Strength and dignity
are her clothing,
and she laughs
at the time to come.
Proverbs 31. 25
(When we know our strength
is not our own
but His,
we rejoice in what
is ahead of us,
because we are ready.
Dignity is not how highly
we think of ourselves
and what we deserve,
but how we treat others
with kindness and respect.
What are we wearing
in the now and into the next?
What do we reach for?
What is in our wardrobe?
We can rejoice as we are getting older
and closer to Him.
God does not just change our hearts.
He changes what we wear.
We can approach the time to come
not with despair and regrets,
but with joy and hilarity
because we walk with the Almighty.
We are not alone.
We are Beloved.
As we get older,
we come even more
into the person
God always intended us to be:
We don't know what is ahead,
not just the future,
but even today.
But You do.
You walk with us through it
into Your glory.
Help us to be faithful to You
in what is before us
even today,
even in the hard stuff,
even in what we do not understand,
even in what is beyond our abilities
but fully in Your hands,
even for Your glory.