...and a good man will be filled
with the fruit of his ways.
Proverbs 14. 14
(What do we choose
to plant and to nurture
in the soil that has been
given us?
What do we seek to leave
not just in this day,
nor in these circumstances,
but even beyond our lifetimes?
The sowing of a forest starts
with a handful of seeds
--never insignificant--
and produce an endless grove of fruit
for the perennial blessing and wellbeing
of those who come behind us.
It is not our accomplishments
or our stuff that matters
but a transformed heart
and the fruit God has borne
through us
that will last forever.
Not our goodness
but His.)
Help us to listen to Your voice,
to respond to Your nudges,
to walk with you
through barren fields
and see something different,
and a changed landscape.
May Your faithfulness to us
and our faithfulness to You
bear abundant fruitfulness
not just what remains
but cannot be contained,
even that which we
cannot yet see
or realize.
We stand in amazement
of Your hand in our lives
and grateful to You
even in what we cannot understand.