24, 2024

Right Place at the Right Time


Friday, August 23, 2024

Moment by Moment praise and  give thanks by watch.

         Nehemiah 12. 24

(Praise and thankfulness
          to God
is not a once-and-done.
Or designated specifically for
     special occasions, or
times of recognizable goodness.
But watch by watch,
day by day,
moment by moment
    intricately linked.
Praise and worship
   do not change God,
   but alter our hearts
           toward Him.
It is a continual time
  of giving reverence,
celebrating His Presence,
opening the shutters
   and letting God's light shine,
and worshiping verbally
   and visibly,
         one after another.
Our praise and thanks
   are that significant.
If we only realized that,
we would never lack a moment
      of gratefulness to Him.
It changes us.
It changes the world
   in monumental ways.)

We are not just grateful,
   but we are grateful to You.
Fill our hearts with the need
   to let praise and thanks
   overflow into our worship
and ordinary conversations.
Enlarge our vocabulary
   in honoring You.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

What We Talk About


I will thank You
  in the great congregation;
in the mighty thong
  I will praise You.

              Psalm 35.18

(God ha given each of us
  a chronicle of
  His great faithfulness
and stories of His glory
       all around us.
Do our daily conversations
         reflect that?
Do others recognize
anything different in us
by what we talk about?)

May our conversations
not just relay information,
but be honoring to You
in what we talk about.
Infuse our vocabulary
  with Your grace,
love and strength.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

A Sacred Awareness


Do this in remembrance
             of Me.

         1 Corinthians 11. 25

(This verse applies on
a deeper level than
  instructions for Communion.
Have we even considered
    approaching, pursuing,
    entering,  or navigating
   this course of action,
   difficulty, or relationship
        in the name of Jesus?
Do we go differently into this
   --whatever it may be--
because we are believers?
Seen not as adversity,
  but an opportunity
              as a witness.
Not as a road block,
   but a starting block, 
   knowing God has placed us
        strategically here.
A remembrance
     is a sacred awareness
of what we have seen,
       known and experienced
that causes us
         to live in His name.)

Help us to recognize
          Your Presence
  in the strange, hard
  and even ordinary
        incidents of life.
Grant to us the awareness  
   to actively respond
to inconveniences, needs,
  and souls around us
in remembrance of You.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The Song That Will Never End


And the joy of Jerusalem
was heard far away.

            Nehemiah 12. 43

(Worshiping God
does not just change us,
but infiltrates the culture
      all around us,
not just audibly
but visibly in what we do,
how we respond,
what we say,
what we hum,
and even how we look.
The time we spend
  with the Almighty
is reflected in our countenance
   and resounds in
   the patterns and practices 
                          of our lives.
And that kind of joy
  is not just about our attitude,
  but realizing His abiding.
It is the song that never ends.)

Please fill us with the joy
  of worshiping You.
Let that joy overflow
into all that we do.
And may we come back
       for free refills.
May the sound of worship
  be heard far away
  and never end.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Believe in yourself doesn't cut it

Say to my soul,
"I am your salvation."

         Psalm 35. 3

(On whom or what
         do we rely?
   "Believe in yourself"
   doesn't cut it
   and never will.
It is not that we need
   to remind God,
but repeatedly remind ourselves
      of who God is.
And it is not us.
Salvation in this verse
encompasses the full depth
     of relationship with God.
He is with us, yes indeed,
  but He also helps,
changes out our hearts,
delivers us from our fears,
seeks our well-being and
  well-doing, even in
  the hardest situations,
and brings His victory
   in a thousand different
His glory is
  so much bigger
than what we see
             as winning.)

You do far beyond
  what we can ask,
  or think, or imagine,
and indeed,
  far beyond what we
  could ever do.
May Your salvation
  cover this situation
and shine within us
that we would know
  You are God.
You are our help.
You are our strength.
You carry us through
   every moment.


Sunday, August 18, 2024

By Any and Every Means

 The LORD redeems

 the life of His servants....

               Psalm 34. 22


(Yes, what we do

         matters to God.

He does not just notice,

    but God redeems.

In unexpected ways,

  He reveals the full value

  of every faithful endeavor.

By any and every means,

God releases, sets free,

  and fulfills His purposes

  for His saints,

far beyond our lifetimes.

There are no ordinary tasks,

    just extraordinary ones.

And God uses them all.

Does what we do matter?

    Absolutely for all eternity.

We would be amazed to see

   what God does with it.

God redeems.)



Help us to serve You

  in whatever we do today.

Empower us to know

that You don't just redeem

   our every action,

but You are constantly

    redeeming our lives.

Past tense, present tense,

       and eternally.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

What Does This Make Possible?


I sought the LORD,

and He answered me

and delivered me

    from all my fears.


          Psalm 34. 4


(When we seek the LORD,

He provides another way

    through the scary stuff,

  the miry bogs,


  and stuff we don’t understand.

God always answers

  in one way or a thousand,

cutting through our fears,

    both real and imagined.

Fear always changes

  what we do

  and how we do it.

Seeking God changes things too.

God may not alter circumstances,

      but transforms how we see them

      and how we respond

   and gives us His strength.

This hard matter

may not be a dilemma at all,

      but God’s deliverance

      in unexpected ways.

 What does this make possible?

     God is unfolding something new.

     And we learn to trust Him more.

We cry, “O God, I can’t do this.”

And He whispers to us,

    “Good.  Because I can.”

What would we do differently

   if there is nothing to be

   afraid of

              in this situation?)



Please help us to know

   to seek You first,

and to know that

      You are in this too,

      right here with us.

Use this situation

to align our hearts with Yours.

Help us to realize

   that You are making possible

something we never even imagine.

May we be faithful

    in putting aside our fears

to walk with You instead.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Impossible Situations and Improbable Solutions

 And You divided
the sea before them,
so that they went
through the midst
of the sea
on dry land…..

      Nehemiah 9.11

(We all have Red Seas,
the dilemmas of
impossible situations 
and improbable 
But no matter the situation,
whatever the trouble, 
despite the dead end,
flooded with difficulty, or
absolutely overwhelmed,
God provides 
         (present tense)
a different and unexpected 
             way for us.
God breaks through 
the middle of 
anything we face.
Are we willing to 
hold it up to Him
and walk with Him
      on dry ground?)

You are the God
of breaking through.
Please guide us 
and help us 
to touch bottom,
to swim when necessary,
to walk right in the midst,
even when we cannot yet
see a path to your glory.
How can we get
to the other side of this?
Only with You.
Show us how to walk 
                   with You
on sacred ground.
Even in this.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

God Doesn't Just Recycle

Will they revive the stones 

out of the heaps of rubbish,

and burned ones at that?

                 Nehemiah 4.2

(God does not just reuse,
recycle, repair, rebuild,
patch with duct tape,
restore what is broken 
and impossible,
but He redeems,
revives the unexpected,
and breathes His life
into it.
Not just back,
but better, stronger,
and different.
What does this
make possible?
God causes 
whatever we face
to flourish 
in unexpected ways.)

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Resistance Training

For they all wanted
     to frighten us, 
thinking, “Their hands
will drop from the work, 
and it will not be done.”
But now, O God,
    strengthen my hands. 

Nehemiah 6.9

(Excuses always arise
to not do the work 
God has appointed us,
but always a thousand 
reasons to be faithful.
There is always resistance,
but even more,
His strength to do it.
How do we handle 
the hard stuff?
Do we panic 
or do we interject prayer
into our day,
our conversations,
our complications,
our circumstances?
A friend used to tell me,
Stop, drop and pray.
Right on the spot.
Why are we surprised 
we can’t do this work 
without Him?)

Strengthen our hands
in fulfilling this work
before us,
for Your glory
and in Your name.
Train our heart muscles 
to be faithful to You
and trust You
not just in the outcome,
but every detail 
along the way.
Let even resistance 
serve to strengthen us,
and by Your hand on us
accomplish what appears

Friday, August 9, 2024

Redirecting the Journey


Thursday, August 8, 2024

We Are What We Love


Wednesday, August 7, 2024

We Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet


What no eye has seen,
nor ear heard,
nor the heart imagined,
what God has prepared
  for those who love Him.

           1 Corinthians 2.9
            Isaiah 64. 4

(We ain't seen nothing yet.
We cannot imagine
   nor comprehend the depths
and the wonders of
     His steadfast love,
     goodness and mercy,
even far beyond our lifetimes.
We can trust Him,
        forwards and backwards,
present, past and future tense.
Even the stuff we don't understand,
           God redeems.
We can go forth differently
into this day
knowing this promise.)

Thank You for Your Word
and Your promises that are
   woven throughout scripture.
We do not navigate
   through this life alone.
You do not just walk with us,
  but You prepare our path
                 before us.
You do not just show up.
     You are already here.
Help us to trust You
   even in what we face today.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

All the Way in, All the Way through


You have said,
    "Seek My face."
My heart says to You,
"Your face, LORD,
       do I seek."

       Psalm 27. 8

(How do we go
    into this day,
this impossible situation,
what is overwhelming,
a rocky path
       or none at all?
God tells us exactly how.
Turn towards Me.
To seek, to strive after,
to search out by every means
    in worship and prayer,
to live in His Presence,
to realize
   His eyes are already on us.
God says literally,
    Look Me in the eye.
He does not just show up.
He has already gone
                 before us.
He is already with us.)

Your face, LORD,
      do we seek.
Guide us not just
      into this day
      or Your way through,
but abide in Your Presence.
Help us to trust You
     forward and backward.
May we walk differently
  because we seek Your face.
May we be aware
       of Your Presence.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Even in the Scary Stuff


Though an army
  encamp against me,
my heart shall not fear;
though war arise
                against me,
yet I will be confident.

          Psalm 27. 3

even in these hard
   and scary situations,
   we are not alone.
We can trust Him
in the midst of the volatile
            and overwhelming,
      even in this.
God is not just with us
      in the blue skies,
but all the way through
  the storms and struggles.
Trusting God is layered
     in the everydays,
in our patterns,
in our first responses,
equipped, trained
   and practiced
when it does not seem to matter.
So that we know Him,
        and know to trust Him,
when it is a split-second
   matter of life and death.
Trust Me in this.
             Even in this.) 

Please walk us through
   these hard places
with Your strength.
Surround us
   in the overwhelming
that we would bring You glory
  in impossible circumstances.
You have strategically
       positioned us
  for Your purposes.
Help us to see this situation
         with Your heart,
to grasp Your vision
and to be Your hands and feet.
Cast out our fear
  and fill us with trust
that we would walk differently
      with You in this.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

And With A Happy Heart


Saturday, August 3, 2024

Super Glue All Over


Be strong and courageous.
Do not be afraid or dismayed
before the king of Assyria
and all the horde
   that is with him,
for there are more with us
        than with him.
With him is an arm of flesh,
but with us
    is the LORD our God,
to help us
    and to fight our battles.

          2 Chronicles 32. 7-8

(It is not a matter that we struggle,
    --because we all 
            struggle with something--
         but how we respond to it.
The key part of this verse is
           but with us,
With us is the Almighty 
with Whom we can walk 
differently in what we face.
It is not a matter of
  holding on with both hands,
but letting Him hold tight to us.
In His strength and courage,
   we can see a way through.
The Hebrew word for strength
      emphasizes adhesion
--to tie fast, bind strongly,
           hold and stick fast.
Super glue can withstand
   extreme conditions
because it seeps into material
         and below the surface.
God is stronger still,
       not just a quick fix.
God does not just help us,
        but is with us.
He is our strength.)

You call us to approach our
    struggles and storms
with fresh hearts
       strengthened by You.
Help us to realize
       You are with us in this.
And You are in this.
Use this overwhelming situation
    to draw us closer to You.
Our courage and strength
       are only in You.
You have
  an unbreakable grip on us.
Help us to bind ourselves 
            to You
and face this struggle
            with You.


Friday, August 2, 2024

Road Trip


Thursday, August 1, 2024

Something Always Happens


And Hezekiah and
   all the people rejoiced
because God had
   prepared for the people,
for the thing came
         about suddenly.

          2 Corinthians 29. 36

(God goes before us
     to prepare our way.
He provides, He multiplies,
        He redeems,
    even the hard stuff.
And when we worship,
  something always happens.
We can go forth differently
       into the day.
God shakes things up.
Circumstances may change
                  or not,
   but we approach and
   navigate with a fresh heart.
God enlarges our vision.
God moves powerfully.
God makes visible
         the invisible.
Worship helps us see
    His amazing hand.
And we rejoice.)

Help us to follow You
           into this day.
Help us to worship You
     all the way through.
Make us sensitive
     to Your Presence
to see and respond
                to You,
not just what to do
    but who to be.
You bring about things
  suddenly and powerfully.
May we not miss a thing,
   nor be surprised.
Synchronize our thoughts
   and words and actions
                  with Yours.
Help us to direct this day,
    this dilemma,
    our fear and our hope
                         to You.
Strengthen us
      in our worship.