Saturday, April 30, 2022


...and a good man will be filled
with the fruit of his ways.

                     Proverbs 14. 14

(What do we choose
     to plant and to nurture
in the soil that has been
                given us?
What do we seek to leave
  not just in this day,
  nor in these circumstances,
       but even beyond our lifetimes?
The sowing of a forest starts
        with a handful of seeds
     --never insignificant--
and produce an endless grove of fruit
for the perennial blessing and wellbeing
   of those who come behind us.
It is not our accomplishments
             or our stuff that matters
but a transformed heart
and the fruit God has borne
through us
            that will last forever.
Not our goodness
                  but His.)

Help us to listen to Your voice,
to respond to Your nudges,
to walk with you
   through barren fields
and see something different,
      and a changed landscape.
May Your faithfulness to us
   and our faithfulness to You
bear abundant fruitfulness
          not just what remains
   but cannot be contained,
even that which we
        cannot yet see
        or realize.
We stand in amazement
   of Your hand in our lives
and grateful to You
  even in what we cannot understand.

Friday, April 29, 2022


For the LORD is good;
His steadfast love
          endures forever,
and His faithfulness
       to all generations.

             Psalm 100.5

(The LORD is good
        -- noun, not adjective,
Who He is,
        not just what He does.
We can stake our lives
                  on that,
in spite of circumstances.
The LORD is good,
not just when things are favorable,
the skies are blue,
or His answers align with our wants,
but the LORD is good
    in what He is weaving into our souls,
the grand narrative we cannot
                         yet see.)

You are good.
Help us to depend on You,
no matter what is swirling
              all around us.
And stake our lives on You.
You will not just
        bring us through our struggles,
but embed Your goodness
        all the way through.
Align our hearts
                 with Yours.
Help us to not be distracted
   by what the world claims
                      as good,
   but knowing You
       are not just higher than that,
             but You are the Most High.
Help us to worship You
       and walk with You
in whatever we face today.

Thursday, April 28, 2022


And the people of Israel
did not remember
  the LORD their God,
who had delivered them
from all their enemies
     on every side...

             Judges 8. 34

(We all suffer from
   short term memory loss
when it comes to
        God's faithfulness.
He has brought us through
      in the past.
He is bringing us through
      even now.
Our enemies are anything we fear,
           both real and imagined.
Those times we recognize
and all the millions of times
we were totally unaware
of His protection and provision,
those times we
       explained God out of the equation,
and even when we did not understand
   what in the world God was doing
                 ....or doing now.
All are woven in our narrative
and our chronicle of His faithfulness.
God is not about to abandon us now.
God is not just there.  Past tense.
God is here. Very present Presence.
Remembering does not
            just affect the past.
Remembering very much
            impacts the present.)

You are here.
It is not that You will deliver us,
but You are already delivering us.
We just cannot yet see
          from where we are standing.
And sometimes we will not understand
              until the other side of life.
But we can know Your Presence.
Help us to trust You in this.
Even this.
Another level of knowing
               and trusting You.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022


...and put trumpets
into the hands of all of them
and empty jars with torches
              inside the jars.

              Judges 7. 16

(God uses the most unexpected means
            and unlikely people
    to bring about the victory.
By what degree of impossibility
does it take for us
       to give God the glory
    and acknowledge His hand in this?
That which only God can do.
No other explanation.
We have only to listen, respond,
         and be faithful.
A trumpet, an empty jar,
       and a willing heart
       are all it takes.)

Help us to trust You in this
when we are so overwhelmed,
to know that You go before us,
run with us,
and bring about a victory
   that we could never imagine.
You reign.
Even in this.
Help us to follow You
   in whatever we struggle.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022


And Gideon said to Him,
"Please Lord,
how can I save Israel?
Behold, my clan is
  the weakest in Manasseh,
and I am the least
  in my father's house."
And the Lord said to him,
   "But I will be with you."

               Judges 6. 15-16

(What gives us courage
       is Who goes with us.
God does not say,
    "You've got this."
            But He does.
He does not say,
     "Believe in yourself."
          But "Believe in Me."
He is our strength.
He is our courage.
And He changes our journey
   and our trajectory
in ways we cannot see
       from where we stand.
Don't even try to face it
            without Him.)

We are weak.
We are least.
And we know
     that we need You.
Go before us.
Go with us.
And grant us the courage
   to follow You,
no matter what we face.
And we all
     struggle with something.
Help us to stake our hearts
on Your promise,
      "But I will be with you."

Monday, April 25, 2022


Does not the LORD
    go out before you?

             Judges 4. 14

(Not in our strength,
             but His.
Not in our abilities,
             but His.
In trust and not fear,
   watching and willing.
Not alone,
             but with Him.
The key to faithfulness
is never knowing
   all the turns in the road
   or the final destination,
but walking steadily with Him,
          step by step,
Running with Him
   even in the daily stuff
   that doesn't appear to matter
God builds strength and trust,
    for when it does.)

Help us to realize
     that You go before us.
And walk with us.
And that Your shield
   empowers us to be
             responsive to You,
not reactive to circumstances.
Help us to trust You
          into this day.

Sunday, April 24, 2022


It is good
to give thanks to the LORD,
to sing praises to Your name,
             O Most High.

                 Psalm 92.1

(Changes our day,
our attitude,
our vision,
our trajectory in everything
    and anything we face,
how we see God,
how we see others,
how we see ourselves,
and how we see
What if
    we thanked God
    and sang praises
instead of grumbling
         and complaining?
What if
   we choose to approach
   this difficulty
         with a new heart?
What is the sound track
           that I choose today?)

We acknowledge You,
we praise You
not just for
   the wonderful things You do,
but because You are God.
Align our hearts
                with Yours.
Open our eyes
   to Your hand
and Your steadfast love
Your strength within,
Your vision
    in all that we face.
Help us to sing
   a new song
             into this day.

Saturday, April 23, 2022


And he will show you
       a large upper room,
prepare it there.

                Luke 22. 12

(Exactly why God leads us
       to do something
may not be evident nor obvious,
    far different than we expect,
   and way beyond our vision.
We would be utterly amazed
             at God's design,
even in what we see as mundane.
Even in as simple as
       cleaning the spare room.
What can God do with this?
We have only to be
          willing and faithful,
   not to figure it out,
   but to enter in.
What is God nudging me to do
         or how to handle this?)

Help us to not underestimate
   how You are working in us
   and through us,
even in the commonplace,
   the ordinary and familiar.
Help us to know that
     You are working powerfully
even in what we cannot see.
Be fruitful in all we do today,
   Your Name inscribed
   and embedded all over it.

Friday, April 22, 2022


This will be your opportunity
        to bear witness.

                Luke 21. 13

(Seeing our comings and goings
      with different eyes
      and a different heart,
in the ordinary and extraordinary,
in difficulty and favor,
among strangers
    or those woven in our lives.
We can see these situations
because we have practiced
    all along the way,
even when it seemed insignificant
       or didn't seem to matter,
       or nobody noticed at all.
Bearing witness is
not a script or event,
    but a life transformed by Christ,
   manifested in word, deed
                         and attitude.
Even among other believers,
   we bear witness.
       This is how to respond.)

We are so unaware
    of our surroundings
and of Your Presence
     in whatever we face today.
You go before us,
      You go with us,
  You even have our back.
We don't have to
   drum up our own courage
                   and strength,
but go forth with You.
Even when it seems we mess up,
                    because we do,
         You redeem,
                    because You do.
People don't want to see
             if we are perfect,
but that You are real.
Help us to seize opportunities
          to trust You in this,
   to know You more
   and make You known.
You make it possible
   for us to bear witness,
even when we
        never realize it.

Thursday, April 21, 2022


Therefore we said,
"Let us now build an altar,
not for burnt offering,
nor for sacrifice,
but to be a witness..."

              Joshua 22. 26-27

(Let not what we do
        or accomplish
stand in the way
    of His witness
             in this place
   and in this situation.
Some things that we do
   are meant as a witness
not just to point others to God,
   but to remind us
   that He is in our midst.
And leave a strong legacy
   built with faithfulness
             stone by stone,
     obedience by obedience
for generations to come.
Everything we do
   directly impacts them.
How we worship God
   and follow Him
   marks their path.
May this day
         and what we choose to do
  stand as a witness and altar
  in this time and place.)

Help us to build altars
all over this landscape
to remind us
     of Your Presence
     and Your faithfulness.
And that You will
     be exalted in this situation,
no matter the
           degree of difficulty.
One of those altars is always
    trusting You in this.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022


Only be very careful...
to love the LORD your God,
and walk in all His ways
and to keep His commandments
and to cling to Him
and to serve Him
     with all your heart
     and with all your soul.

                  Joshua 22.5

(Not a to do list,
     but a to be heart-set.
Not just directions for our day,
but that which infiltrates
           everything we do
           and who we are.
How do I approach this day?
To be very careful.
    Far beyond a good attitude,
    but a heart and mind
            intentionally seeking Him.
Others will identify us
         by our love
      and the grace spilling
                out of our pockets,
      and what we talk about.
May we be known
          as His faithful ones.)

Help us to seek You in this day,
to love you every which way we can,
to cling to You
   when everything is pulling us
   in a thousand directions,
and to serve You
   with all faithfulness,
   even in what seems small.
Because nothing is insignificant.
Help us to make known
           Your faithfulness today
           to everyone around us.
Guide our steps and our words.
Help us above all things we do
            to be faithful to You.
Grant to us as we go into this day
      Your strength, courage,
       wisdom and grace.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022


And when He had
    said these things,
He went on ahead....

            Luke 19. 28

(Even when we don't realize it,
   the Lord always
   goes on ahead of us.
We may be surprised
        by what we encounter,
we never know what to expect,
but God always prepares our path
and prepares our hearts
                   in some way
     to be ready to walk with Him
            through it.
Faithfulness to God in the now
   is provision for the next.
Faithfulness in the "little" stuff
     covers a lot of ground.
We grasp how to
     recognize His Presence.
We learn how to
     see in the dark.
We can seize His strength
   because we know how.
He goes on ahead
    but He also runs with us.
"Trust Me in this.")

We know that You go on ahead.
Help us to trust You
      about what is now
      and what is next.
This day may be way beyond our skill set,
     but You enlarge our hearts
     and help us to see differently.
The path may be easy,
   or the trail may be really rocky,
  or there may not be
            a trail at all,
but You go before us
                  and with us
     right into Your wonders.
Align our hearts with Yours,
   and draw us closer to You,
Your fingerprints all over this day,
Your strength embedded in it,
Your Word changing us
              at the very core.

Monday, April 18, 2022


...for though it is a forest,
you shall clear it
and possess it
     to its farthest borders.
For you shall drive out
             the Canaanites,
though they have chariots of iron
and though they are strong.

                     Joshua 17. 18

(It is not in us,
             but God.
What has He set before us
        to be faithful to Him?
There are no insignificant details
            or words or responses
            or attitudes.
Faithfulness to God
does not distinguish
     between the small and profound,
          and difficult.
God establishes His fruitfulness
     far beyond our lifetimes.
What we plant, what we clear out,
   may not be about us afterall,
   but the nextdoor neighbors
   or the next generations.
Through the struggle and sweat,
through the impossible brambles,
God reveals His strength
   that we would know Him more.)

It is not in our abilities,
            but in Your hands.
We may not have the strength
           or courage
    but You abide in us.
Help us to be faithful
      down to the details today.
Help us to follow You.
Align our hearts with Yours.
Fill our pockets with grace
      for the incorrigible.
Seep Your courage into us
       for the daunting.
Help us to follow You fully
     into what only appears
     as small ....or impossible.
We worship You
   in whatever we do today.
This day is just
the opportunity to be faithful
           in all things
           before You.

Sunday, April 17, 2022


He is not here,
         but has risen.
Remember how
    He told you....

              Luke 24. 6

(The boulder was rolled away
    from the entrance of the tomb.
Jesus did not need it to be moved
     for Him to get out,
but that we would know
            He had risen indeed.
Jesus rose and conquered death.
          Just as He said.
He changes the course of our lives,
         forgiven, released
                        and redeemed.
What does that look like
                in my life today?
We are going to live forever.
That is what Easter is about.
That is why Jesus came.)

May Your resurrection power
     be seen in our lives.
Use us for Your glory.
Thank You
        for all You have done.
Thank You
        for saving us.
Thank You
        for who You are.
May our lives reflect
   Your love, light and grace,
forgiven, released
               and redeemed.

Saturday, April 16, 2022


And He told them a parable
to the effect that they ought
always to pray
      and not lose heart.

                 Luke 18. 1

(There are some things we can do,
and so much that we can't,
              but we can pray.
If we only had a glimpse
    of the power of prayer,
we would not be so reluctant.
Have I even considered
              praying about this?
God answers
   in unexpected ways
   and in countless outcomes,
some we might see,
but always
       far beyond our lifetimes.
God is not limited
   by a singular accomplishment,
       or a prescribed answer,
       or our schedule for Him.
What are we praying for?
Who are we praying to?)

We pray above all things
that You would align
          --and realign--
our hearts with Yours.
You alone
make a way where
        there seems to be no way.
You alone
grant us the strength
        to follow You.
We ask that You interrupt,
infect our hearts
that we would follow You
Reveal not just what we should pray,
     but how we should pray,
Your words over ours,
Your will over ours.
Stretch Your strength,
    courage and wisdom
               over us.

Friday, April 15, 2022


And they cast lots to
        divide His garments.
And the people stood by,
but the rulers scoffed at Him,
"He saved others;
       let Him save Himself,
if He is the Christ of God,
           His Chosen One!"

           Luke 23. 34-35

(Jesus had the power
            to get down from the cross.
But then,
      He would not be our savior.
He came to sacrifice Himself
           to save us
           from our sin
that we can be in relationship
               with God.
If He is the Christ of God,
         meaning the Messiah,
as they scoffed,
that is why He did come:
not to get down from the cross
          bur to die for us.
Today we acknowledge
               Good Friday,
   Jesus gave us life for ours.
Without Good Friday,
    there is no Easter.)

We are so grateful to You
that we can know You
and that You came
           to earth
           to save us.
Help us to not forget
     Your sacrifice.

Thursday, April 14, 2022


...but did not ask
   counsel from the LORD.

             Joshua 9. 14

(At the beginning of each day,
at the start of every page,
always our first response,
before the first plan,
the first movement,
the first step,
even before
   we put on our shoes,
seeking God's counsel.
      What, O LORD,
      do I do with this?
How to approach this day,
         this difficulty,
         this steep trail,
     this all too familiar path,
     this storm?
How can I respond?
What is Your way in this?
God shifts our attention,
           our hearts,
           even what we see
               and how we see it.
I never considered that before.
Indeed I never even saw it that way.
Not just how it impacts me,
    but everyone around me,
    and those yet to come.)

Help us to not just seek You,
or ask You,
listen to You,
      but to respond
and follow You into it.
May we bring into this day,
not just Your wisdom
              and strength,
but pockets overflowing
                    with grace.
Bottom line
   is not getting marching orders,
or street by street directions,
       but knowing You more.
Order my day.
Guide my steps.
Direct my thoughts.
Align my heart with Yours.
Confirm Your Word in me.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022


One who is faithful
      in a very little
is also faithful in much,
and one who is dishonest
      in a very little
is also dishonest in much.

               Luke 16. 10

(What am I practicing?
What am I justifying?
Like scales on a piano,
practicing over and over,
   I learn what to do
   and how to respond
because I have
      learned how to do it.
I am making choices
            day by day
how to approach
     what is before me
    and how to live faithfully.
Practice faithfulness,
even when we don't
   consider it faithfulness,
even when it doesn't
   seem to matter,
because faithfulness
   is built in layers
and in the tiniest details.
And brings honor to God.)

Reveal to each one of us
how to be faithful to You
   in whatever we do today
   and how we do it
as a love offering to You.
How can we serve You
     in this particular situation
and even in this
           difficult relationship?
Show us Your way in this.
Grant us the courage
      to follow You into it.
Help us above all to be
        faithful to You.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022


You shall march around the city,
all the men of war
going around the city once.
Thus you shall do for six days...
On the seventh day
you shall march around the city
                    seven times,
and the priests shall
             blow their trumpets...
then all the people shall shout
                  with a great shout,
and the wall of the city
      will fall down.

                 Joshua 6. 3-5

(Have I prayed around this city,
this impossibility,
this difficult situation,
encompassing it with prayer
               or anxiety?
Listening to God,
praying and immersing in Scripture,
seeking Him, responding,
trusting Him even in the "little stuff,"
and being faithful in the ordinary,
   when it doesn't appear to matter,
is reflected in how we respond
                       in the crisis,
   when everything is at stake.
Trust Me in this.  Even this.
"If we do not do the running
   steadily in the little ways,
we shall do nothing
                in the crisis."
          --Oswald Chambers)

Break through our thoughts,
and preconceived notions,
and carefully crafted agendas,
and place on the radar of our hearts
          Your ways in this
        and the courage to follow You.
Align, O LORD, our hearts
                  with Yours.
Help us
  even in the first step
  of trusting You.

Monday, April 11, 2022


For the LORD your God
dried up the waters of the Jordan
for you until you passed over,
as the LORD your God
    did to the Red Sea,
which He dried up for us
    until we passed over,
so that
   all the people of the earth
   may know
that the hand of the LORD is mighty,
that you may fear
      the LORD your God forever.

                  Joshua 4. 23-24

(What is my Jordan River
         too deep to wade
     or my Red Sea
        too deep to swim?
What do I need to
   trust God about today?
What one step can I take?
   And then, the next.
God is providing
     His way through this,
through what we see
      as impossible
      and what paralyzes us
              into inaction
          and excuses.
Even when we cannot
   yet see the next step,
       we can take this one.
Even when we cannot
   yet see the path,
               or a map,
               or the outcome,
    we can trust Him.
And through it,
   even in the hard stuff,
He promises,
     "I am in your midst."
God is not just waiting
    somewhere on the other shore.
He walks with us.)

Help us to trust You.
Break through our reluctance
      and pathetic excuses
  that we may follow You.
Show us Your steps
      one at a time,
and when we need to run.
Help us to not miss out
       on Your wonders.
And to realize that
    as we follow You,
there are others watching
to know that Your hand is mighty.

Sunday, April 10, 2022


     strong and courageous.
Do not be frightened,
  and do not be dismayed,
for the LORD your God
           is with you,
wherever you go.

            Joshua 1. 9

(How differently would we live,
what we do,
what we choose,
how we approach difficulty,
how we navigate
     the calm and the turbulent,
if we trusted God in this?
God never promised
          life would be easy,
quite the opposite,
but promises He is with us.
And that looks very different
    in the journey
    and in a billion outcomes,
    most of which we will never see.
Worry just
     lets out the air in the tires.
Fear washes out the road.
But trust is always
      an adventure with Him.)

Others are always watching us
to see not if we are perfect
     or successful,
but if we are faithful
      and loving
      and selfless.
They want to know
    what forgiven looks like.
May we not just act that way,
but live, love, even breathe
      differently because we know You.
We want to know You more.
What is truly significant
    in how we live and what we choose
    is the glory of Your name.
Align our hearts
             with Yours.

Saturday, April 9, 2022


He chose David his servant
and took him
           from the sheepfolds,
from following the nursing ewes
He brought him
to shepherd Jacob His people...

                     Psalm 78.70-71

(There are no insignificant
           places of ministry,
no little obediences,
and no small responses.
God trains us
by His design
     in unexpected ways
     and in unlikely places.
Every experience
     builds on another
to bring us to this moment,
to this strategic place,
and for His incredible purposes.
God enlarges our ministry
   in ways we cannot measure
                     or recognize.)

You bring before us this day
     divine appointments,
     sacred encounters,
   and work that is never insignificant.
We cannot yet see
   how You will use it
                   for Your glory
   and the building of Your Kingdom.
Our sheepfolds
           are places of honoring You
        and deep growth.
You know what You are doing.
Help us to follow You
            into Your wonders.

Friday, April 8, 2022


Take to heart all the words
by which I am
         warning you today,
that you may command them
             to your children,
that they may be careful
to do all the words of this law.
For it is no empty word for you,
          but your very life...

           Deuteronomy 32. 46-47

(May we embrace God's Word
          as our lifeline,
take it to heart,
         and live out His truth
                        and grace.
Scripture is not just words on a page,
     but the very Word of God
  that cannot help but change
    the trajectory of our lives
and those for generations
                     to come.)

May we not just revere Your Word
       but worship You
       by keeping it,
by intentionally proclaiming it
             in word and deed.
Show us this day
    what we can do
to live out Your Word,
to implant it,
        and to nurture it.
Align our hearts with Yours.
Guide our steps.
Confirm Your Word in us.

Thursday, April 7, 2022


Be strong
        and courageous.
Do not fear
or be in dread of them,
for it is the LORD your God
    who goes with you.
He will not leave you
                or forsake you.

            Deuteronomy 31. 6

(As one of our young daughters
    said in the middle of the night,
"If I knew you were there,
     I would not have been afraid."
When we trust God in this,
we approach the difficulty,
navigate the turbulent waters,
and handle it differently.
God does not just show us
   a new way through,
                  He is with us.
If we we were aware and
    responsive to His Presence,
we would live so differently,
see differently,
love and serve with a new heart,
see in the dark,
and walk through the sea
         or on the waves.
Worry just sinks the ship.)

Help us to not just
     wiggle out a space for You
     in this day,
but go forth with You.
Help us to rely on Your strength
   and carry Your courage
and know You go with us.
Even through the ordinary,
even through the impossible,
    we can trust You in this.
Help us to be faithful to You,
strong and courageous,
kind and gracious to others,
even if the fruit comes
         far beyond our lifetimes.
You always work
       in multiple outcomes.
Relying on Your strength
   realigns our hearts
   and points others to You.
When we cry out,
     "I can't do this,"
You reply,
    "Good, because I can."

Wednesday, April 6, 2022


I have led you
    forty years in the wilderness.
Your clothes have not
          worn out on you,
and your sandals have not
   worn off your feet.

                Deuteronomy 29. 5

(Where God guides, He provides.
He has given each one of us
  a chronicle of His faithfulness.
It is not that the way is easy,
He may lead us in strange places,
        but He is with us
                    all the way.
We come out on the other side
                of the wilderness
     closer to Him and equipped,
that we would not just believe,
           but know
     that He is the LORD our God.)

You care for us
even more than we can know.
Help us to trust You
             even in this,
that we will know how
   to trust You more
   in the next adventure.
You specialize in the unexpected,
open up Your wonders
              in the wilderness,
and reveal Your way
       through the impossible.
May we acknowledge
            Your Presence with us
    today in all we do and say
that we would know You more
      and make You known.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Your way was through the sea,
Your path through
               the great waters,
    Your footprints were unseen.

                     Psalm 77.19

(And even when I am unaware,
   God's fingerprints are
                    all over this,
His footprints are still leading me,
            even in this,
            even through this.
God works in such unexpected ways
      and unlikely situations
that He cannot be explained away.
His way was through the impossible,
                past tense.
His footprints are still marking our way,
                present tense.
We often cannot yet see
         until it appears
         in the rearview mirror.
The edge of the sea
              is not the end of the story.
His grand narrative for our lives
           is not yet finished.
We think we are going to drown,
   and our feet don't even get wet.)

You have said,
         "Trust Me in this."
Help us to trust You more.
May Your feet go before us,
may Your voice lead our way,
may we be faithful to You,
   even when we don't understand,
may we realize our need for You
  and Your Presence with us.
Bless, O LORD,
            many people through this.
Even in what we
        only consider as ordinary.
Because it is never just ordinary.


Monday, April 4, 2022

Give us each day
    our daily bread,
and forgive us our sins,
for we ourselves forgive
who is indebted to us.

             Luke 11. 3-4

(What is the connection
between our daily bread
    and forgiveness?
What we need
     and what we really need?
Is there anything
      tripping us up?
God holds nothing back.
Neither should we.)

Change our appetites
   for what we desire,
that we would seek You.
Change our affections
    for what we love,
that we would
        worship You.
Grant to us a different heart
that we would
          ask differently,
          pray differently,
     see others differently,
     see ourselves differently,
     follow You differently,
new choices,
new response,
a different way of walking,
a transformed trajectory
   even in hostile territory.
May we be quick to forgive
            and mean it.
May we be quick to
            ask forgiveness
and be known by Your love.


Sunday, April 3, 2022


We give thanks to You, O God;
we give thanks
    for Your name is near.
We recount
        Your wondrous deeds.

                   Psalm 75. 1

(Count and recount
     God's hand upon us,
not just for what He does,
or how He loves us,
but for Who He is.
     in words and deeds
changes our hearts,
our vision,
how we see God,
how we see others,
how we see ourselves.
Not just being thankful,
     but giving thanks,
acknowledges God
and points to His glory.
Even in the hard stuff.)

Thank You
      for Who You are.
Thank You
      for loving us.
Thank You
     for dwelling in us.
May gratefulness to You
    mark our character
and change
         the course of our day.

Saturday, April 2, 2022


...the land that
     the LORD your God
is giving you to possess...

             Deuteronomy 21.1

(Even in what we do not
       consider as ministry,
God has placed us there,
not "for a reason,"
            but to be faithful,
to bring His name,
plant His Word,
and walk with Him.
Whatever is done
   in the name of the LORD
   is never fruitless,
no matter the outcome,
no matter the trail.
Faithfulness plants
          a forest,
beyond what we can see,
far beyond our lifetimes.)

May we be faithful to You
    above all things
in what You place before us.
Grant us the courage
   to take Your hand
and trust You in this,
       step by step.

Friday, April 1, 2022


Hear, O Israel, today
  you are drawing near
for battle against your enemies.
Let not your heart faint.
Do not fear or panic
   or be in dread of them,
for the LORD your God is
    He who goes with you
to fight for you
             against your enemies,
to give you the victory.

                Deuteronomy 20. 3-4

(I love that in the
     face of the overwhelming,
God does not say,
     to get out there by yourself,
     or get a grip,
     or don't be a baby.
But He promises,
  "Do not fear.
   I am with you."
Sometimes that realization
       is the victory.
Sometimes that reality
   is the most powerful witness.
Our foes are anything we fear,
       both real and imagined.
Every one of us
            struggles with something.
God does not just give us
    the strength and courage
to walk with Him through it.
   He gives us His hand.)

We may not understand
   what we are going through,
   how it fits,
   or why,
but we can trust You in it.
Help us to hold Your hand
        and don't let go.
Thank You
    not just for going with us
but for going before us.
You redeem all the pieces
     and all the trails.
You draw us closer to You
  and transform us
       one degree at a time.