Then once more
you shall see the distinction
between the righteous
and the wicked,
between one who serves God
and one who does not
serve Him.
Malachi 3. 18
(Not a matter of affiliation
but affection.
We are what we love.
As believers
and followers of Christ,
our lives should be marked
and distinguished
by what we choose,
what motivates
and energizes us,
what we love,
what we talk about,
how we respond,
what we seek and pursue,
how we love others,
how we choose to spend time,
how (and with what) we share,
how we live selflessly
and faithfully,
and Whose name we bear.
One who has been forgiven
and extends forgiveness
cannot help but live differently.
Not marked by what
we have done,
but what God
has done in us.)
Enlarge our hearts
that we would see differently
and respond as one
who has been loved by You.
May we serve You
even in that which
doesn't look like service
but sheer love.
Help us to faithfully sow
and plant and nurture
that You would bring fruit
beyond our lifetimes,
just as others
we may not even know
provided fruit in our lives.
May we be marked
and known as Yours.
May we know and find
Your grace
to help in time of need.
(Hebrews 4. 16)
Help us to live differently
into this day
and into the new year
that You have given to us.