He is not here,
for He has risen,
as He said.
Come see the place
where He lay.
Matthew 28. 6
(The women were surprised
when they arrived at the tomb.
Jesus who died
was not there.
The angel told them
He has risen.
He died for our sins.
But then He conquered death.
We are all covered
by what He did.
Even as He said.
No earning salvation
but accepting His sacrifice.
Once for all.
Jesus never intended for us
to believe in a religion.
But in Him.
We worship and serve
a living Savior.
May we go forth into our days,
knowing He goes with us.
He is alive.
And because of the resurrection,
nothing will ever be the same.
If we follow Him,
we will live forever.
No surprises.
He is risen. He is risen indeed.)
Have a Joyous Easter!
Thank You for Your sacrifice
on the cross
for our sin.
Help us to live
forgiven, released and redeemed.
Empower us with Your strength
to love others as You have loved us.
And to practice forgiveness, renewal
and grace
as we should.
You are our living Savior.