Sunday, January 31, 2021


The disciples went
and did
as Jesus directed them.

        Matthew 21. 6

(Even when it didn't
seem to make sense.
Even when they
   didn't understand.
Even when they didn't
realize the
profound significance
in such a small action.
Responding to God
is never
an insignificant action.
Obedience comes from
the Latin word ob-audire,
which means "to listen
with great attentiveness."
And when we listen
like that, we can't help
      but respond.
And life cannot possibly
    remain the same,
even on the
most ordinary of days.)

You do not shout,
but come to us
with a still small voice,
gentle and loving.
Help us to not just
    seek You,
pay attention,
and hear Your direction,
but to respond to You.
Align our hearts with Yours,
that we would love You
through all we do and say.
Help us to know that
there are
no small obediences.
You build Your strength
     in us in layers.
And if we do not
do the running
in the "little" ways
on the "ordinary" days,
we will do nothing
      in the crisis.

Saturday, January 30, 2021


...for we must take of them
to serve
     the LORD our God,
and we do not know
with what
we must serve the LORD
until we arrive there.

          Exodus 10. 26

(Why am I here,
why am I carrying this,
what is this in my life
or why has God put
this experience
           in my story?
We can never determine
what God will use,
what God is redeeming,
what God is ripening
to bring others to Himself
and deepening
      our intimacy with Him.
Someday we will all
exclaim:  "So that's why
          that happened."
God weaves it seamlessly
  with great purpose
  and design in our lives.
Imagine that!)

Grant us the patience
to stand in the gaps
and stay at our posts
that You will fulfill
how we may serve You.
We will not know
until we get there,
what we will need
   and what You will use,
not what You repurpose,
but what You redeem.
And we will all
     be greatly astonished.
Help us to be ready,
   shoes tied,
   backpack filled,
to serve You
right where we are. 
Your leading is
sometimes "Arise and go."
But more often You say,
"Stay at your post
    and fulfill."
So much is still
    left to be done
that we have overlooked
and You have already
    given us the tools.

Friday, January 29, 2021 that
you may know
that there is no one
like the LORD our God.

        Exodus 8. 10

(Not all about Pharoah,
but for what
Moses was about
     to experience
     and go through,
he himself needed to
absolutely know
and trust the LORD.
"So that"
always reveals
divine purpose,
even in what we
   cannot yet see.
What does it take
for us to trust God?)

We cannot know,
we cannot control
what is coming,
but we can know You
and trust You
as You love us through it.
Help us to follow You
in the every days
that we would
already know how
   to follow You
in the crisis.
Help us to know
that You are the LORD.
Help our lives reflect
a witness to others
the reality of You.


Thursday, January 28, 2021


But the LORD
said to Moses,
"Now you shall see
what I will do..."

        Exodus 6. 1

(God's work
is already in progress.
"Trust Me in this."
We have only
     to be faithful
in what He has
placed before us,
even if we cannot
               yet see.
It may be that
things have not yet ripened,
but also that our own hearts
     are not ready.
God works in
   unexpected ways
and multiple outcomes.
We cannot see
the infinite connections.
Someday on the Other Side,
we will exclaim,
"So that is why!"
Just because we
       don't understand
does not mean
there is not divine purpose
woven seamlessly in it.)

Please help us
to not get ahead of You,
but to follow You
and be faithful in what
and where and whom
You have placed us.
Help us to fulfill Your plans
right where we are,
astonished not by what we see,
but knowing You are working
  beyond what we can see.
Help us to trust You
not just in circumstances,
not just when we
      think we understand,
but because You are God.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021


The LORD said to him,
"What is that
         in your hand?"
He said, "A staff."

        Exodus 4. 2

(How can I serve You
today, O LORD?
What has God given me,
how has He equipped me
and put right in my hands
         to serve Him?
Sometimes the extraordinary,
but most often
what we only see as ordinary.
Nothing is insignificant
        in God's sight.
God can use everything
and anything,
especially a willing heart.)

Help us to know
that You provide
the tools
and strength
and opportunity
to serve You.
Help us to know
that we need
a willing heart
and a mind set on You.
Please empower us
not to miss out
on what You are doing
through us,
even that which we
        cannot yet see.
May we stand firmly
       in the gaps
and at our stations
and be faithful to You
       in all we do.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021


In You
our fathers trusted;
they trusted,
and You
    delivered them.
To You
they cried
and were rescued;
in You
they trusted
and were not
      put to shame.

          Psalm 22. 4-5

(Do our children
and grandchildren,
those who we live
 or work alongside,
those on our path,
know the stories
  of God's faithfulness
  in our lives?
His faithfulness,
His grace and kindness,
His provision
      and deliverance.
His stories woven in our lives
of struggle and victory
are never meant
    for us alone.
But also to encourage
others to know
  that God is real.
Our relationship with God
can reveal to others
that there is not just
   another way through,
but there is far more
             to this life.
Because we trust God,
we approach
the impossible,
the difficult,
the overwhelming,
with a different heart
      and vision.
God is with us.
Watch what God
    does with this.)

Help us to seize
the ordinary moments
to acknowledge
Your faithfulness
and Your Presence
   with us
in tangible ways
and in the words we speak.
Even now,
even here,
even in this,
may we trust You more
and let others know
in You is our strength.

Monday, January 25, 2021


As for you,
you meant evil
     against me,
but God meant it
     for good,
to bring it about
that many people
should be kept alive,
as they are today.
So do not fear.

   Genesis 50. 20-21

(God always has
deeper purposes
woven into this,
beyond what we
can see or imagine.
God's redeeming
is already on the move,
even when we
   don't understand
at the time
or never see
what He is bringing about.
God never works
in singular outcomes.
We have only to
forgive continually,
be faithful
 in what is before us,
and let God use it
for tremendous good.)

Help us to keep our eyes
        on You.
Help us to see You only,
not pursuing
    different perspective
    on circumstances,
but seeking
    a change of heart.
We cannot know
what You are doing
with this difficulty,
but we can know
   You are good,
   You are here,
and redeeming this.
Grant us, O LORD,
Your provision
   to keep us going,
and Your vision
   to follow You.

Sunday, January 24, 2021


...the God who has been
my shepherd
all my life long
to this day...

        Genesis 48. 15

(God is not about
to abandon us now.
"The LORD is my shepherd."
He guides.
He provides.
He cares for.
He protects even from
what we do not see.
He loves us by name,
   more than we can know.
Even in this strange time
or desolate place,
His Presence surrounds us.
God has inscribed
in each one of our lives
a continuous chronicle
of His love and

You bless in ways
we can see
and even in the deeps
that crouch beneath,
far beyond
what we can imagine.
Help us to follow You
in the favorable
and in the desolate,
knowing that
      You are with us.
No matter what. 
We can trust You.
And fear just
      gets in the way.
Align our hearts
          with Yours.
Help us to see
   and respond differently
because we know You.

Saturday, January 23, 2021


...were fruitful
and multiplied greatly.

         Genesis 47. 27

(How we view God
is how we view
both difficult
and favorable.
We choose to approach
    "what if....?"
fearfully or fruitfully.
God is not a variable,
but He on whom we
   can stake our lives.
Don't calculate
     without Him.
God multiplies.
We have only
    to be faithful,
no matter the equation,
whether we understand
        or not.)

We come to You this day
with open hands
and willing hearts
and sharp awareness
    of Your Presence.
Help us to not be
   distracted by fear,
but be fruitful
even in the difficult,
even where
   others see a barren field
   or nothing at all.
You redeem, O LORD.
You multiply
     beyond our vision.

Friday, January 22, 2021


But immediately
Jesus spoke to them
"Take heart;
it is I.
Do not be afraid."

      Matthew 14. 27

(If we knew
that God was in
this difficulty,
and mystery,
would we be afraid?
How differently
we can approach
what is before us
because we know Him.
God does not just
    bring us through,
but to a deeper
   intimacy with Him,
His strength for us
and witness to others.
His Presence
   changes everything.)

You equip us with
   Your strength.
You assure us by
   Your Presence.
Fear only trips us up.
Worry blocks out
any available light.
Trusting You
may or may not change
the circumstances,
but opens up our hearts
    to knowing You more,
what we see,
how we respond,
what we do,
and how we love others
           through it.
You are right here,
walking with us.
You redeem.
You multiply.
You love us more
  than we can know.

Thursday, January 21, 2021


And He did not do
many mighty works
because of their

       Matthew 13. 58

(We are the ones
who miss out on
        the wonders,
when we do not
   come before Him.
Our skepticism does not
limit God,
but impoverishes us
from grasping
all the things of God
we do not see
or realize
or acknowledge.
Are we following Him
into this situation,
not just to see
what He will do,
not just to see the show,
but to know Him?
It is not that there
are no mighty works
         even here,
         all around us,
or what could be done,
but it is our myopic vision,
our preconceived ideas,
our hardness of heart,
our collection of
   colorful distractions,
that blind us to
the surprises,
and what is inexplicable,
    if not for God.)

May we worship You today
no matter the circumstances,
no matter how dark,
or even more, how grey.
Help us to keep
    our eyes on You
that we would realize
even in what
we have never seen before.
Help us to run with You
into this situation
our eyes sensitive,
our hearts wide open,
not for Your mighty works,
    for what You do,
but because
     Almighty is who You are.


Wednesday, January 20, 2021


It is the smallest
   of all seeds,
but when it has grown,
it is larger than
all the garden plants
and becomes a tree,
so that
the birds of the air come
and make nests
       in its branches.

              Matthew 13. 32

(This parable is about
the mustard seed,
a tiny little almost
     unnoticeable seed
with great potential.
What is my mustard seed
  in what is before me today,
that tiny little seed
that doesn't seem to matter
but grows to
       change the landscape.
A kindness, a different attitude,
words and deeds
and caring for others.
The planting of big trees
  is not always obvious.
But there is nothing but nothing
that God does not use
     for His kingdom
   and for His glory.
What am I planting today?
A forest from tiny seeds.)

Help us to know that
all we do is significant
      before You.
Help us to plant Your grace
and love and mercy
in the lives of those
         all around us.
And to be aware
     of the opportunities
to sow and even to
       prepare the soil.
Encourage us to know
that change takes
        time to ripen
and that You, O God,
 provide the growth.
Help us to be faithful
   in planting today,
and even in the unexpected.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021


My steps have
held fast to Your paths.
My feet have
     not slipped.

        Psalm 17. 5

(If we walk with Jesus
in the ordinary,
we know how to
run with Him
in the extraordinary.
When we seek Him
   and His ways
   in the everydays,
we learn how
to navigate the
    treacherous parts.
When we
hold fast to Him
when it doesn't
   seem to matter
and the stakes
   don't appear high,
we know how
to run with Him
when they are.)

Help us not just
to be aware
of Your Presence
          with us,
but to hold tight
and run fast with You.
You are training us
not just to come to You,
but to abide in You.
We have no idea
how significant is
our time with You.
There are long roads
and rocky paths ahead
of each of us,
not to be defeated by it,
but strengthened by You,
we can trust You
             in it
and walk with You
no matter what.

Monday, January 18, 2021


...for the tree
is known by its fruit.

       Matthew 12. 33

(The fruit our lives bear
reveals who we are
and Whose we are
and what others witness
through our relationship
          with Christ.
God bears the fruit,
the ripening of which
we may never live
long enough to see.
We have only
  to be faithful to Him.)

Help us to not view
and successes
and recognition
as visible fruit.
But fruit only in what
points others to You,
and sustains
and brings You glory:
love, joy, peace,
patience, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness, self-control
(Galatians 5.22)
Bear Your fruit in us,
    O Mighty LORD,
even in this situation

Sunday, January 17, 2021


Do not be afraid
  of sudden terror
or of the storm
  of the wicked,
when it comes,
for the LORD will
be your confidence
and will keep
your foot from being

    Proverbs 3. 25-26

(We are continually
in training
and learning to trust
and walk with God,
even in the ordinary
to be prepared
for the extraordinary.
We live in
     a broken world.
We need not
     be afraid,
nor to be surprised
by the storms
when they come.
God is with us now.
God is with us
           even then,
even in hardship,
even in mystery
when we don't understand.
He listens, He answers
in our day of distress
and has been with us
all along,
wherever we have gone.)

Help us to listen,
walk with You,
trust in You
in the every days,
that we know how
to listen, follow,
walk and trust
amidst the hard stuff.
Align our hearts
     with Yours.
Help us learn to
  live and respond
  not in
our own confidence,
but in Yours.
And when the storm
we are ready and able,
not to take cover,
but to help others
   through to You.

Saturday, January 16, 2021


Come to Me,
all who labor and
are heavy laden,
and I will
       give you rest.
Take My yoke
upon you,
and learn from Me,
for I am gentle and
lowly in heart,
and you will find
   rest for your souls.
For My yoke is easy,
and My burden
           is light.

   Matthew 11. 28-30

(Jesus says,
    "Come to Me,"
leave your baggage
and accomplishments
and lack of control,
and failures,
and heavy hearts.
"Let Me embrace you,
let Me help you,
     walk with Me."
God never intended
for us to go it alone.
God never promised
life would be easy
   in this broken world,
but "Fear not. 
I am with you.
Come to Me."
Even with this.
What is Your way
in this, O LORD?
     With Me.)

We tend to blame
         or others,
for our troubles,
when all along it is
our hearts
that are burdened
and out of alignment.
Help us to know
we are not alone,
but You love us
more than we can
We are embraced
          by You.
Align our hearts
            with Yours.
    need not change,
but our hearts.

Friday, January 15, 2021


But even the
hairs of your head
are all numbered.
Fear not,
you are of more value
than many sparrows.

    Matthew 10. 30-31

(God is more intimate
in His love for us
than we can imagine.
God is more personal
than we can realize.
He knows our hearts,
our tears and joy,
our afflictions,
and His hand on us.
God loves us
more than we can
ever think possible.
Even in dire times
and difficult situations,
God is already
    bringing us through.
"Do not be afraid.
   I am with you."
He is holding us fast.)

Help us to cast aside
worry and stress
and just follow You
through this miry bog,
or treacherous terrain,
or deep mystery that is
beyond our grasp.
Fear just blocks out
       the light.
Anxiety over what
is not in our control
gives us baggage
we are not meant
         to carry
and drains us
of all available energy.
But trusting You
leads us on
a different way through.
Help us
to be found in You
and follow You.

Thursday, January 14, 2021


...and you will be dragged
before governors and kings
for My sake,
     to bear witness
before them
and the Gentiles.

           Matthew 10. 18

(Whatever is before us
in this day
and wherever we are,
in the most
     unexpected places
--or the most familiar--
why are we here?
To bear witness
among believers
and non-believers alike.
Not just in the big stuff
but in the most ordinary,
not accomplishments
or successes
   but responding
and not reacting.
Even a solitary kind word
changes the conversation.
People are always
watching us
not to see if we are perfect,
but to see that God indeed
   has changed our hearts.
God works through
   His Spirit in us
in profound
       and mighty ways
of which we are
            not aware.)

You have placed us
in the midst of
this broken world
to bring Your name here.
Help us to be aware
   and faithful to You,
even in the hard stuff,
even especially
in the most unexpected,
to bear witness to You.
Use us, O LORD,
to point others to You.
Wherever we are today,
make us aware
of bearing witness
           before others,
in every deed,
and attitude.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021


I am with you
and will keep you
wherever you go..."
Then Jacob awoke
from his sleep and said,
"Surely the LORD
is in this place,
and I did not know it."

          Genesis 28. 15-16

(And that changes
Even here.
Even in this.
Nothing random.
The LORD is here.
We are exactly where
    He has led us
into His glory and purposes.
Have I considered
     trusting Him in this?
       and responding?
If we knew that
       God was in this,
would we be afraid?
How would we approach
     this differently?)

Trusting in You
is the antidote
   for all anxiety.
Trusting in You
does not just change
our perspective,
but our direction
and what we think,
and pray.
Assure us of Your Presence.
Align our hearts with Yours,
              O Almighty One.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021


They said,
"We can see plainly
that the LORD
has been with you."

           Genesis 26. 28

(This verse reminds me
of another,
"And they recognized
that they had been
with Jesus."
         Acts 4. 13
There is something
different about
    a Christ follower,
and that would be
not an adhesive nametag,
but Jesus abiding
      in one's heart.
"Excuse me,
but your relationship
with Jesus is showing."
And that would be
evident in how we respond
and how we love.
Others are continually
watching to see
if God is real.)

Please come in
and take residence in us.
Direct our thoughts,
appoint Your plans,
mark Your paths,
and align our hearts
           with Yours.
Help us to know
that it is Your love
that changes us
and alters
the course of our lives.
May we be distinguished
and recognized
        as Yours.

Monday, January 11, 2021


And He said to them,
"Why are you afraid,
O you of little faith?"
Then He rose
and rebuked
the winds and the sea,
and there was
    a great calm.
And the men marveled,
"What sort of man is this,
that even winds and sea
      obey Him?"

          Matthew 8. 26-27

(What sort of God
   do we worship?
The Almighty
Who is greater
than our circumstances.
God calls us
not to react,
but to respond to Him.
What do we miss
because of our fear?
One of the first
consequences of the Fall
     was fear.
God didn't say
life would be easy
in the storm
or in this broken world,
but "Do not be afraid.
        I am with you.")

Help us to trust You
when we are
   so overwhelmed,
when we realize
how much we need You.
And help us to realize
how we can respond,
what we can do,
what more that we see,
  when we walk with You
and that You
       are in the boat.
Trusting You
changes what we see.
Trusting You
alters how to respond.
Be multiplied
and magnified in this day,
       O Almighty God.

Sunday, January 10, 2021


before Whom
    I have walked,
will send His angel
with you,
and prosper your way.

         Genesis 24. 40

(We each have a history
and a chronicle
of God's faithfulness.
He is not about
  to abandon us now
  at the side
  of our despair.
God is with us,
guiding and providing,
even in what
   we don't understand,
even in what
   we don't see yet.
It is not a matter
  of God showing up,
but our realizing
  He is already here.
We are the ones
late to the reality,
        not Him.
Before Whom
      I have walked,
past, present
and what is yet to come.)

Help us in our weakness
to dwell on Your faithfulness
and Your Presence.
Help us to trust You,
respond to You,
follow You
and acknowledge You.
You do not just
walk with us
and bring the snacks,
but guide us
on a different way
through what is
    still before us.

Saturday, January 9, 2021


Abraham planted
    a tamarisk tree
    in Beersheba
and called there
on the name of the LORD,
     the everlasting God.

            Genesis 21. 33

(Do we mark God's provision
in our chronicle
of His faithfulness?
Not to remind God,
but that we would remember
His faithfulness
    and His Presence
in the next time of trouble.
God never promised
it would be easy
       in this broken world,
but "Be not afraid.
        I am with you."
The LORD will provide,
sometimes in
       unexpected ways,
always in His glory.
Never forget
His strong hold on you.)

May we plant
a forest of trees
to manifest
Your faithfulness
and goodness
and grace to us.
We have no clue
how infinite
Your faithfulness,
far beyond favorable
   circumstances or
   "answers" to our liking,
but Your Presence
like a million galaxies
exploding into view.
Help us to walk in Your Name
and to mark Your faithfulness
in all we do and say.

Friday, January 8, 2021


Therefore I tell you,
do not be anxious
about your life...
But seek first
the kingdom of God
and His righteousness,
and all these things
will be added to you.

         Matthew 6. 25, 33

(Anxiety is the kingpin
        of fear.
Anxiety distracts,
and drains every ounce
of needed courage
       and energy.
Seeking God first
always provides more
       than we need
and sends us in
   a different direction.
Anxiety means
         missing out.
Anxiety says,
   "What if....?"
God says,
    "Trust Me."
Trusting God is
    never complacent,
but the strongest
action we can do.
Trusting God
pushes back the darkness.
Anxiety just
    stumbles through it.)

In the midst of this
growing pandemic
and social unrest
and suffering,
anxiety has seeped
   through the cracks,
walked defiantly
     through the door,
and taken up residence.
Grant us the strength
     to evict that
prevailing fear
and abide instead
           in You.
Help us to know You more
and know that seeking You
should be our first response,
   not our last resort.
May trusting You
be a beacon to our paths
and a strong distinguishing
      light for others
   out of the darkness.
Trusting You
provides and protects
    with Your Presence.
Help us to not even think
about attempting this
     without You. 

Thursday, January 7, 2021


And the LORD
appeared to him
by the oaks of Mamre,
as he sat at the door
of his tent
in the heat of the day.
He lifted up his eyes
and looked,
and behold.....

            Genesis 18. 1-2

(God does not just
suddenly appear
and disappear,
but He is with us,
even when we
    are least aware,
even on the most
    ordinary of days,
even right
    where we are.
Am I abiding with Him?
Am I responding?
Nothing is beyond
            His grasp,
nothing beyond
           His timing.
He is
       God Almighty.)

In peaceful times
and in tumult,
You are with us,
You are our shield,
Your Presence with us,
Your name is written
             over us.
You say, "Stay with Me,"
   and "Trust me in this."
Help us to realize
that anxiety
     is stepping away,
saying, "I can do this
              on my own."
Your shield, O LORD,
protects and provides
and strengthens
even in what
we consider ordinary.
There are
no insignificant days
or ways
in Your economy.
You are with us.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021


But I say to you...
   Matthew 5. 18, 22, 28
        32, 34, 39, 44

(Whenever any phrase
or word is repeated
in Scripture,
take notice and
underline it in your heart.
God's way is not about
following rules
but following Him.
Not about conforming,
but transforming.
Grace always lives deeper
   into something more,
the other coat,
the extra mile,
not because "I have to,"
but "I get to, I want to."
Not even what we do,
but what He does in us.)

Your hand is before us
      and over us,
our strength and shield.
Help us to be faithful
in whatever
You place before us,
in the momentary details
and the long haul.
Help us to
respond to circumstances,
not be overwhelmed,
because You are with us.
Not our will
         but Yours be done.
Help us to know
Your high road
   is always the best choice.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021


And there he built

an altar to the LORD

and called upon

the name of the LORD.

                   Genesis 12. 8

(Not just praying a minute

or reading His Word a bit,

but building an altar

at the beginning of the day.

Not laying out our agenda

and plans and outcomes

                 for Him,

but letting God

lay out His day for us.

It never occurred to me

to build a daily altar

      before the LORD,

to write His Name

    all over this day.

A burden or anxiety

is simply a concern

that has not been

          brought to Him

    and left there.

A worry is just something

we think God doesn’t

know about or can handle.

At the altar,

we relinquish the control

     we never had at all,

we forgive and are forgiven,

we see God for Who He is

       throughout the day.

God’s day for us

is filled with divine


some of which we

    will never realize,

and with His Presence

deeper than we can know.)



We come before You,

we pray to You,

not to idols

of our own desires

or our own control

or ourselves.

But to You, O LORD,

we build altars

that we would know You

and You would be known.

You are Who we worship,

even today,

even in all we do,

even in this situation.

May we leave altars

all across

the landscape of our lives.


Monday, January 4, 2021


And you,
be fruitful and multiply,
increase greatly
on the earth
and multiply in it.

         Genesis 9. 7

(And you.
That means
each one of us.
New year,
new adventures,
new vision,
new fields
        to be sown,
new forests
        to plant,
    tree by tree,
    seed by seed.
God has granted
   each one of us
a little corner
       of this world
to nurture,
not just to add to,
     but multiply
in every dimension
of His kingdom.)
In His name.
For His glory.

Go before us
and guide us
into this new year.
May we not seek
a set of marching orders,
detailed maps,
step by step directions,
or preconceived outcomes
      but seek You in it.
Guide our thoughts
and align our hearts
as we walk with You.

Sunday, January 3, 2021


Bear fruit
in keeping
  with repentance.

      Matthew 3. 8

(What fruit God bears
in us and through us
     reflects our hearts.
What are we seeking
          in this situation?
The hardest words are not
saying "Sorry, my mistake,"
but admitting
    "I was wrong.
    Please forgive me."
Forgiveness takes care
         of our past regrets.
Repentance is a choice
to turn and take a
    different path forward.
God changes
the course of our lives.)

We mess up.
We make mistakes.
We let selfishness
       sour our hearts.
We come before You
to align our hearts
              with Yours.
Help us to see
all who are before us,
all that is around us,
    with Your heart.
Bear Your fruit in us
  even in the unexpected,
even in what we
   will never realize.
Every day
not just scattering seeds
but planting trees
through our words,
and Your love in us.
Grace always bears
    the sweetest fruit.

Saturday, January 2, 2021


are all who take
refuge in Him.

      Psalm 2. 12

(A refuge is not
a place we deserve
or earn
or build ourselves,
but of His grace
and provision
and protection,
realizing His shield
           over us.
It is not a place of
   avoiding or hiding,
but of His strength,
a place from which
       to go forth
renewed and restored,
abiding in Him.
It is a place where we
lie down our pride
and clothe ourselves
with His love and grace.
A refuge is a shelter
where to flee,
admit our need
and put our trust in God,
a place of hope in God
   in what appears

We come before You
humble and broken,
and in need of Your grace.
Be our refuge, O LORD.
We need You.
Help us to drag our sin
and pride
and anxieties to the altar.
And leave them there,
covered by Your
Strengthen us
  by Your power in us.
And to be faithful to You
  in whatever we do
  and say today,
full of grace
     and kindness,
even in our attitudes.

Friday, January 1, 2021


In the beginning,
God created
the heavens
and the earth.

       Genesis 1. 1

(This is the reality
on which
everything about us
is found
and founded upon,
that on which we can
     stake our lives,
how we view God,
how we see others,
how we see ourselves.
Nothing but nothing
is random,
but instead rising out
of God's sacred order,
the beginning
       of everything.)

As we enter this new year,
we come before You
and realize that
spectacular things
are already in place
and about to
         be revealed,
not even one day
to be regarded
    as ordinary,
but an intricate part
of Your design
    in our lives.
You created us.
You are with us.
You love us.
May we not be
impervious to difficulty
or complacent about
in this coming year,
  even in this day,
but be responsive to You
and write Your name
     over all we are
     and do.