Tuesday, November 30, 2021


...which we have heard,
which we have seen
          with our eyes,
which we looked upon
and have touched
          with our hands
concerning the word of life...

              1 John 1. 1

(When we are on the witness stand
         in a court of law,
we are expected to tell the truth.
When we are before others
        in the court of life,
we are also obligated
       to tell the truth
    about what we have experienced.
This is not just our story,
but our testimony
--the evidence or proof
    of our experience,
    an open declaration--
as a witness before others
     and as God is our witness.
This is what God is
          doing in my life,
this is who God is,
this is how I know Him.
Am I open with others
about my relationship with Him?
Revealing that which we have seen
and heard and looked upon,
touched and been touched.)

What we are experiencing
is not just our story,
but Your story in us.
You walk with us
          in our struggles,
You bring Your strength
      to our heart and bones.
You bring the triumph
and Your glory,
no matter what happens.
You don't need our successes
and blue ribbons
and achievements
     to bring glory to You.
Give us the courage
  to testify openly before others
what You are doing
             in our lives.
What people know about us
   is based in what they see
   and what we talk about.
Help us to seize opportunities
   to tell Your story in us.
We never know who is listening.
We never know
        how You are using us.
More than we can fathom.

Monday, November 29, 2021


When Daniel knew that
the document had been signed,
he went to his house
where he had windows
   in his upper chamber
open toward Jerusalem.
He got down on his knees
three times a day and prayed
and gave thanks
          before his God,
as he had done previously.

              Daniel 6. 10

(For Daniel, it was not crisis,
but business as usual,
his first response to pray,
his source of strength
           not hidden.
But just another opportunity
to be faithful to God
       in plain sight.
Not "look at me,"
       but look to God.
Daniel's daily practices
formed his character,
empowered his actions
           and attitudes,
and deeply entrenched
               his faith,
so that he saw,
and responded differently
        to any circumstance.
This was not his first difficulty,
         nor his last.)

No matter what is before us
      in this day or season,
may we be faithful to You.
Grant us Your strength
    that we may follow You
and testify to You
         before others,
no matter the circumstances,
May faithfulness be seen
   in all that we do and say,
how we come before You,
how we live before others,
both in times of favor
               or turmoil.
Be glorified, O LORD,
      even in this.

Sunday, November 28, 2021


Whoever works his land
will have plenty of bread,
but he who follows
       worthless pursuits
will have plenty of poverty.
The faithful will abound
                 with blessings...

              Proverbs 28. 19-20

(When we are faithful
to cultivate
the one square foot
          patch of ground
that God has entrusted
   each one of us,
God multiplies blessings
  that reverberate
  throughout the world.
God does not grant
      enough to share,
not even limited to leftovers,
but goodness in every degree.
Serving God faithfully
        is never insignificant.
Through every act of grace,
every opportunity for kindness,
every patch of dirt cultivated,
God transforms the landscape.
We are so myopic
  to what we see God can do
through us.)

May we be faithful
with our time,
our talent,
and what You have
   placed before us.
May we be steadfast
in our work
and vision
and attitudes
to serve You for Your glory,
no matter where
    You place us today.
Multiply our work
for the goodness of this world,
even in what we
         cannot yet see.
You have placed us
    for Your glory
    and purposes
even in this.
If we only knew
  how You are using us,
we would not hesitate.
We can trust that
       You are working
        as we work.

Saturday, November 27, 2021


For this reason,
make every effort
  to supplement your faith
                       with virtue,
and virtue with knowledge,
and knowledge with self-control,
and self-control with steadfastness,
and steadfastness with godliness,
and godliness
         with brotherly affection,
and brotherly affection with love.

                 2 Peter 1. 5-7

(Every one of these qualities,
    every one of these strengths,
don't just show up on our doorstep,
but are based and deeply rooted
  in intentional daily decisions.
Every effort,
every opportunity to practice,
allows ourselves to train
    and engrave these strengths
          layer by layer,
          step by step,
    choosing to do something new.
What we face is not a hardship
            nor an affliction
            nor a pothole,
but an opportunity to practice
    what leads us deeper in Him.
"The proof of desire is
               in the pursuit."
          -- Chris Davis.)

May we not just be aware
of these qualities,
but practice them in our lives
      and before others
that we may know You more.
May our journey and outcome
        be radically transformed
by practicing these strengths,
     over and over again.
Each step changes
   the trajectory of our lives.
How differently we can
approach and respond
           in daily life
because of Your Presence
   and residence in us.
Grant to us the mind of Christ
    in whatever we do today,
    wherever we go,
    among whomever we are.
Glory be to You, O God.


Friday, November 26, 2021


...but there is
   a God in heaven
who reveals mysteries...

         Daniel 2. 28

(And that makes
    all the difference
in whatever we face.
It is not a mystery
              to Him,
but His hand
and His redeeming.
in His way,
in His timing,
for His glory.
Even if we do not understand,
         He does.)

May we know that
because of You
we do not just have hope,
   but we can know You.
Help us to trust You
   even more
in whatever we face.
We are not in this alone.
     You are with us.
  We need not fear,
      just to be faithful to You.
Even in this.
You weave Your glory
   seamlessly through it.

Thursday, November 25, 2021


be prepared
to make a defense
          to anyone
who asks you
for a reason
  for the hope that is in you,
yet do it with
   gentleness and respect.

           1 Peter 3. 15

(People are always watching
to see how we respond
in both favor and failure,
to see if God is real,
to see if God really makes
   a difference in how we live.
May they see us
    not just as nice people,
but those who know
     what grace means
     and bear a living hope
on which we have
            staked our lives.)

Help us to always
       be prepared,
not just with reasons
   and a firm defense
   of carefully selected words,
but with a heart overflowing
    with love for others
no matter the circumstances.
Show us how, O LORD,
to see difficulties
as an opportunity
   to practice grace in this.
And with a different heart
to surprise other people
with an unexpected response.
Because we can.
That is the love spilling over
that You place in our heart
and Your grace
    we have come to know.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Grateful to God for you.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021


For this is a gracious thing,
mindful of God,
one endures sorrows
while suffering unjustly.

          1 Peter 2. 19

(Not caught up in
what is fair
          or not fair,
But even in this, knowing
God weaves His grace
       seamlessly into it,
nothing random at all,
   but eternal.
He gives His strength
to endure this situation.
He gives His grace
   to bring to the table.
Not "where are You, God?"
but knowing He is
   already redeeming it.
Knowing He is.
The LORD is here.
           Present tense.
Even in this.)

You are here among us,
not dependent on circumstances
    --favorable or not.
But Your Presence
           is present tense.
And You have strategically
          placed us
for Your glory
and for the blessing
and provision those around us.
Help us to not just
         be mindful of You,
but embrace the mind of Christ
   in whatever situation we are in,
realizing the suffering
   and struggling of others.
Help us to show grace
which is always
    an unexpected response.
Help us to approach
         the hard stuff
 with a new heart
because we love You.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021


This is the offering
that you shall make...

         Ezekiel 45. 13

(What if I viewed
this hardship,
these difficult people,
this tight spot,
this sacrifice of my time,
     talent and treasure,
this givenness,
the tight corners,
the upward slope,
this miry bog,
this plain old hard work
  that overflows its banks,
   as an offering to God?
Am I willing
   to walk this path with God?
Am I willing for Him
   to use it for purposes
   beyond my vision?
Can I view it as worship?
Not just having a
       fresh attitude about it,
but a new heart.)
You never promised
that our path or life
would be easy,
but that You are with us
and You bring the strength.
Help us to see hard things
with new eyes
            and a new heart,
knowing that
      nothing is random
and no sacrifice
    is ever insignificant.
You are redeeming all things.
We just cannot see it yet.
Help us to know You more
    not just in the outcome
    but along the way.
Even in this.

Monday, November 22, 2021


May grace and peace
    be multiplied to you.

         1 Peter 1. 2

(God's fundamental
     law of mathematics:
He does not just add.
    God multiplies.
He is not limited by
   adverse circumstances.,
      but redeems them.
God's grace and peace
   are not intended
   to be kept for ourselves.
But spill over
   into the lives of everyone
   around us.
What am I bringing
      to the table today?
What aroma lingers?)

You fill us with Your grace
      and peace
into the most volatile situations.
Bless this time with what
cannot be understood
     if not for You.
May we realize our own
      need for grace
that we may willingly share it,
even in unlikely places,
   and in unexpected ways,
among those who need it
Grace is never earned
         nor deserved.
Your peace is not
   the absence of conflict,
but Your Presence into it.
Please change our hearts
     by Your grace and peace
that our with-ness with You
   is a clear witness to others.
Multiply Your grace and peace
not just as a blessing given,
     but as a way of living.
O Almighty, diffuse the volatile
by what we bring with us.
And that would be You.


Sunday, November 21, 2021


...the garments
in which they minister,
for these are holy.

             Ezekiel 42. 14

(A habit is a long loose garment
            worn by a member
            of a religious order.
     It is what distinguishes them.
But a habit is also
              a regular practice
that establishes a pattern of living.
The garments we have ready
and choose to wear into our day,
mark us by bearing His name
    wherever we are
    and among whomever..
Our clothing is more than appearance,
even surpassing daily practices,
by equipping us with
pockets full of grace and love,
ready and watching,
doing and being,
the marks and ministry
        of the faithful.
Grace is always
    the most appropriate clothing
    for any occasion.)

Help us to choose this day
to be ready and willing
   to minister to You,
     and to those around us,
with a wardrobe of love,
joy, peace, patience,
kindness, goodness,
faithfulness and self control.
May we be aware
of where we are,
among whom we are,
    and Whose we are.
Help us to be ready,
dressed and shoes tied on
to bring You honor
  in the most unlikely places
  and among the most unexpected.
May we be aware
          of the holy ground
          of ministering this day..


Saturday, November 20, 2021


So whoever knows
the right thing to do,
and fails to do it,
     for him it is sin.

        James 4. 17

(What has God
placed on my heart to do?
Have I responded to Him?
Ignored Him?
Argued with Him?
Left that nudge
  at the bottom of my inbox?
Sin is not
       just what we have done,
but chosen to leave undone.
Sin is not failing in our doing
    but failing to do.
As my granddaughter surmised,
   "Sin is missing out."
Indeed, we are the ones
         who are missing out,
because no detail
              is insignificant,
and there are
         no small obediences.
Am I seeking the LORD in this?
God invites us into His work
and delights in us
        to be part of it.)

When we seek You,
entire new landscapes
     open to our eyes.
There are not just new doors
   but incredible adventures
                    to explore,
   even right where we are.
Forgive our complacencies
  when we are blinded by self
       and ignore Your nudges.
We have left so much undone
that would have/could have/
              should have
         brought glory to You
and goodness into this world.
May it be seen
           in tangible ways
   that You are among us.
May Your love
      and our love for You
be manifest in the restoration
         of broken lives
         in this broken world.

Friday, November 19, 2021


...look with your eyes,
and hear with your ears,
and set your heart upon
all that I shall show you,
for you were brought here
in order that
I might show it to you.

               Ezekiel 40. 4

(Don't miss a thing.
Nothing random in this.
This is why you are here,
strategically placed
        for His Kingdom,
        for His glory
to bring His name there.
God is revealing Himself
      even in this.
God is already redeeming
   deeper than we can grasp.
And He is using us
to make Himself known
   in this foreign land.
Be faithful in this.)

You redeem
all the awkward pieces
and impossible situations
and fearful places.
Help us to trust You
  even right where we are
or what we are walking into.
Your steadfast love
             endures forever.
Help us to walk
     with You in that reality.
Help us to trust You
    even in the scary places.
Help us this day
      not to miss a bit
      of Your glory in this.

Thursday, November 18, 2021


The hand of the LORD
    was upon me,
and He brought me out
in the Spirit of the LORD
and set me down
in the middle of the valley;
    it was full of bones...
And He said to me,
"Son of man,
        can these bones live?"
And I answered,
    "O Lord GOD,
             You know."

             Ezekiel 37. 1, 3

(What in the world
    am I doing here
in this barren, forsaken place?
The point is not what I see.
   It is what God knows.
God breathes life
      into the impossible.
God says,
"Now watch what I do with this."
His love and faithfulness
are not limited
     by what appears.
God redeems.
            Even this.)

Help us to see things
             differently today,
not as a place of despair
and difficulty and hardship.
But to look and respond differently
        as a believer in You.
Breathe Your power
     into this situation
     that appears lifeless.
Even among the dry bones,
   Your love and faithfulness
   change the landscape,
not just our view of it
   but Your reality in it.
O Lord God,
           You know.
Help us to be faithful
  even in what
  we do not yet see.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021


And the land that was desolate
     shall be tilled...
And they will say,
"This land that was desolate
has become
like the garden of Eden..."

            Ezekiel 36. 34-35

(God sees this place,
these difficult circumstances,
this hard time differently.
This is not
    the end of the story.
God redeems.
Our work is not to despair,
     but to restore.
Till the land
        beneath your feet.
No matter how barren
    it may appear,
    God brings new life to it.)

Even when things around us
are shrouded by bleakness,
You are already at work
          in us and through us.
It is not that You will show up.
It is that we are the ones
             late to the party.
Help us, O LORD,
not just to see differently
but to live in Your newness.
You are bringing something new
        to every desperation.
Help us to be faithful
       and grateful to You,
even before we see the outcome.
You are changing the landscape,
right before our eyes.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021


I will make with them
a covenant of peace
and banish wild beasts
       from the land,
so that they may dwell
  securely in the wilderness
and sleep in the woods...
They shall dwell securely
and none shall
        make them afraid.

            Ezekiel 34. 25, 28

(Trusting in God
does not mean
there are no wild beasts,
or nothing to be afraid of,
    but that we can have
          no fear there.
God's peace passes understanding
and prevails despite circumstances.
When we dwell securely in Him,
           we see a new landscape,
    we see beauty in the wilderness,
    we know Him in another dimension,
    we make different choices,
    we live with a new heart,
    and we can enjoy the woods.
Fear locks up the doors,
    and blocks out the light.
Trusting Him
     enlarges our view.)

As we head into this new day,
help us to venture forth
   into the known and unknown,
equipped to see it differently,
to see hard stuff
           not to be defeated by it,
  but to grasp just another opportunity
     to trust You more.
Help us to not miss the wonders.
Thank you that we can
      sleep in the woods,
   not just unafraid
   but live fully in Your handiwork
and reside in peace there
             in Your love.
When we dwell securely in You,
we have the bandwidth
        to love others all around us.
And see You
   and our woods differently.

Monday, November 15, 2021


...and its heart was proud...

              Ezekiel 31. 10

(Pride in the Bible is not
a joy in accomplishment
but making oneself a god,
taking on the grandeur
    of God's rightful place.
Even the world recognizes it
   as haughtiness
   and despises it as arrogance.
Pride is the beginning of downfall,
the point of making different decisions,
a shift in perspective or vision,
and a change in trajectory
that puts self on the throne,
    the focus of the spotlight.
Everything shifts.
And never ends well.)

Help us to keep our eyes
           on You
that we may follow You
and bring glory and honor to You
          and not to ourselves.
You are the beginning of wisdom.
Help us to seek You
and not be distracted
or claim for ourselves
     the glory due Your name.
Keep us from the crime
  of claiming what is
              rightfully Yours.
May all that we do
   point others to You.
May all that You do
   be recognized
         and acknowledged
   by how we live.

Sunday, November 14, 2021


For the moment
all discipline
     seems painful
     rather than pleasant,
but later it yields
the peaceful fruit
   of righteousness
to those who have been
       trained by it.

            Hebrews 12. 11

(See this situation differently,
not as hardship
      or affliction
      or woe is me,
but as training
       and strengthening
for the time we are in,
      for the time to come,
the now and the next,
or for the welfare
  and inspiration of others.
Every runner knows
that every step,
every effort,
every workout,

Help us to not shrink back
from the discipline
that makes us stronger
                in You.
Help us to realize
You are preparing us
   for what is to come
   and for what is now
   and even for today.
Help us to get up
and not just do something
but embrace it
and keep our eyes on You
       through it.
We may not know why
   but we can trust You in it.

Saturday, November 13, 2021


A continual dripping
            on a rainy day
and a quarrelsome wife
            are alike...

          Proverbs 27. 15

(Have I even considered
     what I sound like?
Have I even considered
   what I am bringing
             to this situation
and how it is impacting
  everyone around
             and even me?
     never helps.)

Help us to consider
how powerfully our words
        influence others
and impact even our own attitudes.
Help us to see our words
    and responses
    as a huge witness
         of a transformed heart.
May our words
     bring Your light and peace
to a volatile situation
    or to a dark cloudy day.
Confirm Your Word in us
   that we may love others
                even more.

Friday, November 12, 2021

So you will be
   a sign to them,
and they will know
   that I am the LORD.

         Ezekiel 24. 27

(Whatever we are experiencing,
how we approach it,
how we respond to the situation
     and to those in it,
is an opportunity
    to point others to God.
People are always
          watching us,
not to see if we are
     perfect or imperfect,
   but to see if God is real.
In whatever we confront,
what do we do
because we are believers?
Does anyone see
anything different in us?)

May we be a witness to You
in whatever we face today,
whatever we do
      and how we do it.
May we have
     the mind of Christ in this.
And that is going to
not just look different,
but take us on
   a different journey
   and to a different outcome.
Sometimes we just need
   to be the strength for others.
Sometimes others are
      looking not at us
but looking for You.
Help us to be a sign
   to trust You .


Thursday, November 11, 2021


...let us draw near
...let us hold fast
...And let us consider
how to stir up one another
to love and good works,
not neglecting to
             meet together,
as is the habit of some,
but encouraging one another,
and all the more
as you see the Day drawing near.

              Hebrews 10. 22-25

(Community is not just
   the habit of meeting together
but of meeting needs
by stirring up one another
   to love God,
   love others,
   and love each other.
And let us consider
what we are bringing
        to the table
to encourage others.
Not should we help,
           but how?
We learn how to respond
  by mimicking
      the contagious grace
               in our midst.
Love for others and each other
gets all over everything
      like an indelible marker.
And points to Jesus.)

Help us to know
that You have placed us
in awkward situations
and volatile places
and the shadowlands
to bring Your name there.
Show us how to love others
          and make You known.
May You even today
   strengthen us
   even in difficulty,
to seek You in it,
and encourage others
       right into Your Kingdom.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021


Let Your glory
   be over all the earth!

           Psalm 108. 5

(No matter what we face
     in the day ahead,
whether favorable
   or whatever we fear,
our struggles
   or our triumphs,
may God's glory
      get all over it.
Even in this.)

It never occurred to me
   to pray for Your glory
                  in this.
We pray for answers
and solutions
and even rescue helicopters,
but our myopic vision
prevents us
     from trusting You
and what You are doing.
May Your glory
   get all over everything,
not just in the outcome.
May our hearts be changed
     by what we pray
     and Whom we seek.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021


For He shatters
  the doors of bronze
and cuts in two
  the bars of iron.
...He turns a desert
  into pools of water,
a parched land
  into springs of water.

           Psalm 107. 16, 35

(God lays another new day
         before us,
full of appointments
           and big rocks,
and opportunities
           to trust Him into it.
What we see as impossible,
   God says,
   "Now watch and see
    what I do with that."
The impossible does not mean
     our story is over
         and results in despair.
God is working yet.
This difficulty,
this struggle,
this dark and miry bog
is not the end of our story,
but we have only
come to the exciting part,
   the point of redemption.
The outcome may not be
   --probably will not be--
what we expect,
but God is there.
He is unfolding
yet another dimension
             of Himself.
This is not
      the end of the story.
Not even close.)

We find ourselves
   not just between a rock
             and a hard place,
but once again in Your hands,
even in impossible situations.
Grant to us the courage
  to push back the darkness
by praying, listening
         and responding to You.
This is not a place of despair
but another opportunity
to see You at work
and point others to You.
And another exciting chapter
  in our chronicle
           of Your faithfulness.
You are good,
Your steadfast love
     endures forever,
and Your faithfulness
              has no end.
On that reality,
   we can stake our lives.

Monday, November 8, 2021

They served their idols,
which became
       a snare to them.

            Psalm 106. 36

(What is distracting me
from my relationship with God?
What is nurturing me?
An idol
       --whatever it is--
is always a snare.
There are no small idols.)

Help us to not just
     be aware of you
but to have the
             mind of Christ.
Help us to approach
this day, this week,
  this impossible situation
because we love You.
May distractions fade away
  from our pursuit of You,
not exchanging
       one thing for another,
but staking our lives on You.
Keep us wise in our choices,
keep us faithful in our walk.
Align our hearts with Yours.
Affirm and confirm
       Your Word in our hearts.


Sunday, November 7, 2021


...and make the dry tree flourish.

               Ezekiel 17. 24

(No matter the struggle,
no matter the dismal landscape,
in spite of the drought,
beyond how it appears,
God's faithfulness
   is producing fruitfulness.
We have only to
          trust Him
          even in this.
With God,
   this is never
   the end of the story.
God redeems
     in ways we cannot
     even imagine.
God brings flourishing
  far deeper than
  what is on the surface.
We can choose despair
    or the Almighty.
God is working still.)

When all looks rather bleak,
help us to trust You
            all the more.
This is not the end of the story
   but only the exciting part
   of Your redeeming.
We cannot comprehend
  the vastness of Your work.
We see a dry withered tree.
You see a deep green forest.
We live only in the now.
But Your grand narrative
             is forever.
Redeem, O LORD,
             for Your glory.
May trusting You
   be our first response.

Saturday, November 6, 2021

He rebuked the Red Sea,
and it became dry,
and He led them
       through the deep
  as through a desert.
So He saved them
  from the hand of the foe
and redeemed them
  from the power of the enemy.

            Psalm 106. 9-10

(We are clueless
about what God has done
  --and is doing--
to guide, provide,
  and to protect us
  in ways we are not aware,
even when we don't realize it,
far more than we will ever know.
But one thing we can know:
   "Trust Me in this."
Sometimes we see the danger,
     sometimes we don't.
We all have Red Seas
             in our lives.
But God does not leave us
      alone on the shore.)

We see the impossibilities
       daunting before us.
We don't know the way through.
But You are providing a way
         that we don't yet see.
Not just a solution
              or an answer
or a rescue vehicle,
but Your strength
when we keep our eyes on You.
Help us to trust You
            on the dry ground.
Help us to trust You
  even when we have to
            get our feet wet.
May we bring glory to You
  on the banks of the sea
  and even in its midst.
You are saving us
   from whatever we fear.
You are working powerfully.
You are redeeming.
We just don't see it yet.
But we can still trust You.


Friday, November 5, 2021


...in their sight.

         Ezekiel 12. 3-7

(This admonition is
repeated 7 times
   in the space of 5 verses.
When a phrase is repeated,
       take it to heart.
Live out your relationship
    with God --
His grace and forgiveness
   and love and goodness--
before others
            in their midst
that they would see
      and ask "Why?
What kind of person
            lives like that?"
And that they may see
    one who has been
   transformed by God.
One who has a new heart
bears a new operating system,
makes different decisions,
sees and responds
because God's forgiveness
  and grace has changed them.)

You continually surround us
with opportunities to
love others right into Your kingdom.
Help others not
         to see us as different
      but to see You differently.
Life with You does not just
            look different
   but brings a new heart to it
and Your unexpected Presence.
May Your with-ness in us
   be a witness to others
that You are here
       and that You love them too.
Help us to live that way
        in their midst.

Thursday, November 4, 2021


Then I looked
    and behold...

          Ezekiel 10. 1

(When we seek God,
He reveals something
         very different to us,
a new way to see
      the same circumstances,
how to approach difficulty
     (or even favor),
and how to respond.
No matter what
we are going through,
God redeems and provides
far beyond our own vision
    and even our lifetimes.
When we look,
that which we have
not yet considered before.
We may not see the outcome,
   nor His grand narrative,
but God provides
          the next step
     that lies nearest
and then, look again,
     and there, the next.
"Trust Me in this.")

We cannot know what the day
              may bring,
but we can know
  that we can trust You
  and You are with us in it.
You are sovereign
            and we are not.
There are some things
    we will never understand.
It may not look the way
      we imagined it would be,
but we can seek
  the heart and mind of Christ
                in this.
We can stake our lives
        on our hope in You.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021


O give thanks to the LORD;
call upon His name;
make known His deeds
     among the peoples!
Sing to Him,
sing praises to Him;
tell of all His wondrous works!

                   Psalm 105. 1-2

(There is a strength,
a provision,
a protection
when we dwell upon
and make known
how God is working
          in our lives.
Singing praises to God
tangibly changes
not our perspective
          nor feelings
     but our hearts.
Worry blocks out the light.
Praise increases our vision.)

May we sing not just
   the same old words,
but a new song,
new recognition
   of Your hand
and grace
and goodness to us,
even in what we
   cannot yet understand.
Open to us new ways
   of bringing You praise.
May the songs stuck in our heads
         and our hearts
bless and glorify Your holy Name.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021


But the Spirit
entered into me
and set me
      on my feet.

       Ezekiel 3. 24

(There are times
when everyone of us
has the rug pulled
     out from under us.
There are times
when we have no strength
   to get up on our own.
And that is when
we realize our need for God.
God empowers us
not just to get back
              on our feet,
to see not just
         our own struggles
but to find the grace to help
    in time of need.
God's strength and grace
are never
   individually wrapped,
but more than enough
    to help others
    and not only ourselves.
God does not just redeem.
God multiplies.)

Fill our pockets,
fill our hearts,
fill our vision
      with Your grace.
Help us to come prepared
not just to the table
        set before us,
those situations we expect,
but into this day
  and in all unlikely corners.
Help us to find the strength
   to respond to You
and to bring with us
   Your overflowing
      and unexpected grace.
May others not just
   see a difference in us,
but to see You differently.
Grace to all we
           encounter today.
May Your Spirit
   lift us back on our feet.

Monday, November 1, 2021


But exhort one another
      every day,
as long as it is called "today,"
that none of you
may be hardened by the
   deceitfulness of sin.

              Hebrews 3. 13

(We are all surrounded
  by a clamor of voices,
loud and ever present,
shouting for our attention.
But do we push back
    against the darkness
by speaking truth and grace
    into the lives around us?
How can we daily encourage,
urge, and strengthen others
    in their walk with God?
How can we do that
  in tangible ways today?)

Help us to realize Your with-ness
    and opportunities for
    Your witness through us.
What are we
      bringing to the table?
Help us to be
    the voice of strength
               and encouragement
   in the lives of those around us,
whether believers or seekers,
not where we may find ourselves today,
but wherever You have strategically
                     placed us today.
Your divine encounters.
Your sacred appointments.
Especially those we
              don't expect.